This just can't be right...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by damask76, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. damask76 New Player

    I'd like to know if I can get a little feedback from some of you. I've been playing the game for a little over a year and usually read this posts regularly because there are a lot of you who offer good information on how to play this game. I had an electric healer CR 91 94 SP who I got a little frustrated with because some of my powers wouldn't cast when I was either DPS or healer. Specifically electrocute. I'd cast it and there'd be no animation. When I hit wired the animation would last for about 8-10 seconds. Arc Lightning had it's problems as well. When it worked I'd see some nice heals but it never worked constantly.

    After a little frustration I decided to respec to Sorcery. I have noticed the same things. I'd watch other Sorcery healers when they cast "Circle of Protection" and it seemed to last about 20 seconds or so. When I cast my circle it would last about 8-10 seconds. My sorcery healing and dps was ridiculously horrible so I decided to try fire...

    Well, i have seen people cast inferno and the animation seems to last for awhile, definitely over 30-40 secs. When I'm casting inferno the fire animation last for literally about 8-10 seconds. I had random players run into my flames to catch the animations and I had to "lol" when someone told me that was weak... Same thing with fiery weapon...8-10 secs. Is that the norm?

    My other characters powers are fine but this one particular character, no matter what power seems to not respond accordingly. What do you guys think...could this be an issue with "dominance" mine was only 93 as a healer or is it possible my character is glitched?
  2. TheLoneLantern New Player

  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Circle of Pro/Des has had that visual problem for a while, but it's not specifically this power but is a software setting that limits visual information based on priority lists the devs decided upon when there is some heavy chit going on around you. Sorc's circle will still continue to heal and destroy for the full length of time. When you're alone in your lair all animations should be able to play to their full extent as lair maps are tiny and are not memory hungry (unless you've filled them up with crap :p ).

    Sorcery's DPS hasn't flinched much since it's early days, where it and fire were considered the top 2 dps powers. As PVP became more frequent with additions and changes though, what the 'popular kids' would consider a good dps power type is one that can issue instant heavy damage at the push of a button, and sorcery doesn't do that without the use of final ruin on an enemy meeting the low health requirements. Few powers have that instant 'oomph', but sorcery's 1 vs 1 heavy hit strength comes from karmic backlash and more importantly, weapon of destiny.

    Most power type self buffs, like electros sparky hands, fire's flame fists and head, etc, will add a rudimentary chance buff with a possible PI effect. Weapon of Destiny has more meat to it than that, and most people simply assume it works like the others. What weapon of destiny does is imbues your next 4 weapon based attacks with a tick of might damage. The might damage tick is not dependent on the amount of damage you do with the weapon attack either. WoD's 4 ticks can thus be executed very quickly by using fast weapon attacks (ie: MA's basic ranged shuriken, for example, or pistol shots). WoD's 4 ticks at Tier 5 might/prec balance modding can hit for about 800+, base damage range. Probably a bit more than that (haven't played often as of late). If you're smart you can couple those hits with 4 medium and/or strong weapon attacks or one solid weapon combo. It's an undeniable strength, and one that is only seconded by the same effect given by the iconic power "Neo Venom Boost", which also adds a few hits of might damage ticks to your arsenal, though they tick every other hit instead of back to back. NVB power cost is a bit ridiculous though, and with the tick spacing it may end up lowering your DPS if you're not smart about what you're combining that one with, weapon wise. WoD does have a bit of a cooldown so it cannot be spammed repeatedly, but can be used in rotation with one or two other powers.

    Karmic can do about 350+ base damage (T5) per target before it starts splitting damage, and is a quick enough animation with a fast cooldown. If you're smart and are chaining it with other AOE's, like martial arts' spinning punch move, then you're turning into a nice walking bomb. This particular setup is shared by several powersets though that have a similar AOE, though sorcery has the PI effect of bad karma which will continue to stack when effected enemies attack you/your allies.

    Aside from those go-to powers, sorcs other beasly components come from it's ability to set up to 3 soul wells, each hitting for their own tick of damage (though cast cooldown is way up there, and stacking all 3 means you're in a duration fight that isn't relocating quickly, which can easily be the case with several PVP arenas and PVE missions). Circle also does much more damage when it hits enemies effected by bad karma, so you're going to want to jump into a crowd, shout out GO F*** YOURSELVES and hit them with karmic backlash, then cast CoD on them to rack up fire and forget damage while you either escape, block, use other attacks....the PI ticks and AOE powers will continue to harm enemies in the area regardless of what you do. That's a kind of freedom that is devilishly delicious. If you're a competent melee fighter you can take the fight up close with your weapon combos while the target enemy continues to get bombarded with tick damage from your AOEs. If you use a weapon AOE on top of your power AOEs, well... you get the picture. Sorcery is the best tick damage bleeder DPS in this game.

    It comes down to understanding the class and knowing the details behind the power interactions and finding a good balance with weapon use. Sorcery is also still pretty flexible, and you can easily use a loadout with the above powers and any random 2-3 of your own desire to suit your play style and make better sense of the weapon you are using.

    Also, just saying but I have never been fond of how the other power types self buffs (above said electro hands, fire head, etc) did not work the same way as NVB and WoD. I had always assumed they did, and when I rolled them toons I found those powers largely useless without tons of SP spec'd into crit chance/crit mag to better the odds that any adequate damage will result from those buffs before they expire (they often do not). I'd want the devs to change this, with the individual characteristics varying in power cost, damage out, amount of ticks, animation time and cooldown time. IE: I'd much rather have electrohands give everybody 1-3 might ticks of damage that accompany their next 1-3 weapon attacks while maintaining a part of it's PI properties than what it does now.

    Hit me with a brick if this doesn't make sense. In the ether at the moment. =.=
  4. Luthia1281 New Player

    Ive had the same issue several times on my nature healer. I'd cast blossom and the power would go on cool down but no heals would come from me, nor would my pheromones be removed. Usually it'd happen after a knock down > Swarm shield > blossom that I'd encounter this problem.