The Worst Complaint You've Heard About Your In-Game Skill

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twilight Avenged, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    We've all heard an insult or complaint (whether valid or not) about how we play or a decision we made in game directed at us, and if you haven't I suggest you experience it at some point.

    I'll share: I remember the first time I ran the STAR Labs Research Facility alert and got lost momentarily in the opening area as my group split up. Someone shouted 'before you try to heal a group, buy a ******* compass so you can find them first. god **** you suck'

    Feel free to share one you remember, and we can laugh together.
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  2. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I just switched my fire tank to rage and am still in the process of learning and still have to remember to cancel rage crash. If I get to caught up in looking around or trying to target an add behind people I forget sometimes.

    I got a nasty tell about how bad I sucKed from a dps in the group. We were running lab trying for the treasure chest and this guy not in group chat who @#$$#@! Up the feat by not killing adds switched to tank abd pulled them all up by me and the boss. Knew we were going for feat cuz he was invited strictly for that.

    He goes off in group chat about how he switches to tank just in time to save the raid when he was supposed to tank the adds away to begin with. Everyone in the group said he was going on their ignore list but he got the tell to me before I could add him.

    On a side note, I think I lie fire tanking better.
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  3. MeloMan New Player

    Tbh i havent really had anyone say anything really rude to me about my ingame skills. Guess im just lucky. I have however seen a ton of people say rude things to friends, league mates and just random group members. I see it daily actually.

    Pretty much 100% of the time if im the player who screwed something up or did some really noob move i own it right away. I call myself a noob and apologize. Maybe because i own it right away is the reason ive never had anything bad said to me, at least not anything i can remember.
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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Running Kanhdaq a couple of years ago doing someone a favor with my main(controller) I was being accused of not keeping the entire 8 man team powered enough. This was during the part where you have to activate the doors and you're swarmed by mummies before you get to the last area with Black Adam. There were people in 2 different areas. Mind you, there were 2 controllers and yet somehow I was supposed to keep him and everyone else powered up.
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  5. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    The worse I heard was when I was in Nexus when general lex jumps around and u can't really agro. And got kicked and was told I'm a bad tank lol....the most recent 1 is in HoH where cerberus leaves tank and just runs the opposite way, we'll not only this one guy troll just stood there trying to survive the charge then the flames on the floor. But also had the brown mist around him that one shots, well he ended up sayin "I can't keep agro and I should of cleaned that mist" lol
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    3.5 years later I still get lost in that opening section. Every damn time.
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  7. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

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  8. Multiverse Creator League

    Only had players complain about my skills once.

    When I was a young T1 Phantom like 3 years ago.... I was doing one of the T1 Raids with my new League at the time.

    And all I would hear from them was their complaints about how the Phantom (T1 DPS at the time) could not keep up with the other DPSes who were all T3 (the top gear at the time).

    Somehow it was a mystery to them how a T1 guy who was doing them Raids for the first time was not able to keep up with the overgeared DPSes in the group.

    And the League Leader even managed to Ninja Loot something that should have been mine.

    Left the League right then.
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  9. HazeTA New Player

    Never experienced it, God help the first person who criticizes my ability in game... I'l ruin them :D.
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  10. Breathcore New Player

    As a tank, I have grown accustomed to being lectured and ridiculed every time a boss does a scripted action and ignores me temporarily.

    As a tank, I've gotten used to being blamed for going down when tanking adds + Ares because of terrible burn from the DPS' allowing the adds to continue stacking to ridiculous numbers.

    As a tank, I've become comfortable with the idea that any time somebody's controller dies or their dog ***** in the floor, it's probably my fault.

    If only I was exaggerating..
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  11. Zhival93 Level 30

    There was one time, when jump cancelling was still a thing (I am HL), I was running BC3 and I was one of the DPS and was like 50 CR or something, we then get to Brainiac, and a guy sent me a tell to switch to troll, and let the others DPS cause I wasn't doing enough damage, I said no because I had no troll gear nor a proper loadout, and stayed DPS, we finished the raid, I was first on the scoreboard by a considerable amount af damage more, and then the same guy sends me another tell saying, "Good Job, you're a great DPS".

    And then there's today, playing arkham asylum legends, I'm Robin, and what I always do is go for the middle node, me and another guy went and fought 2v2 against other 2 guys, i knock out one of them and my buddy gets knocked out, I then proceed by being knocked outaswell. Then after 13 seconds waiting, I see our node is taken so I go and get it back by defeating Batman, and as I saw 4 opponents in the middle node, I went and took the node that belonged to the enemy, later on I get knocked by 2 guys, and before we lose one of the guys in my team calls us f*cking noobs and leaves, match over I captured more nodes, more assists and more damage, but whatever.

    Sorry for the wall of text lazy readers.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I dont really remember any real insults, think the only insults I have had are self inflicted lol

    due to trying to better myself I insult my skills in my head to push myself to thrive to get better... weird I know lol

    but it works lol
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  13. hudapak Well-Known Player

    4 years ago, as I was leveling my main up, I queued for Legends PvP for the first time. It was Batcave 2v2. I was disoriented with the acrobatics movement mode (I'm Flight,btw) I kept clinging on walls and ceiling. To make things worse I wasn't familiar with the legends power loadout. I was struggling. The the other started yelling at me and called me a b***h and a w***e and all other obscenities. I was shocked and I left abruptly. I cried and didn't play Legends for a long time... That was the worst experience ever.

    There was also another time, I was in a raid with my healer and it was when they introduced R&D. A Prec/Might plan dropped and we all needed on it as agreed in the beginning. I won it and the DPSes started harassing me and called me ninja looter.
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  14. X-zero Loyal Player

    Late summer seasonal the first year two guys(tank and dps) who knew each other were complaining that me and the other guy didn't know what we were doing. They were going for some feat forgot which one(not full net) but I do remember I had that feat on all four of my villains and that was before feat copy. I was a controller and the fourth was a dps. I even tried to save one who died since no healer and he was complaining while I was reviving him. After the wipe they still keep calling us names so I just walked out and I think the other dps appeared to follow me.
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  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    This was an older one. Keep in mind that this was back before Damage Over Time was nerfed in legends so Circe was still good, but no where near as good as she was after the DoT nerf (before her teleportation was nerfed) and Saint Walker was actually a pretty darned good character.

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  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    One time I was running with a league mate of mine, and I was lagging really bad and playing as Fate next thing I know I read this message in chat "Stevie Wonder can play better then you right now".
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  17. Xolag Well-Known Player

    It happened to me once, after he say that i outdps him still with pvp gear :D
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  18. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I actually laughed out loud on that one.
    Sorry tho man :/
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  19. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh nexus was horrible (more so the ******** in there at any given time) when I was new to it. I remember going in and standing in the door way and lex would just decide to start smacking into me. Didn't know that for some stupid reason you weren't allowed to stand in that particular place. But yh that got plenty of attention, all the insults were in Spanish though, so aside from 'noob', **** knows what they were actually saying.
  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Back when I was Quantum running TD almost every Tank (when there was one .) would say...