Things in your purse

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Black Panther, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Burnt New Player

    LOL LOL LOL I can't stop laughing and tears are rolling down my face! Thank you, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time
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  2. Blazt Furnace New Player

    Ok if you would have said the zippers were silver then you could keep your masculinity.

    Since you said silvery, sorry NO masculinity for you!!

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  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

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  4. GeoShock New Player

    OP WTF :eek:
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  5. Notangie New Player

    Let's see if we can get this back on track...
    he said fancy pencil
    L...what's in my purse that begins with L...?
  6. Black Panther New Player

  7. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

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  8. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Uhmm guys, I found 8 thousands dollars in my purse.:eek:
  9. Notangie New Player

    that's mine, please give it back and I shall reward you with a cash prize...not cash, per se, a coin prize. basically, give me 8k and i'll give you a nickel.
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  10. Mont New Player

    obviously u have the wrong purse
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  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Men have European Shoulder Bags.

    Hmmmm, I have a number of things...

    Eye liner.
  12. Mont New Player

    yeah they hold thier white flag in it
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  13. Notangie New Player

    so mont's purse contains a white flag...
    my purse has a green cell phone
  14. Raptor T. Committed Player

    Can a backpack be counted lol??
  15. Raptor T. Committed Player

    Can a backpack be counted lol?? o_O
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  16. Black Panther New Player

    What effing letter are we on? Im so confused!
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  17. LV~ New Player


    Last phrase was eye-liner
  18. Black Panther New Player


    "Really Large Plastic Device Used For Pleasure or Pain"

  19. Notangie New Player

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  20. Black Panther New Player


    If you mean this, the game continues with

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