Was in a random LFG group doing regular Throne and we had trouble with Ares, because the Ares tanks decided to put Ares right in front of the throne and pull the essence. Needless to say after a very long time of the group holding out while the tanks didn't separate the essence and getting unlucky till we got 3 bowmasters, we wiped, but the worst part is what followed. The tanks start talking about what happened and one tank believes he knows what went and asks the other tanks Dom. After learning he had a lot more than the other he said they couldn't separate the essence was: Dominance affects aggro I immediately questioned him saying that wasn't true and that neither of them were using single target taunts or pulls, but rambles on saying he has been playing since beta and works at SOE Live. First, it is just SOE, not SOE LIve and it is now Daybreak. He then backtracks saying he knows, but it is just a title. Then he continues to saying he doesn't want to fight, but is referring to me as the stupid little trol that thinks he knows. Needless to say I left. So how the heck is this is this still a thing?
I was going to say because many people can't be bothered to actually test anything themselves and go by "cuz I saiz so" logic. Though your answer works too. Also Absol, be happy you weren't very active on the forums for when one person actually still believed dominance effects aggro despite a video being posted showing it doesn't and getting confirmation from Spytle on that very same thread that dominance has nothing to do with aggro.
GU 47 was intended to make everyone stop playing and they could make a new game.... why are you still playing it? (maybe troll, maybe not) I've not used a tank in forever, is it not stated in power ability description about taunts???? can users read?? are their taunt bugs??? does the power ability description need updating??? Does anyone click a stat for the description of that stat description to be displayed in a drop down window, of sorts? Should the drop down description be removed and the description be displayed all the time?? casual users, may not be ready for the potential of clicking a row of data to see descriptions of what was clicked.
Usually people say they've played since beta. It's a new length when they say they work there. Well damn don't you know how your own game works there buddy? Honestly, it's become a peeve of mine when people confuse this fact. I've gotten in arguments over this matter. Ugh people
Lol have heard a tank in return say that the reason he couldn't keep aggro on braniac was because the troll (me) has too much dom. What was funny is that the first person braniac kept targeting was the dps not the troll with too much dom.
I would laugh, if it wasn't so sad. This is a very good example of ppl who refuse to listen or refuse to acknowledge that they a) might be wrong b) never tested stuff themselves c) don't bother to keep up with changes/updates/information from the forum by ppl that actually do tests. Reminds me of the troll that kept telling our group in OP5 that Carol does her one-bang if you hard lock on her. I told him it's not true and it's related to the battery she puts down etc, but he just ignored my typing and continued to "instruct" us via mic. He even complimented us for following his advice during the midfight when Carol is talking and stops doing her one-bang for a bit.... I was in there with a mate, and we where in this strange state of laughing and shaking our heads. We made it, but the best part was him being all proud about himself, how he got us through the fight. xD Pure gold.
You could have just left from the beginning and avoided the entire situation. Like that episode from SpongeBob, when Spongebob called Texas dumb while he was talking to Sandy Cheeks.
Some people really need to learn game mechanics or at least do a little research on how their own powers work.... this is a MMO after all and if you think you know everything chances are you're missing something. reminds of an ice tank in SM a while back that really wanted to kick a healer out claiming the reason he was getting one shot wasn't due to the boss..... but due to the HEALERS shield overwriting his own. now i'm pretty sure that was just some bs to cover his booty