Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    actually its exactly the way to go.
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  2. IGotYA New Player

    No, the WM was supposed to be an OPTION to clipping, it isn't or at least wasn't
    to make power sets viable.
    The changes we see in gu36 are their attempt to make all power sets viable.
  3. Zim New Player

    Who are these players?

    You mean the 8 to 10 people who post in the feedback on the test forum? Half of them were not even concerned with HL.

    And if it wasnt any of them I then have to ask myself who? Was it live in game? I have been playing this game for quite some time, and know quite a few decent players on the PS side and none of them got a chance to give you feedback.

    And this is what I got a problem with.

    You HAVE slowed the game down. This is a fact. Where were you when you decided to make this choice? Why didnt you go on to the PS and PC live side of the game and gather some opinions from some of the well established players from both sides? Why wasnt HL handled this way? And more importantly why were not most of the other powers handled this way if this is the approach you are going to take?

    I just dont like this update one bit and largely because of the reasons that lead to this decision in the 1st place. I also dont like how you have singled out HL to try to keep it competitive right off the bat, but ignored some of the other powers.

    If you are looking for advice on how certain powers should go you shouldnt rely soley on the forums. It has only lead to nerfs and now an entire slow down of the combat mechanics to this game. Go to the game and play both sides, PC and PS and that is where you can find the best feedback.
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  4. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    Is it? (Genuine question) I thought by making weapons more powerful that'd balance out powers that do less damage by allowing the user to cast their favourite spell/power then fill in the damage-blanks with their weapon skill?
  5. IdontDps Committed Player

    personally i liked dcuo fast gameplay but gu36 didn't effect me too much really i found alternative ways of clipping not just jump cancelling (retch-->galling eruption) clip it with blodlust
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  6. IGotYA New Player

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  7. BigAl Devoted Player

    For the record, if you do quit, please delete the character names so that someone else may have them in the future. And best wishes in all that you do.
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  8. Ogat New Player

    That depends, can driving a Civic be as enyoyable as driving a Porche? Sure You'll get from A to B with either but.. :s
  9. Stric9 New Player

    So many rude members on this forum or just full of them selves, I think it's the 2nd. We got a player here posting real problem here and most of the replies have been negative to him or her.
    I agree with him and on other thing also that weren't posted.
    BTW I (MAY) be quitting too cus of issues that annoy me in the game.
    ESO ESO ESO baby.
  10. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    I'd consider this more akin to driving a Civic that you have heavily modded and customized to feel like your own over the past 3 years, but then waking up in the morning to find a new car in your driveway that drives just as well, with the potential to drive even better, but it's different, not the same car that you've put three years of work into, and doesn't feel like YOURS.

    Sometimes change hurts, not for any virtue of being better or worse, but just because it is unfamiliar.
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  11. Airsupreme New Player

    I would really like to know who these so called advanced players are mepps said he received his information from regarding these changes because this is a mess. I usually don't come on here but I think I speak for everyone, at least those who have been here since the beginning, in saying this is a mess on many levels... out
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  12. winter13 New Player

    You don't speak for me or the majority of players that have been asking for change. You speak on behalf of yourself, and that is all.
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  13. Akroma New Player

    i dont think the majority of people asked or wanted all the changes that came with gu36.
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I can see how someone with no prior knowledge of this update would find it very shocking. But, I have to encourage you to try this for a little longer than a few hours before calling it quits. You are going to have to learn how to play again (a little) because of these changes, but I think you'll like it after trying it out.
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  15. Harlequin Devoted Player

    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” - George Carlin
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  16. I Keeps Aggro New Player

    How did they manage to make OP HL better? Wtf is balanced now? Seriously devs next fnl show us earth/fire/ice beating one of your "advanced" players using HL.There is no balance this update took a step in the wrong direction if you were really trying to create any semblance of balance. I dont mind gu36 but dont pee on me and tell me its raining. State your true motives.
  17. winter13 New Player

    While I don't agree with your vitriol, you do have a point. I never realized how powerful the hl lobby was in this game. The changes that the devs were going to make in regards to bringing balance to hl were apparently mostly reversed. I know the devs pay close attention to what a handful of players in certain leagues have to say about hl, and the changes, and it looks like those players came out ahead in the debate. Now we are VERY early on in the "live" testing phase, so maybe it isn't as bad as it seems. Only time will tell.
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will continue to look at feedback from ALL players, and use it when making decisions that we feel are best for the game overall and longterm.
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  19. Burnt New Player

    I saw this coming so I quit three weeks ago. My addiction is gone and I have no desire to play. I still really like coming here to read. The threads are soooo funny now that they don't effect me. Whaaaa, boo Hoo, nerf this, buff that. It's awesome :)
  20. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    You don't speak for me either, and honestly, the "been here since the beginning" or "subbed since beta" line is getting REALLY old.

    I get it. You've devoted a lot of time and resources to this game. I have too, and although I have NOT been playin since beta (Dec. 2012 to be exact), that does not make my monthly sub, as well as the other contributions I have made to this game, mean any less.

    I for one, am happy to see this game grow. Will it have a few bad spots on the way? Of course.

    If you feel they are extreme enough to permanently alter the enjoyment you receive from this game, then it might be best for you to move on.

    As I have stated elsewhere previously in another thread, this game, and its developers, are forging an R&D path that has not been traveled by many games up to this point. Console MMO's, Action-hybrid MMOs, Games that emphasize DLC over full fledged expansions, none of these types of games have a large history to pull from in deciding what will work and what won't, and DCUO claims to be all of this and more.

    I've searched far and wide, and there truly is not, nor has there been, another game like DCUO on the market, which makes finding and applying a baseline for your directional decisions essentially a guess-and-check type experiment.

    The devs face a difficult task: On one hand, they have a huge playerbase that they are trying to keep happy by keeping this game as close to what attracted them to it in the first place as possible.

    On the other hand, they must constantly evolve this game for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which are ever evolving technology that allows them to do new things constantly, always attempting to attract new players to help the game grow, as well as simply avoiding the game itself becoming stale which has already seen itself be the subject of numerous complaints so far.

    Whether you see it as good or bad, THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME.

    You might dislike this update to the point that you don't even recognize the game you playing anymore.

    My response? GOOD. Let it feel like a NEW GAME. Let yourself experience it like you are experiencing the game again for the first time. Wipe the slate clean of what you knew before. Get rid of your expectations based on the game you knew. Start from the beginning again. GIVE YOURSELF SOMETHING TO DO THAT ISN'T THE SAME THING YOU'VE BEEN DOING.

    This is a message to everyone really. This game is evolving and changing. Some of it will be good, and some of it will be bad, but good and bad are based solely on opinion.

    The important part is that ALL of it will be different. For better or worse, this is a new game now. Let yourself experience it for what it is.
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