Thoughts since Launch of GU36

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Airsupreme, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Airsupreme New Player

    I want to be the first to go on record and say, this updated has completely messed up the mechanics and gameplay that most of the veterans have come to like since beta. DCUO has always had an edge when it came to the combat, fighting style and game mechanics. This update has shattered that. The players are not only stiff, most of the animations that were changed makes the combat, fake, boring and just plain stupid. Gadgets napalm, sleep dart, gauss gernade; we are not BOWLING or playing BASEBALL. Wow is just plain dumb and looks stupid. DCUO was known for its fast pace, quick moving style. The combat is best known for its fluidity; how smooth the moves flow together. I think I speak for all the vets when I say, this is just horrible.
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  2. spedog Active Player

    I have to agree. Just trying to melee or range, without using my weapon, I'm doing half the damage I was yesterday. I will die in the Misty Metropolis and don't even get me started on AnB or other raids...
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  3. Twilight Man New Player

    and so it begins...

    I might have to take a break from the forums for a little bit during the storm. Only so much you can take.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I am mad because when I logged in, there is no seasonal. Now I am just as bored as I was yesterday. Only difference is I had to download 8GB inbetween boredom.
  5. BrownMamba New Player

    Why not try using your weapon. Is that too much for you to handle?
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  6. Drakonicus New Player

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  7. Drakonicus New Player

    Were you expecting a seasonal ?
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  8. BrownMamba New Player

    You had plenty of time to read the patch notes to see what was in the update and yet you're surprised when you login :rolleyes:
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  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Not even 5 minutes? This guy literally went to a sparring target, used like two powers and came here to complain. Your thread immediately loses credibility. All you said is that you complained to complain and didn't even really "Try" anything because the servers haven't even been up 20mins.
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  10. Malfunkshunn Well-Known Player

    haven't played yet. but I imagine it will be better when WM comes. i'm sure it wont be as fun as it used to be but I guarantee you it will be better than it is now. it seems pretty silly though they didn't bring WM along with this update. not sure how they expect people to do damage while getting rid of jump canceling with no other changes. also seems silly they would release WM with the new content. i'm sure most people would have liked to learn a new combat system before trying to take on new and more challenging content.
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  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No, but considering the extended downtime, I thought they might throw it in there so the PS4 users dont have to do another meaningless download for a simple seasonal.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will continue to review feedback and make adjustments. I'd suggest that ~15 minutes is not enough time to test and adjust to the changes, though, and you'll find success and get used to the new fluidity pretty quickly.
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  13. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Im in love with the new hl. Its a bit slower yeah, but the pi makes most problems better :) only thing i wished tha would change was chainsaw damage
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  14. Laff Riot New Player

    Hate the quantum animations so far that I seen. Looks like we are playing bowling or baseball like the OP stated.
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  15. Nawtae Well-Known Player

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  16. B0NE DADDY Well-Known Player

    Well how about this..league mate logged in lost 250 might and over 250 resto how is that balance
  17. Colossi New Player

    My might has gone down 150 on every character. I don't remember seeing that talked about...
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  18. Yolo New Player

    not liking the changes to HL. I liked that they didn't need a PI to do damage and using dazed just doesn't make sense to me as a PI for light. it should have been something new if they were going to force us to have one but again I rather they didn't. having a power that didn't rely on a PI was a nice change of pace.
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  19. eanur Well-Known Player

    lmao the update has been online for 15 mins and people already posting on forums how they don't like changes give them a chance and get back into the swing of things and try them out before posting on forums
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  20. B0NE DADDY Well-Known Player

    So you say mepps but it seems to you guys didnt listen to anything anyone said. So far it seems like a fail just as people on test said it would be
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