There's Got To Be A Way To Kick In Duos

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This is about the 5th time this happened to me in duos. Going along when all of a sudden my partner either hugs a wall or flies up out of the way and quits running the duo leaving me to solo it. Just now it was in the OMAC duo when my partner quit in the final room and just stood in a corner. I ended up soloing the boss fight but they still rolled on loot and got credit. This sucks because it forces you to either solo or desert getting the penalty and starting over. This is why we need in game GM's as well.
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly the devs did not come up with a patch to fix jerkholes yet...... and there are a LOT of those playing DCUO. :(
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  3. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You got that right.
  4. Nyte New Player

    Dous need a system like raids and alerts, reopen them and find another partner if one leaves.

    If one's afk, put an AFK system in the game, auto kick after certain amount of time of inactivity and reopen the Duo, finding a replacement.

    There, I fixed it, and no GM interaction needed.

    A kick system would do no good, how is it gonna work? It's going to be your vote against his vote, so what ? you both get kicked ? Or whoever votes first wins ? Or rock, paper, scissors style ?

    OH wait I know, obviously the Subs should decide who gets kicked.
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  5. Whiteroom New Player

    lol hate for subs much Nyte?
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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    Don't you already get kicked if you stay AFK for too long???

    Also the problem is that too often... they are NOT AFK.

    They stay in a corner just to piss you off and make you leave so that they can solo the boss and get the loot for themselves..... or they let you solo the boss collecting the reward for just standing there.

    They will move their character just enough not to get kicked by the game.

    Players in this game make me wish every day that we could either;

    A) play then entire game solo

    B) make a complete party using our alts and play the Game not unlike Balder's Gate or Dragon Age where you have a full party under your control.

    But that will never happen. :(
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  7. Nyte New Player

    Naah I'm just playin lol

    Really? D: Never actually had that, in that case make it so that Inactivity is counted when you're not actively engaging in killing off mobs and doing active damage and/or healing/supporting.
  8. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Would that behavior be something you could report?
    Because that sounds like a cheat to me...

    Then the next day we'll see a banned-for-no-reason thread from the guy making you do all the work!
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  9. SuperMia New Player

    There should be a quota system in duos.

    If your partner doesn't meet the quota, you have the option to kick him!

    (ie. Partner must obtain a certain scoreboard score based on their role in a set amount of time.)

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  10. Deepeess New Player

    Wouldn't npc kill be better? all you have to do to get credit is hit the add or heal/power up the person killing it no?

    When i find those people i just alt-tab and stay afk and let them die at least once before doing anything again.
  11. Goony New Player

    you can walk into the battle for earth duos
  12. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Sadly the potential for griefing out weighs any benefit.
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Problem is....if we were able to kick people from duos then too many people would kick the other player for the sole purpose of soloing the doing and keeping all of the loot.
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  14. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I did a duo one time and the guy who was in there with me didn't want to do anything because as he said "I was over geared and can solo it " so I made a sandwich and waited him out I didn't need anything in the duo or the marks it was the point if he would have asked me to take the lead causes he was undergeared I would have be fine with that but he was a ****** about it .
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  15. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    The devs can’t stop a a’hole from being an a’hole. With that being said, I wish the devs would put in mechanisms that would somewhat solve certain problems before adding more content to the game like being able to queue for duos alone. Especially since a lot of duos aren’t accessible from open world portals like the South Gotham duos.
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  16. thirty six Loyal Player

    I would have let myself get ko'd. This ***** thinks he found a loophole to forcing you to beat it. I can stand around just as long as he wants to play dumb :0) that being said, I don't think kicking in duos Is the answer, because I would kick the other person every time and run it by myself, so I'm sure a lot of people would do the same. It would be a race to the kick at that point.
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  17. Mave New Player

    I have made people solo duos before but I can say it has never been for no reason. Ask yourself what you did to piss them off and try not to do that, whether people want to admit it or not there is a certain level of etiquette that needs to take place in order for everyone to be happy.

    My basic rules-
    only need on your role (unless you cleared it with the others first)
    communicate; understand why someone is doing something they shouldn't before you call them a newb
    KNOW YOUR ROLE... nothing pisses me off more than doing a duo with a controller who doesn't debuff/give power
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    They don't need a kick system, they need an option to go into them solo.

    They really need to get on the allowing anyone to enter any content short handed thing.....
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  19. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    it is far worse in other games.
  20. Breakforce Loyal Player

    The only thing is, you are going to see people kicking out their partner right when the final boss is just about down, so they get all the help from the person, but get rid of them before the loot drops.

    If I'm in duo, and the other person stops doing anything, so do I.