Throne of the Dead Elite-glitching again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by drkhrt1, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    All of a sudden there have been quite a few threads containing video footage of people beating it, I hope you don't take that into account and just assuming there is a glitch?
  2. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    This was not an April fools joke. I did send a PM to a dev regarding this issue.
    Also be aware in my OP I did and still do give congratulations to those that have beaten Elite the legit way. I am just stating that a favorite "iconic" skill is being used again to beat this raid.
  3. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I know that it has been beating Legit but can you say for 100% sure that no gear gained thur glitching was used by any member of the group. That is what im talking about.
  4. Niguyver New Player

    These is no glitch this is an april fools joke
  5. Requake Dedicated Player

    Even if so, they could have farmed the first and second boss to be 115 and finish it too, it would just have been a bit cheaper for them.
    + I believe their gear was taken away.
    ++ I beat it legit, my gear is legit. Not my problem really, js.
  6. thermalshock2520 New Player

    Bug was reported a few days ago before April fools. People are scrubs and can't beat hard content so they resort to glitching. It is on the PS4 I do not have video evidence I just know from personal experience the group I was with asked everyone to stop their stream so no one would see it and I then left the group. I did send mepps a PM so trust me he knows it exists and I hope he bans every single last person trying to exploit it just to set an example that glitching is not okay.
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  7. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i was on the fence about trying to run the elite raid tonight. now i don't think i'm going to bother.

    however we are about a month away from a new tier of gear which will render all this nonsense moot. i just don't know what to think.

    drop rates for this dlc have been horrendous. you keep getting the same pieces over and over again while not getting pieces you need. everyone is frustrated. last time throne got glitched to death everyone got to keep most of their gear anyway so it was all a big mess of nothing.

    i dont advocate cheating but at this point i just don't care. i just want to move onto the new stuff already.
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  8. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    I don't expect much to be done except another slap on the wrist and maybe retraction of gear. Hopefully they (powers that be) actually enforce some suspensions as clearly people don't GAF and didn't learn the first time around. So much for the Elite :rolleyes: . I'm sure there have been groups that have and continue to beat the content legitimately. For those that continue to cheat your way into elite status, hopefully you get what you deserve. They are part of the toxicity within the game and the community and hopefully DB actually does something to really penalize these dbag B rated palyers. Lame.......
  9. Cirocband New Player

    It's a glitch that involves using an iconic power. Apparently it's not a glitch let some people tell it. Read the iconic power description, they're using it as intended "to protect them from damage."

    Maybe the devs need to put what the iconic power is suppose to be used for or give some scenarios cause apparently everyone has the wrong idea. Lol
  10. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I'm sick of this raid everytime I plan on running it there's a new glitch or this boss is bugged.
  11. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    This is literally what happens every time hard, challenging, content with rewards to further character development is created.

    Players think they are the best of the best and then realize they aren't. Instead of taking that knowledge and figuring out how to shore up their skills, they take it and just look for ways to exploit. It's elitism at its finest.
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  12. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I wonder if there is 2 glitches going on or we may be thinking about the same one OP.
    If it's the one I'm thinking about I am not sure if you can use it to beat hades with.

    But if it is the same one... Then well I'll be damned.
  13. Craven Green Loyal Player

    No April Fools I also know people are glitching it. Healer friend of mine got kicked from a group because she wouldn't glitch it and a tank friend of mine also said he left group because it was being glitched.
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  14. Cirocband New Player

    Question is this really a glitch devs or no? I need a better understanding and clarity and based on you guys' description and notes on when to use clownbox, makes this situation sort of hazy; because, if you go off the description it's being used as intended. Once again maybe you guys need to clear this up with the community and maybe re word the description of clownbox, as well as, suggest scenarios of when it is ok to use clownbox without it being considered an exploit.

    Here's the link though:
  15. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Well..they made it so Clown Box can't be thrown anymore (would would've been enough, but making it a supercharge killed it for people who wanted to use it for fun), that's literally the only thing glitchers used.

    So unless the last update made it throw-able again, idk what its replacement would be at all.
  16. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    Guess this wasn't an April Fool's then? There really is another glitch?
  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Atleast on video i seen i would bet it was done the right way, because most of the group was 114cr
  18. Stark23 Committed Player

    I was cruising through Twitch channels the other night and saw a group doing this. If you don't know what "this" is, there's a link above that explains it.

    As someone else said, this is different from the Clown Box glitches before and would need some clarification from the Devs.
  19. Loche Committed Player

    Clown box cannot be picked up anymore, and it costs a supercharge. This makes it more of a tactical decision. It is not a glitch or exploit, but my personal opinion is that it is cheesy. Personally, I would be more proud of me and my team if we didn't use it.

    Some tanks can encase themselves as a supercharge, it is really not much different from that. Some people are beating it without using clown box, and those people are beast. Clown box is a crutch that some people are using to make up for their inability to do it without. There still are not a ton of people beating it.
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  20. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    "I'm the best around
    Even if in reality I am just a clown
    I'm the best around
    If there is a glitch it will be found"
    - 3Leet Theme Song from PS

    P.S. Welcome to flavor country PC people. One of us. One of us. One of us.
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