this game is now officially broken

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Slicknsly, May 22, 2014.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    In the words of Tom-Bot: "It's all true! I heard about it from some random guy on the forums."
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  2. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    seriously so much stuff to counter point its not even worth the time just going to say if you don't like it leave
  3. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Where's your green name? Why is this not in the Announcement section? If it's official, your name should be green and this should be posted in the announcement section. Go make it official for real :)
  4. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Dom has NOTHING to due with aggro...Dom is for CC effects and shield durations. Therefore minimum Dom should be ignored for tanking.
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  5. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    The only thing broken in this game is PvP and Breakouts
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  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    the game isn't broken but the duos, solos, ad alerts sometimes not reward you after beating a boss in t6
  7. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    if you don't get any loot, you'll get extra marks
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  8. PrietzoBoy New Player

    THE GAME IS BROKEN? what???... :rolleyes:
  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Um, reading all the posts here, and no one said anything within this thread about dominance affecting aggro. A tank does need the dominance for added defense with shields and for juggling adds to protect the group. The drop in dominance from Vestments to 91 gear is unacceptable for that reason and that reason alone.
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  10. Archangel Rafael New Player

    translation for non techies, it's a troubleshooting diagnosis : Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

    - thanks for this man. It's been a long time since I heard that term. Impeccable usage btw.
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  11. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    I think your a bit late on the whole broken thing, like 2 years late lol. The loot system of now should have been the loot system of old not just the random gear/goodies but the blank gear is awesome, no longer will you get your 10th piece of healer gear...while playing as a troll:(
  12. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    The op was saying he was having a problem getting his Dom above min suggested so I was saying that min isn't applicable to tanks.
  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes it is applicable.
    Dominance affects the crow control powers. If you dont have the minimum suggested you will not be able to pull, juggle, stun, or knock down enemies.
  14. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    You know whats broken.

    The community.

    Hardly any groups running under T4 content.
    People not taking healers into T6.
    Only taking 1 heal into T5.
    Screwing over tanks constantly.

    The community keeps thinking of new ways to make the game annoying.

    The worst is , they make the game annoying by thinking of ways to make the content easy and fast and then come to the forums to complain that the games too easy and fast.

    Theres not enough facepalms in the world to express how stupid and broken the DCUO community has become over the last 6 months.
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  15. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I wish I had a dollar for every thread with this one's title.

    If you don't hit minimum Dom in your gear you could use SP, you know. At the bottom of the tree (if you have WM) there is a Health/Dom spot for SP.
  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    thanks didn't know that
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  17. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    You need to think about it like this the 90 Ion/Sinestro is group level gear and as such the 91 group level green stuff has higher stats. The 90 rage gear is raid level as was weighted higher in terms of raw stats, because of this you may lose some stats on when upgrading to the 91 group gear. The 92 group gear will net you a gain again.

    This isn't broken, it makes sense. Raiders should be rewarded with higher weighed gear so Raid gear will have better stats then the group gear of the same tier.
  18. kav Committed Player

    As a tank, I had 2098 Dominance with rage gear - I have now around 2400+. Are you sure they didn't use weird mods or had extremely low skill points? Maybe that's more of the root cause.

    It annoys me a tiny bit too, because I think that they cannot block break me in that moment. Especially the NPC's with brawling get on my nerve since they can still block break with a right tap attack while we cannot. Not that I'm mad that I cannot do it, but it screws with my brain sometimes. Lol.
  19. topflow619 Well-Known Player

    I agree :cool:
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Tier 2: 52 gear drops from the raids. Better stats come from the 52 gear that drops from the solos
    Tier 3: 62 gear drops from the raids. Better stats come from the 64 gear that drops from the alerts.
    Tier 4: 73 gear drops from the raids. Better stats come from the 73 gear that drops in the Inner Sanctum alert.
    Tier 5: 90 gear drops from the 8-man operation. Tier 6: The 90 gear in Tier 5 has better stats than the 91 gear in Tier 6.

    That is inconsistent with how the rest of the game works. Please explain again why 91 gear, a higher item level in a higher tier, has lower stats than 90 gear, a lower item level in a lower tier.