Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I've heard people say their stats went down some... it has to be a skill point issue or something. I gained over 300 might and 200 prec with the update. Restoration more like 500+.
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  2. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    It's not an attitude, it's an unfortunate admission of fact.

    And I make no attempt to be rude at all, simply stating that it might be in your best interest to find enjoyment elsewhere if this is not a game you enjoy anymore. That is a reality all of us will have to face eventually, moving on. Just some will do it sooner than others.

    I bother because complaints like, when done in their manner in this scenario, leave a black mark, a stain that can be seen by anyone who might choose to consider this game. You attack something that I feel in agreement with, therefore it is pure human nature to want to defend the choice. We simply have differing opinions, you and I. I never stated anywhere that I wanted to prevent anyone from expressing anything. Also I never anywhere did I use the term "useless" that you are quoting me with. My apologies if you misread somewhere.

    My point here is that everyone, including you and I, have the right to there opinion on this, however, at this time, opinion is all it is.

    Some people like this change, some people justifiably don't. Unfortunately, until there is unified opinion on this update, it won't change at all in the face of all the efforts and resources that they have put into it up to now.

    Voicing your opinion, is good, and encouraged! However to expect reality to be swayed because of it is a bit shortsighted.

    This update is going to stay as is, and short of persuading the entire DCUO to one opinion, there is nothing you or I can do to change that.
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  3. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Mine did too but when i did a respec for wm i ended up with 100 mire than i had
  4. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I am a Vet player (started Feb 2011) and the OP doesn't speak for me. I am really enjoying WM and all the new mechanics.

    I have used the Bow since the beginning as I can easily remember the combos that do the most damage and give me the fastest power back (limited extra space for new information in my cranium).
    I bought 4 WM so far and can't wait to try them all out and learn the combos for each one. It is difficult for me but I am enjoying the changes.
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  5. C3alix Committed Player

    Same here, cept I use the rifle, and the improvement shows A LOT. For about an hour, i practiced on my test dummy to see how well I can utilize WM with fire, and I was AMAZED. First time I ran the T6 alert was with a rage dps. I out-dps'd him by over a million because he stated "WM is going to die out and there's no real good benefits towards it."
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  6. Sylo Committed Player

    It was more of a sarcastic, but true point. If SOE is not going to listen to you guys( which you confirmed ) then there is no need for it( unless they just want a social group ), just as there is no need for the wip sub forum. In much simpler terms, if SOE are going to do what they please then there is no need for any irrelevant platform where the community "think" they have any say.
  7. Cadens Dedicated Player

    I don't play anymore as of them announcing this garbage, but I gotta say... Having a DLC come out that requires you to purchase simply to compete in damage, is nothing but a money grab. They can deny it all day, but the last few "downgrades" to this game have been designed to push everyone to getting weapon mastery.

    Weapon mastery should be an OPTION, not the ONLY option.
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  8. Cadens Dedicated Player

    I never saw superman pop a soda, so lets get those out of the game also.
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  9. Nick Turner New Player

    FFS Please do NOT nerf anything.
  10. Cara EL Well-Known Player

    I think it is a good update and DLC release just people need to relearn their powers and they complain that they don't want to change their original powers. Although the animation changes may have set people off it would be nice if we could preview and take a vote on animation changes. I have to wear my baseball cleets just to throw a singlarity ball lol. I don't know if its me but I liked other animation better it looked alot more cooler to THROW singlarity with force.
  11. Feenicks New Player

    WM is free to all players.
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  12. BigAl Devoted Player

    AND it is an option.

    @Cadens~still don't understand why players that don't play anymore feel the need to be heard. You've spoken with your almighty dollar, have some tact and just walk away. Only a teenager needs to turn around and get the last word on the way out.
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  13. El Presidente Well-Known Player

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  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    In all honesty, each of us are only going to speak from our own self-interest. SOE has to consider much more that just what players on the forums (and the council) say they want. Just look at loot. People didn't want ninja looting. Then we all got random drops. Players complained about getting gear outside their role. SOE listened to that feedback but warned, "No matter how we change the system, you're only going to earn gear at the rate we want you to earn it because we have to consider the longevity of the DLC." So they introduced unattuned drops but gutted our drop rates.

