This is just ridiculous, the loot....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    In this dlc ( halls of power & war of light pt 2) has gotten worse, at least for me. I mean I love the fact that gears unattained, believe you me I do. But sometimes.I wish the loot system would be like the old days, still get ur own loot but not unattained. Because at least after 2 weeks run I would at least have 3 pieces or more for my role.

    I'm in the beginning of my 3rd month now and not a damn single loot!! Not one, zip, napa....I mean Not even a freakin ring. I get that by having unattained gear that loot system drop has to be decreased to an extend, but 3 god dn months and all I been gettin is mist containers and display cases? And.3 focusing element. Wtf is that all about.

    I know I'll get some hate for this, or some sort of backlash. But when u raicing with same ppl who are gettin at least 1 piece of gear from necro, artifact, LD and L/W while u go 3 freakin months with no damn loot. I have finished vendor gear in a month lol, thanks to all the alerts raids and duos that is out now, plus u get double marks if no loot. So wth?

    Maybe they need to add some sort of system to where randomly from any of the halls of power and war of light pt 2 once a week just once a week will guarantee u at least ONE piece from final boss and can still be random. I get thwy need to stretch the dlc, and probably make us think if I keep using replays I might get a damn gear....I haven't used replays is HoP dlc and WoL 2.

    So please devs please, think this through a bit. As I stated maybe once a week promise us ONE gear still random by the way but at least one from any of the t6 and above raids from final boss. Because it's ridiculous that I have to runs these raids and just sit there fore 3 months get nothing but marks.

    Anybody else out there with similar issue, or close to it. I just am gettin sick of running these raids. I even took. About week and 2days off dcuo then came back and same crap. And I'm really getting sick and tired of base items to be honest with u. Specially thw ones in our lockboxes but that's a different story.
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  2. Little Sister New Player

    The next DLC has guaranteed gear drops, no more extra marks.

    Personally I like the extra marks though. If I run HoP raids, I have no need for 94 gear. So I prefer marks. : /
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  3. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I don't mind them either but u honestly tell me once u bought and used w.e it is u need the marks for and then ran the raids for gear that drops there while might not be that big of a difference from vendor state wise but still better, that 3months farming and not a single damn drop in that period of time won't tick u off, or at least make u wonder wth is going on.

    Specially when every1 in the grp is gettin somethin wether it be plans or gear while u sit there with unused marks. Been sitting on max fury and max light for 2month's now. Have all the rare styles was only missing hive set and 2 of the norseman set other than that I have no use for it.....and good to know that next dlc at least guarantee us somethin
  4. Delta795 New Player

    How long till people complain that they don't need anymore gear and want more chances for extra marks?
    Can't please everyone
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  5. Little Sister New Player

    I'm already complaining in my head lol
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  6. DCVillain New Player

    I'd much rather it be 50/50 tbh, like it is in amazon fury duo's. You can get gear OR marks but its mixed at 1 boss you may get gear at the next you may get extra marks.

    that to me was the ideal set up. Base items imo are a waste to have on a loot table sure they add to our bases and league bases but if its taken away from extra marks and gear then absolutely not. they should drop from trash mobs, after so many runs ppl pass on them anyways lol.

    @TC yea I gave up on L&W and LD trying to get omni pieces or the 3601 style. Imma get the style from rare vendor and be done with it since after all thats all it is to me anyways a stupid style and feat.
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  7. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yea 50/50 wouldn't be bad....I liked got amazon fury was. I actually just started to buy the style, it's sad that I gotta use marsk's to buy style froom raid yet the gear is no where to be found. If they wanted they could make each gear 100 marks of fury and actually give u the raid gear
  8. DCVillain New Player

    eh I wouldnt blow 100 marks on it then lmao

    unless they upped the fury cap to like 200 or 300 then that may vary :p
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Ran L&W several times and have only gotten 2 loot drops, the rest were just marks or plans.
  10. Magician Dedicated Player

    Just a thought:

    Why don't the dev's implement an option to choose what loot chance you want before the raid:

    Extra marks or Extra Marks +/- Gear?

    Why do these changes only have to be limited to what the devs decide. Press teh button and give the players the option.
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  11. nohealhere New Player

    wrong wrong wrong wrong. people will complain "I dont want the noob gear i want the pro gear"
  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I would agree with both of you but there does seem to be a little bit of a problem currently with drops
    For example I have ran L&W every week on 4 different toons and i have yet to get a SINGLE piece of gear from that raid on any character... not one piece towards the style
    they do need to increase the drop rate some i think
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    I have been playing very casually as of the late I'm about 95% full raid gear on both roles on my main and 70-75% on my alt. It is honesty luck my dude. You and others unfortunately are lacking it :(
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  14. Delta795 New Player

    I was very lucky in L&W and was able to get all the Sector gear fairly quickly on my main toon, but have only seen 2 drops on my main alt in at least 10 runs. I have yet to get a single plan drop from this DLC though on either toon.

    It seems to go like that for me though, either I get plans out the wazoo and sell for major $$$ or I get all gear and no plans. My point? I think random is random.
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    multiple toons every week getting none of the style pieces doesnt seem luck based
    I talking style specifically I have gotten a ring and a few weapons and plans just not any drops at all for the actual style gear
  16. nohealhere New Player

    it is luck based though. maybe your the unluckiest man in dc
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    i don't doubt it :)
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  18. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I have 3 pieces of sector gear since the DLC dropped. Two of them dropped on my first run. So yeah, quite the dry spell for me with gear drops.
  19. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    The extra marks are nice at the end of gear cycle when you are trying to buy the next set of vendor gear.

    The extra gear is nice when you are going from vendor gear to raid gear and re-modding two sets of gear in a short period of time.

    I went through almost eight rows of simple materials and two and half rows of complex this last gear cycle of course i also changed two of my toons powers and re-did a dps set to straight might then back to fight and precision. it gets very expensive very quickly on the materials
  20. Gro Man New Player

    I would simply like the option to trade in unattuned gear for marks. If you hold it, and dont attune the gear, why not let us trade it in for 5 or so marks, or something scaled with the item level of the gear?
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