The Vault drops suck, Developers please fix it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ra7ie11, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Wildboy Committed Player

    I see your point of view; it's frustrating not getting the drop items you want. I have always had a pretty full stable of alts and believe me, I got the Sharpshooter Legs many times before getting them on my main. I even have the extras stacked up in their inventories because I can't bear deleting them :D Even though I was able to get the Sharpshooter feat on my main quite some time ago thanks to feat unlocking, it wasn't until earlier this week that I finally got the Sharpshooter leg style for my main (it was important to me being the completionist I am.)

    Similarly, I acquired the Military Tech style feat on my main through feat unlocking from one of my Tank or Controller alts because the Healer feet for that style is quite elusive; I still run T2 content each week after resets because I hope that one of these days the Weekly Reward box will vomit out those darn feet. Because I want the style.

    I still think the drop rate in the vault is about right; rare is rare. Apart from all the styles that are now available on the Rare Styles Vendor, can you imagine how people feel who ground out the Avatar Infiltrator style feat in the John Houseman/Old-Fashioned way only to have it start dropping commonly in WotL Pt1. Or HIVE Defender, which was one of the most mythical styles in the game that now drops like trash in WotL Pt II (there's a reason why it is a 50 point Theme Style Feat though whether it still should be is a matter for debate.)

    At the end of the day, the Vault is a daily dispenser of MoV. If something else cool drops, that's a bonus.
  2. Bobsfed New Player

    Thanks for seeing it my way in some cases but I have to disagree on the drop rate for rare items being fair. Its like its only a 1% chance of getting anything rare. I think if your actually paying the membership fee or buying the vault tickets that they should increase the drop rate for rare items a lot more. I was even told by a few people and read it on the dcuo wiki that the rare items drop rates increase when you reach lvl 30. But that is not the case for me and I feel like I wasted my time getting my character to 30. I've been lvl 30 for 2 months now and I still get the same crap I get with my other lower level toons. The only difference were the marks of triumph or victory that I get everytime I'm there but can't collect anymore. Yet they still keep coming just like the rest of the same crap I see every day that I'm there. I'm even wondering if the disguise trinkets even drop anymore because I haven't seen them yet. Can anyone confirm this?
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  3. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    I've always thought vault drops would be a lot more fun if they just made the items account trade-able. There's no real value there beyond a couple of style feats with the possible exception of the rings/necks they took out of the lockboxes - and those already are account trade-able. The ability to move those batman underwear, or any of the various trinkets around to different characters though would make it much more worthwhile running it on as many characters as possible.
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  4. Crimson Crossfyre Well-Known Player

    All vault drops should be sellable. Every other drop in the game outside of the vaults can be sold to vendors.
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  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i agree.. they gave the vault a visual make over ... for every season.. thats not enough.... yea it looks cool . but they do need to start adding. more stuff to the vault... and better drop rate... i got the superspeed boots... acro gloves/ and joker jetpack on 5 of my toons.. but i havent looted any of them in months
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  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So you're saying that getting those items on FIVE toons is bad? Dude...... After 3 years of playing, one toon has been able to collect the joker jetpack and superspeed boots. I have never once gotten the batman gauntlets, which is the only piece i want, because i really like the style. Moral of the story: You're lucky to have collected all of them on as many toons as you have already, be happy, not greedy a'la "GIMME FOR 10 MORE TOONS!!!!ONEONEone1"
  7. Toshknight Loyal Player

    nooo im not saying its bad... im saying i want it on more toons
  8. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i think we should have more styles in it if not new ones then just pout in olds ones that are almost impossible to get that you can't get in the rare style vendor. But once again i don't think the devs will do anything about it i have made a thread about this before and we got nothing change.
  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's a rare drop and you got them all on 5 different toons, i'd say you're lucky enough.
  10. Bobsfed New Player

    Something they could do is come up with different types of vault tickets we could buy. For example somthing like a silver ticket that increases your chances of getting rare items, and a gold ticket that would guarantee at least one rare item drop.