Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. RiskVsReward New Player

    I'm not noticing much of a difference with the daze pi with HL, definitely not enough to make up for the reduced speed and lack of pt fan. I still feel like I'm hitting with pillows with HL, only difference is no I'm hitting with slow and clunky pillows as opposed to fast light pillows... Although I do like the new fan and how we can go claw/hold claw from fan now.

    Chainsaw is still beyond useless and hits too low for a final tier power and light weight is even worse.
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  2. spedog Active Player

    I ran in battlezone Metropolis and I was getting creamed by the yellow lanterns I was creaming yesterday. that is my feedback. there is no reason at all that I should be doing less damage if none of my stats changed or the referenced animations didn't change, mepps. That makes no sense.
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  3. Poo New Player

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  4. spedog Active Player

    How is this "play my way" when I am forced to play with a particular weapon for a powerset to get anything out of it when it was much more open yesterday?
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  5. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Look, GU 36 is a DISASTER. Many of us were telling you this for the last month. We were begging for you to reconsider ruining the game. We're not happy about it so please don't expect us to be.
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  6. GodofSorcery New Player

    Ehhh im constantly getting DCed
  7. Dogico Loyal Player

    Looking forward to all the videos that use terrible rotations against only sparring targets that show how the game is ruined now.
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  8. spedog Active Player

    How is it fluid when you nerfed me into the ground? How is it fluid when I was doing 3000 damage on some combos and charged attacks yesterday and I am doing 815 today? How is that supposed to be a good thing? Where is the imperative to do anything when all this game has done is frustrated and ticked me off? I have NEVER been angry after an update until today and now I feel like everything we've said has fallen on deaf ears. I've been told to leave a raid that I do pretty regularly and was a go-to DPS for my league and now I am not welcome thanks to your update, Mepps. So please tell me why I should put in any effort when all the effort I have put in over 3 years means nothing?
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Really disappointed at the slowing of admonish--> blight combo. Really slows rotation. I like the changes of divine light to plague.
    Smite-->haunt, ruined, ruined I tell you but its manageable through time. Overall pleased. But as for thats a whole different thread there.
  10. V3n0mstrike Level 30

    well i guess my membership expired yesterday and i cant renew it atm i guess. so i will not have access to my toon until i can get back my all access membership. i tried a prepaid gametime card and my credit card and neither will go thru on the SOE website.. grrrr
  11. eanur Well-Known Player

    anyone got some popcorn? this is quite good entertainment server been online for an hour and already people threatening to leave, people getting kicked from raids, all work done over the last 3 years is a waste of time, my life is ruined etc...
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I think now the gameplay is screaming for WM now. Its almost as we need it rather than it being an option.
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  13. Airsupreme New Player

    When you been here since beta and you know every power like the back of your hand and and you have literally played and mastered every power, it takes less then 5 mins to test changes. I don't think anyone likes bowling or playing baseball and on top of that the animation sticks you for about 1/4 of a second after that animation. I mean really. Even karmic hex has half a second after it's animation. We can literally test these quickly and know how fluid our moves are and I can tell you, this is the worst update thus far.
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  14. Wildboy Committed Player

    Wait a minute. Did the update only affect players selectively? Why would you be singled-out and not other members of the group as having been unduly hindered by GU36? Does that mean that other players, who are also affected by the update, are adapting somehow?
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  15. CaZaNoVa New Player

    Only took what...20 minutes? lol
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  16. Try Hard Well-Known Player

    I like using rifle even more now.
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  17. Zpred Dedicated Player

    I was 50-50 on this when heard what changes were gonna be made, but I thought you know what I'm not gonna knock it till ive tried it, and tbh, I'm not one to qq about things much however after trying a few powersets with the most common/famous load out rotations I can honestly say I'm not liking the new timings/animations, it is quite slower then I thought it would be.

    1 of the reasons i liked dcuo alot was because of its fast paced actions and power actions but this is bit ott.

    I understand there needed to be balance between certain powersets but I'm sure there could of been another way, like just scaling up the might damage, or scaling up certain might based powers to be on par with prec powersets.

    And another thing I don't quite understand is, wm is a.. For better words solution to players that don't or cant clip very well but then they said clipping is still a viable option for the advance players and was intended and staying,

    However if this is/was the case then why was jump cancel even adjusted? Why was phase dodge even adjusted? Why was whirlwind dervish even adjusted? These were all great clipping mechanics that worked very well for the advanced clipper.

    I still like the look of weapon mastery but I feel if they had kept it the way was and just brought in wm then we would of had 2 viable options of playstyle for the different type of player base instead of what we are gonna get.

    Just my personal opinion, il obviously adapt but just not liking the slower pace tbh.
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  18. Malfunkshunn Well-Known Player

    I like both bowling and baseball.
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  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Guys never heard of a marketing strategy?
    Think its a random coincidence that they add the ability to "buy" skill points right before WM? or the nerf that hit powers?
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  20. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Those those sp were replaced with much more important and beneficial crit modifiers. It's a buff.
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