Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Feenicks New Player

    Her sigs tell a story.
  2. daplatobah New Player

    oooOps.... sorry Airsuprem (original poster guy), I think I accidentally blew your cover. Ddn't mean too....

    Hey I have ugly furniture, wanna buy it at the marketplace?
  3. Feenicks New Player

    The updates makes my rotation much more fluid.
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  4. UppercutBOOM New Player

    I'm not sure that speaks well to the fluidity of your former rotation, friend.
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  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    The problem wasn't the testers so much as dev feedback. When proposing shorter dovetail times they were basically met with "the time is not up for negotiations, so discuss how you are going to deal with it around the new time." That is how much of this update went and if it were not for all the negative feedback regarding HL, gadgets, and some earth powers then things would be much worse than they are currently. In short this is the devs way of controlling clipping and making another feature necessary (weapon mastery) to do what players already could prior to the update.
  6. Feenicks New Player

    I'm a fire DPS who uses shield as a weapon. These updates greatly improved my stats and my rotations. Yeah, I'm full on board here.
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  7. UppercutBOOM New Player

    I guess that says it all. Haha
  8. Feenicks New Player

    It's a game. Roll your own. Unless you are part of the herd who has to follow the FOTM and blend in with the cool kids.
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  9. Redscreen5 New Player

    Please speed up the majority of the combo's. Im noticing more and more people are specing into whats the quickest even if it outputs less damage.
  10. UppercutBOOM New Player

    I'm glad DCUO is still the game for you. I wish you good health and pleasant gaming.
  11. winter13 New Player

    3/4 huh?? You just pulled that out of your proverbial backside. There needed to be change because not all powers were viable. Now with weapon mastery, everyone can finally be competitive if they choose to be. Clipping is still there by the way. It hasn't gone away.
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  12. terrowshade12 New Player

    That would be great the powers that were lower than the top ones before hand got buffed but nothing much has changed. Fire got even more nerfed, quantum still use tons of power per dps, lightning still lacks the basic features the other powers have.earths right were it was before but now gadgets and hl like use its pi beterr than it can.
  13. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    This game would be so much better if some people wouldn't whine like entitled brats and instead provided constructive, informative, detailed criticism. It doesn't matter just how much feedback there is about something, unless it is articulated correctly and supported by facts you will get ignored and rightfully so.

    Don't believe me & think the devs just ignore you? Look at the legends changes in the last few months.

    Hell if you want, funnel the criticism through me. If you can provide me with actual numbers, facts and not just "the game is bad because yolo" then I will inform the devs myself in a civilised manner.
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  14. Tautgaunt Active Player

    As an exclusive bow user who has never used any other weapons before, I'd like to say Thank You Very Much for the Weapon Mastery.

    For the very first time since I've used them, I can say the bow has actually become competitive PvP wise :eek::D.

    Overall, in terms of downside, I see players becoming less dependent on Powers for PvP and hence making Controllers a little less crucial except when healing. Perhaps this is tied to their plans on doing away with Role specific RockPaperScissors system :(.

    As for the new gadget animations, imo, the slight delay in Napalm grenade is not a big deal in PvP. I actually like the animation itself. It's very cool ( coming from a Napalm Grenade spammer).

    One last thing is I noticed the target tracking is fairly broken. It's frustrating that grenades/stick bombs go over people's head or bow finishers switching to another players if you turn a bit or be in a higher elevation for a bit. I hit the guy with a combo, do the bow finishers, and hits the guy behind like 15-20 feet away (or to the left or right) :mad:.

    I put that on the Bugs forum:

    Please fix, ty.
  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    last time i check we r superheroes. Do u see superman running around with a sword or rifle? No u dont. And the changes were made because of the simple fact of people complaining that they couldnt or didnt want 2 clip then whined they couldnt do enought dmg. Then all those people told the vets 2 adapt 2 this when those players were the 1s who couldnt adapt 2 clipping in the 1rst place.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    again these changes were made because people couldnt adapt in the 1rst place and everytime i see some1 say adapt to it, it shows me exactly what type of player they r.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    thats opinion and not fact and who r u to tell any1 they r doing something wrong? Any1 can choose 2 play the way they want 4 the reason they want. Man i cant stand being on these forums with this ignorance.
  18. Try Hard Well-Known Player

    do you see superman clipping and jump canceling out his heat vision and minty fresh frost breath? No you do not.
    I jest though.
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  19. BrownMamba New Player

    It seems to me there many super heroes that do use weapons, its nice you're imagination can take you there. I don't need you're DCUO history lesson and they didn't remove clipping they removed jump canceling. You're mentality is why people hate playing the controller role.
  20. KidVicious93 Well-Known Player

    My resto went down by 300....Thats my only complaint.