Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Burnt New Player

    Regardless, you told them to give their stuff to a stranger, which is a pretty stupid post in all honesty. I still stand by my post, who would give their stuff to a stranger rather than their friends?
    You're on ignore for being a fool. Reply to yourself, I'll never see it :D
  2. thenewkidd New Player

    So if I don't specify.. it's giving it to a stranger... but I have to actually specify "Give it to a friend" for it to count as such?

    Wow... That sounds... interesting...

    Let me ask you...
    Do you do a lot of assuming when you read these posts to fit your agendas?

    Wouldn't it be up to the person giving away the stuff to decide who to give it to... if I said "Give your stuff away"... wouldn't the OP decide at that point to give it to a "Friend" or not...

    but you are right.. I guess I should retract my statement and actually spell things out word for word because people on the internet assume WAY too much

    OP... give your stuff to a "Friend" since you are quitting the game.. You have no need for it. Wouldn't want people to assume that when I say Give your stuff away that they automatically assume I mean to a stranger...
  3. Dene Devoted Player

    Ok fair enough.. just don't beat on us who want to stay :p fair enough ? :)
  4. Dene Devoted Player


    but I get your point.. game would be free.. all gear would be in first run etc
  5. Dene Devoted Player

    No Air

    Some people just don't play it like you do.. did you read the point of all these updates? I can play in a different style now where i do not have to clip everything in sight.. how is that bad ???

    Not sure what power you are today (gadgets, im guessing?) but my guess is you are good enough to get a "beast" loadout and be the king of dps again :)
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  6. Dene Devoted Player

    Heyya Tech

    re:No.1 I'm with you on that one.. others may enjoy it but they aren't my thing.. but meh.. not a big deal

    re: no 4 and Catwoman.. she is a kinda bounty for a feat called "knight moves" or something similiar.. its a bunch of batman Villians you need to defeat each one abd you get a feat :) - in most cases people can solo or just grab a friend and look for them

    Hope this helps :)
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you are now the
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