Hello Devs, Time capsule quality item drop rate is pathetic you need to do something about it. I really feel this can easily be solved by either increase drop rate or make it like after a certain capsule garbage opening streak we are guaranteed to get the item we need. when you had that deal last month 40 stabilizers for the price of 30 stabilizers i bought few packs. I thought good deal but why do i feel ripped off? I did not get anything rare by opening notorious capsule around 150 caps come on devs really? Please dont come with the excuse opening caps is optional because there are feats attach to it. Quarks had potential but you manage to mess that up as well. Why dont you make quarks more usefull by letting us buy the collections or other rare item from time capsules we need with quarks? There is so much you can do to make things more fair come onnnn wake up. Regards, El El
Please tell me what you do like? Your approach is pretty negative here While not a dev, here's my impressions: I bought quite a bit of stabilizers and opened more than my fair share of TC's. Some would consider me a "whale" I did not get the ultra rares like the Kryptonian Aura or the Blue Bottled City collection piece (I bought that on my own) I think there is room for improvement such as open X # of TC's and get a guaranteed ultra-rare item. It's a financial investment and I wish there was more to be able to use your Quarks to purchase outright if you don't get the item desired Example: 2000 Quarks for a Kryptonian Aura OR luck drop in a TC Having ultra rare items as an exclusive drop in TC's is a "gamble" if I can use the term that sometimes just does not pan out for the majority of players. RNG modifiers? Maybe something we can buy or obtain to increase RNG chance? Like increased luck for drops
I care less about the styles to be honest i just want the feats that are attached to them. Well im not happy at the moment how devs do things with caps so if im come negative i wont apology for it. Quarks are more for cosmetics stuff thats not my focus,the styles are a good addon. My problem are the feats that are connected to capsules. Is dcuo gambling company?
They won’t change them because obviously it’s working, you just gave them a big chunk of cash for almost nothing didn’t you? You want something to change remove the suction cups from your udders and STOP BUYING INTO THIS CRAP.
I was lucky enough to get the kryptonian aura after just a few TCs in the paradox TC. However In the arcane TC I had to buy the onyx stone to complete the collection and get dark flame aura. I opened hundreds of arcane capsules so the RNG is pretty crazy but that is why those items are ultra rare because they are difficult to get. I am not defending the TC model of this game so please do not take what I wrote here as that Lol. I actually dislike TC but they are present in the game and have items that I want so I have no other choice but to use money or grind stabilizer fragmentation to open capsules or buy off broker but this is a different discussion entirely. I am simply just saying that those items are titled ultra rare for a reason and some of us are lucky to get what we want and some aren't it really just depends on luck. Yes that sucks when we spend actual money on the game but that's the game we play Lol.
There were two good cash caps the first one which had good drop rates and one back a few months ago when the tweaked the drop rates. The drop rates seem to be getting worse with each passing cash capsule.