Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Honestly, cause I'm stuck at work and bored, and this was on my screen the other day and I saw a post that peaked my interest and I dove in head first back to my forum addiction. I broke it for a few weeks, but got sucked back in.

    DLC 11 gave me hope though, them saying they'd actually put difficulty back in. I love the core mechanics of the game, it's the only MMOFighter. There is quite literally nothing else out there with anything close to what DCUO has as far as combat goes.

    Negative changes that really bugged me:
    Only Easier Content
    Removal of JC
    Slower animations

    Thing is by the time they got around to implementing the last two they basically said the first was a mistake /shrug. And, to me content is king. That's why I left, not these mechanics changes, it was because there was literally nothing fun to do in the game, nothing challenging. We did the hardest thing we could find multiple times (paradox with early release), there just wasn't anything left to do, no reason to play. We even beat every team that was willing to fight us in PVP, and as much as I'd have liked to continue fighting them over and over, eventually it got stale and no one would fight us.

    Either way, you can call me whatever you want, all i know is I've logged in to test a couple times just to see what's coming, but i haven't been on Live since Giggles got AK banned for something about busses.
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  2. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    I haven't played since WM announcement albeit don't threaten to quit or anything.

    Had another game I didn't play for 18 months posting on their forum just bumping the same bug thread weekly set as bookmark.
    Was gone from DCUO for 2 years too no problem.

    Of course you should complain, the whole world and all elements in it were built on a group of people who didn't like the way things were going who then set out to change it.
    Asking people to stop thinking, be passive and trust authority is the lowest and absolute last thing you should do.

    Additionally, if you are having fun enjoying the game what do you really care even remotely if other people are dissatisfied I don't get that at all.

    Lastly from my perspective any gamer I ever met had even the slightest bit of knowledge of gaming and history of the industry, will tell you a million stories about poor design decisions, where you can't believe that actually really happened even though you were there.

    It seems is the rule, rather than exception, of people designing games but not actually playing might be good at 3d studio or scripting etc. but generally are pretty lost when it comes to gameplay and good choices.
    Look at decisions made with ESO you just have to be baffled and is just the industry standard.

    So even per default, strictly statistically, before you read patch notes from any game, you know it's going to be horrible.
  3. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    The likely hood of them dropping at all was the reason that so many wanted them as a purchasable style. To build up 70 marks at this point is going to take any1 a while as u can't convert MOR to MOF or MOT to MOF. There of course is not a lot, at this point, to run as t6 just came out. Again, my question is. Why raise the MOT cap if there is next to nothing to purchase with them? I can buy all the t6 weapon styles...but those don't have feat.s so it's almost like who cares. Why not have the option to convert marks into what u would like to purchase. Some despise PVP, but want feat. point styles. Why not allow conversion of all marks? So they can buy the styles. If some1 does not like PVP they won't play as they can choose to play how they want but get limited based on not doing pvp. All gear should b purchasble on some level the same as one another. Again, I believe it is a mistake to charge end game marks for styles that r not end game. If one piece was 100,000 marks that is still a better deal & more quickly achieved than the current marks of fury.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thank you, glad you enjoy them just as much as i love making them
  5. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    That is nice to hear & encourages running content yet. Thanks for this information. Much appreciated, "tanks" for your time.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    even if he had he can still check in and weigh in on topics, ive done it myself, on the WoW forum, and the WarRock forum after i quit those games, he can still have a opinion
  7. Kristyana New Player

    I never said he couldn't, did I?
  8. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Also, with having these styles achievable in MOT, it would encourage more people to run lower content. Making it end game marks means people will again only want to run the newest DLC. There needs to b A LOT more incentives to run old content. It's best for the community as a whole. Having the otpion to increase difficulty on these old raids with better incentives etc. This has also bee discussed a bit in other posts. I believe many would like a t6 version of all raids etc. Makes old content fun again or at least challenging.
  9. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    One question:

    Last month, when you deleted the game, did you came to the forums and made a thread about it?

    Also, you want to "let the devs know". In other words... You want their attention, which is what I said.

    Affect you or not, this is a very funny place :D

    And part of what I was trying to say was, if you still hang around you're not entirely gone. And who knows ? While hanging around, one of these months/years, your interest in the game may reignite. If you had no interest AT ALL you wouldn't even be here, but you are. So, you still have a bit of interest, with time it may fade away completely or it may increase (only time will tell, and DCUO still has lots of time despite what some people like to think).
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  10. Pyro New Player

    I have to agree with what air said. But at the same time I understand the reasoning behind these changes and why the devs felt like they needed to do it. But I feel like these changes are way to much way too late. The game since launch has been about the speed of the player, in order to maximize damage and be better than someone else you had to practice it, get your timings down, and clip faster than the other person in the raid. But with these changes what they have accomplished is closing the gap between many of the players. Now there is less skill required to maximize your damage. And yes I am one of those people who likes to smash my face against the keyboard, that’s what kept me playing dc. You always had a chance to be better than someone else by a huge margin. The way the game currently is right now it’s just a lot slower and clunky. It has lost the fluidity it has had for the past three years. But this was all done for balance. So all that will happen now is many people will leave and more players will come into the game. Air we are a minority in this community our opinion doesn’t mean much.
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  11. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I been here since beta & I been on top of the score broad & this update & if you & your friends & family who play this game should like this everybody need a challenge. This helps everybody out the dps, tank, controller, and healers.
    I have the each power As both roles & the game is more fun then ever. My league, friends & family like it.
  12. Sore Steadfast Player

    You still say there's no need for it as if you know what SOE intends to get out of it and whether they are meeting their goals. You're doing little more than over-inflating the drama by over-reaching with arguments you know next to nothing about.
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  13. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i have to disagree with your statement the game is slower and clunky.

    i'm finding weapons mastery to be a lot of fun. feels like old times only better,

    my onlyreal complaint is two new duos, an alert, the solo challenges and the anomolies are going to get stale in about 6 weeks...

    and my god gotham city is AWESOME.

    i enjoyed War of the Light part one but the lag and rendering and all that stuff really made a dent in it for me. gotham is absolutely beautiful...
  14. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I am as "vet" as it gets. I wish people would stop saying "most vets". That is BS

    Weapon Mastery is the best thing ever.

    That is all.
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  15. Feenicks New Player

    I have OG Batman for legends. I have the Batman inspired cowl and the hack attack hoodie. That should tell you how "vet" I am. I love the new DLC. It's fun. It's different. I love GU36. My rotations are quicker and smoother with no difference in damage. I love WM. I'm not speccing into the combos but my DPS, tank, and PvP stats have greatly increased.

    You will see next to no QQ posts from me mainly because I'm an adult. I make suggestions and request from time to time, but as an adult.

    I'm happy with this game. Only one I play anymore (though I might try EverCra.....uh.....EverQuest just for grins). But in the end it's just a game. Nothing to get your panties in a wad over. :)
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  16. daplatobah New Player

    Wait a sec.... didnt you say the same thing back in GU 35 and all the way back to GU 1?

    I could have sworn I have read this same rambling as before back in the past.
    Can I have your copy and paste word re-arranger program?

    Deja Vu
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  17. Feenicks New Player

    Look who it is. Go with that, shipmate.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Overall devs did a great job. I am pleased.
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  19. Crimson Jonni New Player

    This is off topic but I just watched your sig make like 6 cycles. Dont ask why cause idk either
  20. UppercutBOOM New Player

    "New fluidity"

    I think the point Airsupreme was trying to make is that it isn't fluid at all. It is pretty awful, but whatever. It isn't like there's any fun raids or alerts to do anyway. So, who cares.