The Wish List Thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cordelia, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ah yes, a gray rectangle episode.
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    LOL, It was a picture of Gods and Monsters from Google.

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  3. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    The new space base to be much bigger would a on my wish list for sure. Also a Cat and and Devils Tail for a waist style. I have the Demon Tail and I love it
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  4. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    The ability to click on a feat to see the whole description instead of having to wait while ... it ... scrolls ... so ... you ... can ... read ... the ... whole ... thing.
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  5. Lara Committed Player

    Olympian lions and Bat-mite!!! would be so nice
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  6. Wildcat Committed Player

    Larfreeze 4 legends :D
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  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Why not have both? ;)
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  8. BitGam4r Well-Known Player

    We will once they make a void chroma...
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  9. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I would love to see some skins for the Grim pet. I mean, leave the abilities alone, just give us the option (in the store) to buy a different look for the summoned thing. Like a little lightning cloud or one of those giant overly cute bees. Just a thought.
  10. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    A crafting system that would let us upgrade pets like the crafting system for OP items.
  11. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    A way for episode-specific augments to be incorporated into some sort of permanent augment once you've maxed them out so you don't have to remember to switch augments every time you run older content.
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  12. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Z-Axis movement of base items. Really tired of nice stuff that belongs on desks and things but MUST be placed on the ground instead. Z-Axis rotation would be nice too.
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  13. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Better indication of whether or not a feat requires an elite run or a regular run. Maybe a different tab for elite feats? Or some sort of clear marking that it's elite and not regular? Or a way to filter feats?
  14. Controller Devoted Player

    A DLC - perhaps end of this year OR early next year - based off of The Nightmare Scene from Zach Snyder's Justice League:

    Love that dialogue between Joker and Batfleck - you can cut the tension with a KNIFE....

    And make THIS version of "Evil Superman" the toughest we've faced thus far in the game.

    Add more Hero and Villain NPC's....perhaps give them speaking parts when you're near them. Add Firestorm (either Jason Rusch OR Ronnie Raymond), Captain Atom, Dr. Light


    Perhaps give the Hero side the female version and the Villain side the Male one.

    Add lesser known Heroes like Vibe and Gypsy



    John Stewart's Marine Buddy AND Superhero Metamorpho:


    Would LOVE to see the Devs pull Metamorpho off as an NPC.

    Remove those hulking robots from the watchtower and add REAL security - like the Giant Atom Smasher:


    Add in close friends and CLASSIC Heroes in Shining Knight and Vigilante


    Give us Shining Knight's trusted steed Winged Victory as an NPC, too


    The Third Smartest character in the DC Universe in Mr. Terrific


    Didn't we recently get his T-Balls accessory add to the game?

    Spruce up the Watchtower a bit and let these heroes roam free.
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  15. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    A currency changer in the Hall of Doom/Watchtower that can convert any convertible currency.
  16. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Did I mention more cats? I'm still holding out for an Olympian Lioness base pet.
  17. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Reorganization of style feats to indicate which ones are from episodes (and what episode) and which ones are from time capsules (and what TC).
  18. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Speaking of Trigon, we still need an updated demon skin with 4 eyes, and better canine and feline faces.
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  19. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I wish there was a bad luck limiter on some of the more random stuff in the game. So your odds go up if you lose - like the awful failure rate on artifacts.

    Actually, I wish they would do away with the failures entirely. They are demoralizing and make me not want to play the game.

    But a bad luck limiter would be nice in any case for all random stuff.
  20. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Two more, I might have mentioned these before...

    The ability to either unmark (untrack) a quest in the journal, or an option to not have quests automatically tracked. I thought there was an option for that ("Show mission track reminder") but I set it to off and I still have the mission information being tracked. I just want to be able to NOT have any mission/quest being tracked.

    Can we PLEASE get rid of or massively reduce the slowdown of the characters after an attack? Three seconds of slow mo action after any attack is just too much.