These high cr guys

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by algiz99, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    This is the reason we need a tutorial, not stat clamps.

    I recently ran the new t6 alert and the troll only had pot up about half of the time...

    This happened with different players.

    Stat clamping is not the answer. When I run a low level alert and I'm running with newbies I always try to teach them (at least a crash course). People like me would stop helping, because I would stop running that content and I'm sure there are others like me. Sure this could mean they would either fail or learn but the sink or swim tactic doesn't work with well with something you are paying for.

    Let's just make stat clamping optional, it seems a lot more realistic that way. If people want to run challenging low level content with like minded people, let them. If they wish to act as though they are a God in low level content, let them.

    It is nobody's place to tell players how they have to play. In every MMO at least that I know of, if you have better gear then you can defeat low level content easier, stat clamping flies against that.

    Sorry about my rant about stat clamping but from the way I was reading it sounds as though you are for stat clamping, if not then I offer my apologies.
  2. Stark23 Committed Player

    When leveling a toon I cross my fingers that I get one of "these high cr guys", the quicker the better.

    It's all a matter of opinion, yours and mine are different. Asking the devs to cater to yours is not the answer. Although a lot of catering to sides is done around here. But what do I know.
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    tbh Im 50/50 I am much like you I help ppl I sit back and pot shot adds or I go to a off-role if... IF I run lower content (which is once in a blue moon tbh), thats why i bought a 120$ mic to be able to communicate better with ppl.

    as far as stat clamping goes, as I said above im 50/50, here's why, and before anyone says "when you solo queue you risk getting random CRs" I know this I've solo'd queued EVERYTHING the past 3.5 years on DCUO lol I know this lol

    but anyways, my character Im leveling up who is CR101 atm now, when he was T1 range I queued ace chemical alert T1. got in there there was 3 ppl of-level, then there was a CR111 mental DPS, before we even started I asked him to switch to troll, guy totally ignored me as if I didnt say anything.

    Im not 1 of those ppl who will sit up and say "high CR ppl dont belong in T1-T5" naw because like in ace theres the kick me sign ppl still want either for style or to sell. Point is I was able to solo T1 alerts at T4 with 0 deaths. SO someone at CR111, with a new mechanic, why queue, why not just walk in to it and fly past everything and ignore everything and everyone like you wanna and plan to do any way? This is my main reason I and behind stat clamping is because the higher CR ppl who do, do T1 wont even communicate with the other ppl, and if they do, its like in artifacts today, this CR111 kept calling everyone "marshmellows" because we wasnt CR111 like he was.

    But just a heads up they said we would get the options to walk into EVERYTHING that gets stat clamp tied to it in the future.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea but way I look at it is a CR111 + person shouldn't be queuing into something they can walk in to.

    when they can solo the instance.

    and I think thats what alot of other ppls problem is with higher geared ppl is as well, if you can walk in to it then do it stop queuing without forming a group.

    but the last part can be said about both sides though lol is why I said Im 50/50 on the subject :p
  5. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I kind of have a problem with that though. Its the fact that the teleporter to say ace chemicals is all the way in gotham, arkham asylum in gotham, strykers island (metropolis). That makes it a complete and utter nuisance to get there. Now if allow the option to solo queue 4 man alerts, etc. I would be more inclined to agree with this matter.
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nope just walk in to them provided you meet the CR requirements obviously lol.

    But I do agree would be nice if you could solo queue for a alert and be there only person in said alert.

    like a legendary teleporter nod or something :p
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    legendaries get to teleport INSIDE the alerts / raids ect while everyone else had to actually go to the walk in locations
  8. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I would be fine with this. If stat clamping was added to the queues for a 4 man.

    Expect premium players to start complaining if this happens though.
  9. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Easily remedied.....If the Devs give us the Walk in portals for all that low end we've been asking for for YEARS.
    Personally I'm alittle tired of carrying low end not wanting to listen and learn new players when all i need is a collection or briefing in the lower content.
    For every time you get your feelings hurt by a high CR smashing things........there are boatload more low end players expecting......and asking for that free ride.

    Open your eyes......It goes both ways.
    • Like x 1
  10. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    Some people like it but I hate it whenever people with 100+cr show up in t2 stuff when I use my low tier toon with a 50 cr.. I always tell them to kick me or I'll be afk. Wish they had an option where you can choose to be grouped with people around your cr so you can actually have fun and not mindlessly be carried through.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea well it could be:

    legendary = never stat clamped
    everyone else = stat clamped

    but thats not the case though lol
  12. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    This sort of/kind of issue could be blamed on the drop system.......if there was no "impossible to get drops" in these instances then high cr players would have no reason to play them(other than fun with buddies) because they would already have gotten what they needed a long time ago.
  13. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Only solution to this would be a Clamp/Not Clamp queue option where stats are boosted/decreased simlar to pvp if the flip is switched on. If I'm running for atyles i like going through quickly with other high CR's anyway.