There's Got To Be A Way To Kick In Duos

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. BlueVariable Committed Player

    The game will automatically disconnect a player of a period of inactivity. I believe it's like 30 minutes, maybe less. I agree though, have yet to experience a duo problem, mainly because my duos are always with my wife so we never have issues. I can see where the problem is though. If the alerts and raids have the option to reopen the instance, a duo should as well.

    Maybe only for the option at the very least of kicking someone who is afk, and it insets a hold period on the instance until a second person is found?
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    You will have to specify......

    A) are you playing PS3 or PC?? PvP or PvE??? US or EU???

    It is quite a different game depending on which platform/server you play.

    B) what are those games???

    Played DDO and LoTRO..... DCUO has the worst players I have seen yet.

    The DDO were okay.... barley a notch above DCUO.... but the LoTRO players were miles more civil and respectfull then the DCUO ones.

    Did not get the chance to try out Old Republic, Neverwinter, or Diablo3. Might try them out when I get a new computer later this year.

    We shall see.
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    When they camp in a corner 1 second after you both entered the instance.... there is nothing you did to "piss them off".

    They want to solo the darn thing and will wait for you to leave before lifting a finger.

    If they ask nicely.... I might leave and let them solo as they wish..... unless I had to wait 30 minutes to enter the darn instance.

    As for knowing your role..... there are so many troller who don't give power or healers who don't heal..... they might as well get rid of the whole role idea.

    To many players play as a DPS even when they are NOT DPS.

    No idea why they just don't play DPS if that is what hey want to do.... makes no sense. But there you go.
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  4. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    To some point I understand u, but If I run a T1 duo on a cr70+ troller I play it for fun - sure, POT is up all the time, but the rest...
    I top every t2 dps with my trolls, so take what you get (POT)...
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  5. Trees New Player

    If your partner doesn't move bring the mobs of adds or boss to him lol I had someone stop playing the police station duo but wouldn't leave so I agro'd 2 bosses and brought them to him, he died quickly. He then told me I appreciated the company of men and then left. Good times.
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  6. SuperiorMouse New Player

    stop playing. open a support ticket explaining that you're currently in the instance with someone doing this. a GM will appear and kick the player. i've had to do it several times and it works just fine, even though it takes a few mins. that is the system in place.
  7. Mave New Player

    lol so what if they do the same to you?
  8. twist New Player

    It's frustrating when this sort of thing happens, but honestly, I have to say, this has happened a handful of times to me in the 2 and 1/2 years I've been playing. I usually just play through (if I'm able to), roll and get out. It would be nice to be able to solo the duos, but really, isn't that oxymoronic?
  9. darkmoon caverns New Player

    But then how would it work? What's to stop me from kicking you for the hell of it?
  10. Lunar Agent New Player

    Solution, Run duos with people you know. I have never queued up for a duo, and never will.
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  11. Veziann New Player

    Unfortunately AFK systems don't work either.

    If I'm just hanging out in my lair or the HoD or something and chatting to league members I might put down my controller for a bit and after a short time my status will go to "Away".

    After a few minutes more of inactivity I might get get logged out.

    To get around this all I do is move my toon a tiny bit and the 'Away" status is cleared.

    This is all someone would need to do to get around the AFK system if it was implemented.

    I just can't believe how lazy some people are in this game LOL.
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  12. Veziann New Player

    ^ this LOL
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Queue with undersized group option in the On Duty menu. Would work for all content. Get rid of all the teleporters, except those that zone you to locations like Central City or South Gotham.
  14. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I did nothing but carry the duo in healer mode. In the area with the 2nd boss, this dope wouldn't activate the rocks you have to pick up, carry to a node, and drop at the boss to unshield him. I did all 8 while he stupidly sat there and tried to fight the boss. I took down the drones that spawned. Pretty much did all the hard work not to mention keeping his lame rear end alive by healing him. I mean, I out damaged him twice healer mode. This was before he decided to not take part in the final boss fight. Oh, and what's your in game name so I know not to do anything with you and shout so others avoid you as well. You're a part of the problem.
  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You can't kick in combat.
  16. Clip New Player

    If u want to kick people while a combat with many enemies is on u can start a trade with the person. Works only on ps3 i guess but i would say it works like 9/10 times.
  17. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Try a different weapon?

    Sorry - couldn't resist.

    I agree that there are some people who will do just about anything for a handout in this game. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about it. Which bites.

    IF you're USPC, look for Eldritch Phantasm. I promise I'll do my best to actually help in a duo, alert, or raid. If you're CR is higher, you'll probably do more damage, etc., but I'll do my part. Power supply and CC are what I'm best at, being a troller (in more ways than one, obviously). But, I won't be the jerk that stands in the corner either wanting you to carry him or hoping you'll give up and leave so that he can solo it. I like Lockboxes, and you only get them in combat.
    This is the only real solution I can see - run duos with people you know, whether from in-game or meeting on the forums.

    And, good luck with the next duo!
  18. BLUE JAYGE New Player

    Yeah was thinking that too. The only thing about reporting on ps3 is you have to go to pc to actually file the report right. Also sucks when your playing with someone who doesnt' know what they are doing in duos. Like in the OMAC duo (I think Tier 1) where you have to separate those guys or they heal each other but they will try to kill the same one! so annoying.... I had to just leave and wait 10min for deserter to start a new one.. hmmph some people it just takes longer for figure something out
  19. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Did you try telling him what needed to be done? Sometimes that makes a huge diff. But, PS3 - sorry - wasn't thinking. If voice is down, how do you guys tell anyone anything?
    Personally, I'm a Quantum troller, so I don't worry about seperating them - I just freeze them and blast away. Even easier.
  20. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Fair enough.