Just curious at how big the signature box is? An exact Pixel size would be great, but I've noticed it stretches according to the picture that's in it... The reason I ask is because I'm interested in making a forum sig about my characters and it's going to be a lot wider than it will be tall. [The one I have now I made, but it's just a filler] All replies are welcome and thanks in advance.
Thank you for the legit reply. I'm thinking about putting 5/7 of my characters on it. But I guess that's all according to what I can find to make it with... And suggestions for cool stuff to start off with? I'm using Photoshop, but I'm just using basic pictures and editing them bit by bit.
I forgot where I got my text from but I download my brushes from deviantart.com you just search photoshop brushes and and download them load them into the brush set. I find pictures I like and render them then do my background add some filters and place the render in a good spot then you're pretty much done. The itachi sig I have was just one brush stroke if the big circle thing. Itachi and the crows were the render
Is there a height restriction on these new forums? Because some of these new ones are getting into tl;dr territory.
You could also find pictures of city's and stuff and render them I've done sigs with no brushes just all renders
Thank you all for your replies and information, topic is closed now. ... If it lets me do that... And if I can find the button...
That's a cool sig. As a suggestion, you could post a large sig, have it shrink to its max dimensions, and screencap it. Then paste it into photoshop and measure the dimensions, and that's what size to make your sig. :^)
I'd try that, but the box changes shape according to what's in it... That and if it's too big it does that "Click to view full image" thing... Which I didn't want. I kinda just winged it... Looks good to me. And thanks. I put a few hours into it.