Thoughts on new Game Update and Booster Bundle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Butterfly Boy, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. UltraVillain Committed Player

    We seem on rinse and repeat now and it is an ever diminishing set of returns (long ago I ended up with more auras than I could ever wish to see or be seen in)...and this time for me unless there is some charitable rounding of this bonus coin weekend... nope nothing of interest here (indeed potentially worse the negative effect of the prejudice against solo and duo play will simply distance me still further from the rest of the players).

    I also fear the fallout from this ill considered open episode month....while content relevancy exists the brick wall players will be faced with come January could well be devastating to the population.
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  2. Backseid Devoted Player


    You have any idea whether or not this statement is true?

    Yes, this is taking into consideration money over time.

    It's unfathomable how much they have missed out on NOT having a proper Marketplace all these years.
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  3. crapmedrawers Well-Known Player

    When's be booster packs end cause of course it happens when I'm out of town for three weeks with no way to log in
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I'll just buy everything from the broker in a week or two when it's cheap. Not worth spending money on this one, especially with the time capsule still going. There's "supporting the game", then there's just ridiculousness. This is beyond the level of ridiculousness with the amount of micro transactions.
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  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    visiting the outback ?
  6. Pults Loyal Player

    Bonus coins - Yay!
    Anything else - Nay!

    Not geared to really put an effort into this SM as it came midway into the episode cattering to those that replayed content A LOT.
    As for BBs. The auras are meh, the only one I wear is the glimmering one. All my other armories are without auras and the extras the budles have are currently useless - radars and recovery kits since TCs killed the market for exobytes and it's a lot cheaper to just craft an entirely new mod than to recover an existing one.
    As for holiday sale. Have bought most of the items I wanted. Would like to get the buckaroo suit but that's not important right now.
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  7. Pults Loyal Player

    At some point those micro transactions become macro transactions - when you end up spending more than 100 USD on pixelated goodies.
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  8. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I'd rather buy an aura for 8 dollars than a booster bundle for 10.

    I've put in so much overtime this month alone I have seriously so much money to blow but they're not getting a penny from me.
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  9. Ully Committed Player

    None of the auras interest me. :( I might pick up the white smoke, but everything else is meh.
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  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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