    Sometimes the community feedback isn't to ask and deliver. It's just to get an anecdotal tasting of what other sources are indicating. When we were clamoring about difficulty, there certainly wasn't consensus in the community. I assume the role of SOE and community engagement is to round out their perspectives paired with other information. They also have access to player logs, subscription rates, total costs per player, drop rates, etc.

    The idea is to neither over-state nor under-state the value of community feedback.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This was most likely in part due to a bug with gear requiring the DLC it is from to get stats from it. This has been resolved, so let us know if you still see this today.
  16. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Ummm they gave weapon mastery to every one and it is optional you dont have to use it. Your a bit late to the game but thats okay cause you dont play anymore.
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  17. EzioNight New Player

    Man all I know is that my Gadgets & Electric toons look like pansies tossing that electrostatic bomb, napalm and sticky grenade lol!
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  18. thelostczarnian New Player

    i was looking forward to the new mechanics to be honest.....untill it happened and the tight control the game once had was completely gone! what happened in the execution of this? it should play like continuing the combo but instead there are these incredibly tight timing tolerances causing combos to fail...alot. dont give me this 15 minutes isnt enough to test this out before deciding. i did that and it is still garbage. sure anyone can eventually get really good at it but it was the feel of the game that kept me playing for over 2 years and now that feel is just gone. i dont really give a hoot about the jump canceling think but you all went and pooed on the entire game mechanics. i dont give a hoot how much damage i can do if the gameplay sucks. i made the same arguement over outrage when the cooldown got adjusted. i said i would rather have a damage nerf then have a timing change. it totally screwed up the feel of rage that i like and i dont even like the powerset now. sure its strong as all hell still but fun?...nope. take the strength and give me the fun back. id rather have rage it its original form and feel but with base damage in line with others....thats what i paid for. i expected the damage to be reduced greatly but i allways expected it to feel the same. im not going to pay to switch back. im not going to play the dcuo revolving powertoken game. not when it is forced...for now untill...god i dont know what....this will remain uninstalled but i will check the forums now and then to see what state the game is in. i guess till then ill find other ways to fill my time and cross my fingers. peace out dcuo
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  19. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Thank u dev.s & every1 envolved in the new update. I can see how much u worked on all of the game changes. Personally, I felt u giving away WM was/is a mistake as other improvements required a dlc such as home turf mods & utility belt. Those players just don't have the options to use those things. Personally, So u all can work less, The tier trees should b turned into viable percentage bonuses. I use almost all 6 x6 power points in 4 weapon mastery. Those points r seemingly pointlessy used. At this point gear is so high those extra points barely make a difference if at all. If they were some sort of percentage it would mean u would not have to develop as much in the future as I believe tunso said WM as it stands should b good to cr 112 or something. Increasing percentages would make it last. 2 tier should b slightly higher than first tier with a bonuse for having all 6 points used. Then of course the 3 wm unlock as the best/highest percentage. These r my thoughts for longevity. Honestly, there is no real reason to purchase the DLC when weapon mastery is not in it. I know u dev.s worked hard on it, but personally I know there is not enough content in it or signifcant increase to make it worth to purchase. I think it is like trigon & is in fact skippable. So that is what I'm going to do...skip it. & hope halls of power is the best DLC yet. I'm not a fan of the iconic anomolies. I play to b my character & not these characters, but whatever I'm sure others like it. It would b nice to have the option of being the iconic character or your own. Overall, I say well done.
  20. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    Mepps im pretty sure they are talking about the innates that were change with crit chances and such like the originals resto innates they are just gone.