Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Most of the issues have been solved. Only problem that remains is that average resto is still too high
  2. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    Right but Hive T2 still only drops 4 pieces,chest,helm,back and gloves the others are in that sorry mess of consumables,base items,FE II,plans,jewerly and Greco Roman pieces,called weekly boxes.

    So after losing my main account during summer 2013,on "Octember" I made a new char,my experience since then with Hive and his drops was:

    First run took one hour and a half of wipes chest drops,lost the roll never seen any other Hive piece since the introduction of individual loot.

    Got the gloves after the introduction of the individual loot,kinda odd since on that day I scored two Norseman pieces and Avatar Infiltrator legs too,then the Lady Luck after two weeks reverted back to her "random is random and it is working as intended routine" and never seen/got nothing

    In two months I scored 3 more pairs of Hive Defender gloves,a single Avatar Infiltrator waist and two more uncollected Norseman pieces

    Took a break and went back just in time to collect enough marks to collect the rare Norseman pieces and what that doesn't drop from the Hive,sadly as I was sure that you were adding MoF for the DLC I didn't bother to reset and collect 70 more marks,I was planning on doing that for today and tomorrow but my membership and servers went foobar,I'm not/was able to collect that.

    Despite this,before Home Turf dlc I was doing Hive on daily basis since a year and it never dropped anything other than the known stuff.

    We have pointed that on Arkham forum and in other thread but none replied,if it was dropping as intented as you say then after a month or two of Hive and T2 alerts runs everyone was done with that style,but is not,why?Cause everything from T1 up to T5 is cluttered with stuff that drops on T0 alerts,solo/mentor missions and open world mobs.

    Even if a point that in my constructive manner without calling names nobody will say "looking at it", "you right fixing" etc all we/I get is the classic "working as intented" type of reply or just nothing.
  3. Airsupreme New Player

    If you like this update you either haven't been around long enough, your not a high output dps or you just want to be heard. Your definitely not to familiar if you like it and 3/4 of the people hate it
    • Like x 3
  4. SilverwingsZOE New Player

  5. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Please name them. o_O

    I'm curious what your definition of 'many, many' will be. Doubly curious to see if any of them pop up here to contradict you. :cool:
  6. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Dude, you must have flunked basic arithmetic, because I'm not seeing anywhere close to 3/4 of the gaming population hating on the GU. o_O
    • Like x 1
  7. Sylo Committed Player

    Its not conspiracy theories when its been witnessed numerous times over the years by the community and when some of these select players even brag about it:D
    • Like x 2
  8. Airsupreme New Player

    I don't think we are playing the same game then if you think this update is good and 3/4 of dcuo thinks it's bad. On what basis do you slow everything down so people who just started playing can catch up? Why delay everything important almost in every power so it disrupts the combos and fluidity we have been accustom to for 3 years? For what?? What was going on so bad in this game that you decided to bring all big dps's and powers to their knees? So people who have more experience in powers won't have an advantage over others? So people who are clip masters cannot maximize their damage and skills anymore over those who complain about getting smashed in dps by large margins? At some point you have to realize that longevity, experience and skill will still play in the favor of those who have been here longer so this is just a slap in the face for those who have supported this game since day 1. There was nothing going on that constituted slowing down everything. Again this is stupid and everyone should be pissed. Next time ask a real vet..
  9. Airsupreme New Player

    I don't think we are playing the same game then if you think this update is good and 3/4 of dcuo thinks it's bad. On what basis do you slow everything down so people who just started playing can catch up? Why delay everything important almost in every power so it disrupts the combos and fluidity we have been accustom to for 3 years? For what?? What was going on so bad in this game that you decided to bring all big dps's and powers to their knees? So people who have more experience in powers won't have an advantage over others? So people who are clip masters cannot maximize their damage and skills anymore over those who complain about getting smashed in dps by large margins? At some point you have to realize that longevity, experience and skill will still play in the favor of those who have been here longer so this is just a slap in the face for those who have supported this game since day 1. There was nothing going on that constituted slowing down everything. Again this is stupid and everyone should be pissed. Next time ask a real vet..
  10. jessiejames4211 New Player

    lol but who put you guys as community council I didn't vote for you haha
    • Like x 2
  11. Airsupreme New Player

    then u need to go back and read all 16 pages of complaints. Your probably 2 of 5 amongst a crowd of people and if you really think what happened is beneficial in anyway you must not be a good dps
    • Like x 4
  12. Capnvapor New Player

    New content keeps a game fresh not totally changing it so it's not even the same game anymore. I would never have bought a sub if the game was originally presented to me this way.
  13. Tre Day New Player

    Oh, trust me, I get what you are saying, although, I wouldn't call it 'dumbing down' the game because it's a bit harsh for my taste for me to say it. It's a po-TAY-toe, po-TAH-toe thing when it comes to that, if you get my drift. :)

    Those players that try to use the copy/paste methodology to succeeding in content? Insanity, Albert Einstein, enough said. :p

    Then again, I guess that's how the whole concept of running 1 tank instead of 2 tanks in raid content got started from that very line of reasoning as well.

    PS. I think those Extra Credits videos are REALLY starting to get to me. It's scary...but good...still scary though. :p
  14. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Trying to manage how to spend 182 skill points in the trees.
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  15. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    Well, doing a good WM rotation timing is tougher than clipping :p

    So, good luck, average players :)
  16. LIVETASER New Player

    I have to say that it sucks to know that you drastically increased the animation time on dreadful blast. i understand that you cannot jump cancel plasma retch into dreadful blast anymore but you also increased the animation of dreadful blast so it takes longer to do the precision combo. This is like moving in a final fantasy mode. Last night i ran fos 1 and was shocked, also lost like 200 mights which was annoying. please decrease the dreadful blast animation since we cannot jump cancel to make it faster anymore with plasma retch. It is like watching a robot on those moves. This needs to be fixed. Thanks
  17. myselfdestruct New Player

    Excuse you, you can have the gear but give me the money honey.:D
  18. myselfdestruct New Player

    This describes my feelings on all my relationships too.
  19. Capnvapor New Player

    Noel, Sam, Jim, Bill, Robert, Susan, Doug, Elizabeth, Nancy, Julia, Seth, Tommy, Miguel, Save, Steve, Lisa, Rich. That enough names for you?
  20. Twilight Man New Player
