Themyscira Divided in 85:24

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fyshinatux, May 24, 2014.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    idk what this thread has 2 do with having a healer in the group or not. Seriously its time 2 get over that and move on. I just did b2b runs and finished in 21:51 and 22:32 with no healer. Ive finished around same time with a healer. People can run whatever setup they want to. And the devs have confirmed alerts were always designed 2 run with any setup so please just stop with the whole healer/no healer thing in the alert please
  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Idk if it was Tharkis the one you're referring to, but I wouldn't be surprised. He's the best sorc player you'll meet in USPC. But be careful though, he'll pin kitty ears on you and turn you into a minion for Circe's army the moment he gets a chance! :eek:
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  3. fyshinatux New Player

    but I... I already has kitty ears :oops:

    (leopard skin ftw :D )
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  4. fyshinatux New Player

    Thanks, have to redo it a bit, I was going for more of a purple... got more of a pink >.<
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  5. ErnieB Loyal Player

    for whatever reason whenever I entered (and there is a BUG thread about this) the fight starts, and you can even kill the other amazons, then suddenly everything resets as if nothing happened, except if you already lost heath that doesn't reset, at times I'm already 3/4 health when everything reset and had to start all over again.
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  6. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Never had that issue before but I have come across one where you get attack by invisible amazons but they appear at the side doors, it was really weird and hard to explain
  7. Mrik Tros New Player

    The longest run I've been in was 79min. Healer was top damage with 3.5mil, tank was no.2 with 2.5mil, DPS had 1.5mil & troll who only threw pot by accident had 1.3mil. Nobody changed roles. It was still fun for the healer & tank though(my wife and I.)
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  8. winter13 New Player

    Nah...these guys were just not good ;)
  9. winter13 New Player

    No one in that group was doing the damage out that they should have, not just the dps. The troll and healer should have had that damage out halfway through the run. If the run takes more than 40 minutes, and the troll doesn't have at least 1.0-1.2 mil out and the healer doesn't have at least 1.5-1.7 out at the 40 minute mark - then there is a problem.
  10. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Wow that DPS was horrible -.-. Holy crap.
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  11. Anima Committed Player

    Aw man. I was so going to ask this. I scrolled down to see if someone else said it, and yep.
  12. CHUD Loyal Player

    This is where that moment of me feeling conflicted comes in. On one side, you have a person doing damage who came in with second score. There's also the concept of Rage probably not being the best of power-sets to be in TD. Earth is okay,'s actually manageable (I had a 102 CR with 108 SP running it without any real problems).

    But here's the other thing and I am thinking this is where start to become judgmental and even prejudice at times.

    Not every person is on every single hour they have a day off from everyday life developing their character. There are those who, in honest opinion, who are legitimately trying their best to develop their character as well as wanting to progress as much as possible. I'll admit it, I have a Rage Damage character in my list that enjoy playing. Grant it, I consider myself to be a decent player. I may not be the very best and top-tiered nor do I wish to be,.....but that also means I don't suck at what I do. So take into consideration that not every player in the game is going to live up to some sort of predetermined idea of how a person should play or even have their character set up and modded.

    Take also into consideration that people will have an off-night where there is a level of frustration behind their playing. Add to that the overall bickering and constant argumentative posts about how TD should be ran, it's giving a lot of players a negative feeling by those who are able to get through it with ease. So right there, the player community can (or even should) accept some of the blame for not being supportive or tolerant of other players and where they are at with their character.

    But, something which I have noticed about a lot of TD requests. It started out with CR of 100,...then it has moved up to CR of 104-106 as being the standard to get in or even being allowed to join in. It makes me wonder.....who's carrying who exactly in the game. If the person is the sort who is CR 103 - 104, SP of 110 - 125 and you're looking for those who are well above that range,...well,...I think you get the idea.

    In truth, people are judging players based upon CR, SP, gear, modifications, league they're in, etc. The scoreboard at the end of the mission,....again in my humble opinion, a load of bull. Yeah,'s nice to see who is ahead and everything, but it becomes either a motivator or demotivate tool to a person's ego. The more it demotivates a person's overall drive to become better, add to that negative reinforcement from other players, you're going to continue to have this problem of not wanting to succeed or give it their all and drift into being a "casual player".

    So therefore,....can we just learn to accept the fact that everybody is worth something to the team / league / player community at large.....or continue to alienate those who are "weaker" and not worth the time to join in that progression?
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  13. Aces Up Well-Known Player

    Cerv, it's your fault and you know it!
  14. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    2 DPS in alert = someone getting carried
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  15. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    That is just sad...
  16. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Ouch, you could have ran at least two in that time! Some guys can do 3!
    In a run last week we had the 1 1 1 1 set up and finished in around 30 mins.
    Good for you in staying with the group, I prob would have kicked the dps or left if he was the problem in the slow run. I haven't the time nowadays to sit playing TD for 85mins! :oops:

    By the way, your tank has a CR of 104. My tank has a CR of 102, but I've around 200-250 more dominance than you...o_O
    You are better geared as the only CR92 piece I have is a neck and I've still 2 CR86 pieces.
  17. neidler New Player

    Ha, thata rough.
    I blame the healer for not puttin up better dps.
  18. Terrible Theo Well-Known Player

    Congratulations on the time, bro.
  19. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    What a patience... I'd have left at the very first 20 mins ^^
  20. ADG New Player

    Opps's post raises the issue of relavence and other great points. Since I switched to tanking, I have fallen in love with it. But alerts like this and experiences like Opp's make the tank role undesired in many cases. Adding Rage power doesn't help the other tanks. Their is a systemic malfuction in both game and players that amplify the bad experiences and cause a mistrust of even the role that's not at fault. A tank is very useful in this mission, and yet who the heck wants to spend all of the time required to run it with one, especially if any other player is under-par? I am one of the patient few. And it grates on my nerves also. Some missions make for a hostile and unwelcoming environment for certain roles. Imbalance.

    The past 2 days I have run TD.... "Wait. You're tanking? Not 2 dps?" ... Good times.:cool: