Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    GU37 "Rise of the Might Powers"

    Coming SOONTM
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  2. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I was laughing up to I read nawtae's post
  3. terrowshade12 New Player

    Pretty sure dc being fast was its best draw other than the dc theme. Tons of content nope, no bugs nope, great crafting nope, hard raids nope, great story lines not really, balance not even abit, no in ur face cash grabs nope, devs that listen nope, amazing solo content nope, sweet perks for being legendary nope, could go on but i think you get were this going
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  4. Davis New Player

    We knew this was coming the game has completely slowed down, what made this game unique from other mmo's was its gameplay mechanic now its just like other mmo's. Being a troller im actually liking some of the changes people are using less power because they cant spam like they used to so thats good, i think dps will just have to get used to it because we complained for about this update for about month and they ignored us so its here just accept it and move on. Just keep warm in your thoughts that ESO is about 3 months away.
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Think many people are getting on the screwthisfornow train and riding it straight to nopesville.
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  6. Thrump New Player

    isn't ESO out already
  7. Sylo Committed Player

    I think this in large part is the problem mepps. You guys apparently are still listening to a select few when it comes to changes to the game. You put up an entire sub forum dedicated for the community to "help" you guys with feedback and what not, but its mostly all smoke and mirrors to make the community think you want input from them all. But at the end of the day you all just sit down with your select few and make decisions based off their input. Maybe its time to disband the so called community council, distance yourself from the selective process and start listening to the community as a whole for a change.

    FYI, I am not against the update but I am against the way you guys continue to incorporate changes. If this handful of select players can finance the game without the rest of us then so be it.
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  8. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    XD funny because all the old school raids were hard when they first came out. There are no cash grabs in this game, the devs do listen. Perks for kegendary are fine, and yes the story lines are great. If you only played this game for the speed of combat your doing it wrong
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  9. terrowshade12 New Player

    Less powers good but wait till poeple find out with weapon mastery that you can do most content with just 1 troll 5 dps doing mostly weapon master similar to when celestial first came out. Lol any way yeah cant wait for eso its even got clipping like dc on top of sweet 500vs500vs500 castle siege pvp and really in depth crafting system.
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  10. OGM_Madness New Player

    You can't blame the Devs for trying to change the game up and keep it current/appeal more users, but you cannot condemn players for not liking these changes either.

    I will stick around until my Legendary Sub expires and then I'll make a decision of sticking around or moving on (bought 1 year last October). I'll try to make things work and acquire a taste for it... but personally, I'm not liking the changes.

    The changes might not seem major, but they impact the "fluidity" of the game a lot and everything feels sluggish. On an age of next-gen consoles, DCUO seems like it took a step backwards and it has started talk among mates about "look what this other game is doing" or "have you heard about this game", which is not good for DCUO.

    Also, most players stuck with this game for years because they wanted to make their toons stronger. They grind and endured some of the worst feats for a mere 5pts bonus on a stat of 4000. Overnight you take away 300-400pts? The player that grind 25000 exobits in order to complete a SP to get 5 DOM on a healer who had all resto maxed out already... and the next day, he finds that he just lost 300 Resto... it leaves a bad taste. We might have had too much restoration, but you don't just take that away from the player! If Healers have 5000 Resto, then T6 has 6000 and players have 20,000HP and Enemies do 18,000 dmg, soon the Restoration seems like its not enough.

    Either way, most people QQ'ing will flock back when WM comes out and they get new group activities to enjoy in the game (1 alert lol). Once they unlock the mastery and they see pretty numbers pop, you'll see the complains reduce. But the people who stuck around since the beginning, if they can't pass the sluggish feel & the new funny animations (baseball & bowling), you can't condemn them for feeling cheated.

    Okay, now back to the game... to see what new kinks I can find.
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  11. C3alix Committed Player

    lol everybody says they're going to quit something when they can't learn to adapt. It reminds me of when COD wasn't going to have dedicated servers for the PC and more than half of the community said they weren't going to purchase it, yet their PC sales were pretty high.
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  12. Ghostof91 New Player

    This sums it up for me pretty much!
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i dont see it..
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  14. bu6l9 New Player

    gadgets is fun because Its fast it got hit really bad slowing it down is just destroying it .
    Devs want us to accept WM is the the only way they trying to sell it really hard .
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  15. Bokugo New Player

    I quite literally laughed out loud when I used Singularity on my Quantum. Its just too goofy lol.

    And Im not a big fan of the pause in some of Celestials combos but its not too bad. Its just slightly UGGGH annoying. Besides those powers hit like trucks anyway.

    I can see the legitimacy of the complaints with speed though. I just wish everything was a tad faster.
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  16. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    Don't get me wrong, I applaud the devs for trying to balance the game but this isn't the way to go. Just my opinion. I'll stay until my sub ends but I don't think I'll be on longer than that
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  17. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Anyone notice the Adds hitting MUCH harder in t5 content than they used to? In A&B, the Sinestro corp adds which normally hit from 300-1000 were easily hitting for over 3-4k. Im not complaining just noticing a change
  18. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I think the GG and NG animations are and were unnecessary, but I can adjust to the speed of gadgets. Feels a little wonky and like Im lagging a little with gadgets post gu36. Its like playing and used to the speed of Soul Calibur and going back to the speed of Tekken and getting readjusted to Tekkens speed.

    Anyone else notice a hit in might and a small increase in precision? Lost over a 100+ might and gained 10 precision. Stats on gear appear to eb the same though.....
  19. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I felt like i was hitting the sparring target with A stuffed giraffe when using chainsaw today on usps. Its kinda difficult/unreliable to use when you look at the damage and speed of execution. Its not that its too fast or too slow its just awkward. The first hit is fast the second hit is much slower, the 3rd hit is like medium slow and the last hit is ehhhhhhh. Havent gotten to lightweight yet. My current rotation works fine for me. Needs a bit more tweaking and i should have it down perfect
    Shielding,Chainsaw, and triage are some of the hardest powers to actually utilize, you have to understand
  20. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    When I was testing, I found that I liked going from 1 chainsaw hit, to 2 chainsaw hits, then I would Chainsaw-Hold, and then immediately chainsaw-tap twice again, sometimes switching to Minigun. But that's just personal preference, YMMV. :)

    *Added* I want to comment that I almost always threw in a quick power to Daze first, the PI's make a world of difference, particularly once you start in with WM combos. It's not as visible now, but I got sick numbers doing it in Test.