The Return of OG League, Tomorrows Hope (hero league)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by CharlesVerde, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. CharlesVerde Level 30

    hi there! remember friday night legends? episode 25?

    yeah that was us. and that was my old-style base.

    bad news good news----we went dormant for quite some time due to some players putting down the game and others floating away to what we deemed "active" leagues, but we're trying to make a comeback therefore HERE WE GO!


    looking for players AT LEAST CR 402, NO SP REQUIREMENT, we can help with that. any role welcomed, dual-role players especially needed. no artifact requirement either, that builds up in time! (i'm still working on my EOG personally...) **MUST BE 18+** no mic required but it's certainly a plus.

    anyone interested please comment on this post or contact Green Charlie, Ion Sentinel, newheals, Ghost Walker in-game and we hope to see at least a couple new people soon!

    green charlie, official base decorator of TH

  2. TH3T1T4N New Player

    Im looking for a league as well and would be interested in joining.

    Ingame ID - CHARI EL, 430 CR 414SP.
    • Like x 1
  3. CharlesVerde Level 30

    i'll add you to my friends list and look for you as soon as i get on.