This game is dead

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Spirit, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    I just want to see the huge number of people shatter my sentence of despair with the hammer of hope. :)
  2. Oriole New Player

    what? well I will say the game needs an attention grabber. I still say gameplay wise in my opion it used to be better if you take out the crashes on the PS side.
  3. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    You get no love, only disappointment look at FNL the new DLC the NEW Power Weapon Mastery, Advanced Mechanics, DLC's every month you need to want to be here just like everything in life if what's above sent enough I don't know what to tell you.
  4. lukelucky Devoted Player

    if your end game your all but for sure subbed up soon enough. being fair we have not seen the monthly cost but i bet its atleast half of a sub fee. so $5 plus/month. leveling slowing down will give people more time with their toon to experiment b4 being at end game. the higher cost kinda assures a bit more dedicated player. i am into a hundred dollar game more so then the $10 game.

    they addressed most issues but the communities hiding behind stats. i have faith DBG can get this game growing. the old decision makers............ titanic comes 2 mind
  5. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    What is this "new power weapon mastery" sounds like something that will upset me.

    lol sorry my grammar was incorrect. New Power (Munitions), Weapon Mastery two different things one older
  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

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  7. Itazuki New Player

    Nah not dead. Dying.. But not dead yet.

    Games take a while to die, and even longer for people to admit it.

    One day, there will be two people left on DCUO... One will say "This game is dead" and the other will say "Not even close! The Devs are handling it!"
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  8. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Sunday of boredom?
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  9. Malachyte Devoted Player

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  10. Zylo Committed Player

    game cant die yet, not untill expirumental serum is is released. if the power set sucks and its nothing like Bane then the game now has permission to die.
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  11. ermike Committed Player

    Very clever post. No it is not dying. It is in a transition phase where they see how this monthly updates will work.. should help replay sales especially with more Elite stuff coming.. more LPVE otw to make money too.. DBG prolly giving DC until the end of year to see if it is financially worth it. Stay tuned i guess
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I love this! LOL! This is me and my alter-ego fighting each other in-game right now. Seriously though, I have seen several "the game is dead/dying"-threads lately and MOST of it relates to the casual gameplay-style that currently rules this game. Most people have gotten everything they need out of Amazon Fury Part 2 by now, a new DLC is up on test and around the corner to come out live.

    Honestly, this "dead or dying"-discussion always pops up more than ever whenever a DLC have been out for +2 months and we're all waiting for the next DLC.

    With all the changes and a new DLC coming, people will get back on again. Some might voice their disappointments of not having the opportunity to use their old marks to convert and buy 50 new vendorgear-sets for free at launch-day of the new DLC, but I absolutely believe that these new changes coming our way will only improve people's game-experience and people will become more involved in time, if not right away.

    I guess we just have to let the new update and DLC come live, wait a while and then we can revisit this topic once again.
  13. ApolloMystique New Player

    i laughed out loud
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  14. Sorrower New Player

    I sometimes feel that way on my villain toons already. Well, the playing with only one person part. =P
  15. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Yesterday at around 4pm PST on USPC I queued for every legends pvp map available. It took a good 30 minutes to get into a match.
  16. Falco Committed Player

    AKA - Trolling
  17. Ghostof91 New Player

    Weapon Mastery and Am has got to be one of the dumbest things ever brung to this game, thanks to these two yes the game is dying just not dead yet.
  18. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    whats wrong with AM and WM? that makes no sense at all

    Ghostof91 = Hater why?

    Yep that's right, and they will never stop the New content every month will bring awesome I think
  19. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Should be called "This game is dead #946". I believe that's the official tally on these threads
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  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I left my hammer of hope in my other suit. Can I use my Sonic Screwdriver of Sunshine instead :)
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