The real reason why Prec needs a NERF

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeljan89, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ve helped plentiful players with loadouts lol. Even discussed loadouts publicly in numerous occasions. And your claim if “not wanting to be nerfed” if laughable. On my 3 main toons 2 are might and 1 is prec lol. So your “points” are terrible.

    And no your analogy was terrible. You claim might and prec are not balanced because you can’t seem to get a loadout that works. So instead of thinking that maybe it’s due to your loadouts you cry that it HAS to be because of prec. Again, plenty of players on the forums have run with me. On both my might and prec toons. If I get out dpsed I do go crying to the forums that they should nerf whatever beat me. Instead I try to see where I can improve. Should try it some time.
  2. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    You said nothing new that you haven't said ad naseum in this thread.

    Still waiting for your loadout and traits.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    We’ll keep waiting. I have no interest in helping someone who can’t be unbiased. You make up your mind without even thinking you could possibly be doing anything wrong. Plenty others have no issues using might very effectively.
  4. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Not interested in help. Prec is about as easy as it gets. Like I said I have 3 armories with it. You can sleep walk dual wield-bow , brawling - ss through anything. Toss in the obligatory RS and WB with a smattering of personal taste. I don't use it personally because it does require very very little skill to use and still do decent damage.

    BTW i never expected you to answer or actually prove yourself. It's the same old same old with you and precision for years and I'm pretty sure every knows the reason.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    How funny that you cry about the imbalance yet all you do as prec is the same old copy paste YouTube build. And keep crying about “we all know the reason”. Again, since you seem incapable of reading. My 3 toons have a might and 1 prec. But sure keep crying. All my toons are also flight lol. So while you rely on YouTube builds I actually test builds and many players have seen that I’m a good dps. Even players who aren’t fans of mine have stated this lol
  6. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Nope. Nothing new here again. Literally everything you said before ad naseaum. We all know dw-bow and braw-ss is broken.The only people that deny this rely on it to stroke their ego.

    And if you want to compare testing try this. Each one a different build and different multiple arts. This is just 1 room. The balcony has another 6 armories. The 3 on the right are the precision.


    I know what I'm talking about when it comes to OP builds.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok? You have a lot of armories. You think you’re the only one? I have 11 in one room in my main lol. Having more armories does not equate to having multiple GOOD builds.
  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You know when someone focuses on too many builds they are actually sloppy at all of them if you're going to be Precision get good at it. Sparring targets don't hit back and using might attacks on them don't count none of ur numbers on a sparring target count cuz prec only scales in content. What you see is not true dps only might can see true dps on sparring targets. And if you don't understand why that is you should probably just stay a might DPS
  9. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I can assure you precision doesn't need a nerf. Might players just need to practice rotations and find one that works well, and master it. I have 4 characters, each is might, and each has blown precision users away. I'll admit, on adds, precision can stay pretty close, but on boss damage, bye bye.

    You're right, that precision is super easy. 5 year olds can join up, go the typical YouTube precision (any power, doesn't matter, it's all the same garbage dps player stuff) rotation, and smoke most might dps in a heartbeat. Because those might dps refuse to learn how to build their character. I'm unarguably one of the best Rage dps' on the game, might based, and can smack precision dps without even berserking. I've beaten precision with Celestial, Electric, Sorcery, Atomic, and even water as well. I'm currently working on a Mental to see if it smacks precision too.

    Precision= easiest dps in the game. That's why so many people use it, they lack the skill or knowledge to "build" a might based character. Does it need nerfed?-no, because there would only be more incompetent dps' slowing down alerts, because they refuse to take helpful advice from the masters.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    This line just proved their point...

    Tbh, idk why prec players are waaaaay more respected, sought after, and preferred on Xbox if it's so "easy".
  11. Alaskan Aurora Well-Known Player

    My guys, the fact you're sitting in here complaining about precision just tells me you've not seen a MIGHT nature gorilla in full flight using poison ivy and artifact swapping ebon and dead king scepter, you're all truly oblivious to the truth.

    Thinking precision is broken lol.
  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    To an extent, but my post encompasses the fact that "most" might dps don't bother to learn their power and build a strong rotation.
    I've beaten precision players with a water might dps.

    So, yes, precision is so easy, anyone could do it. But it still doesn't need nerfed, the might players just need to practice.
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  13. SingingCoyote Well-Known Player

    Wow! Great reply! Almost as if you can't contradict me :rolleyes:
  14. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I'm not asking for it to be nerfed, but that sounds contradictory in terms of balance.
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  15. OvaRated New Player

    At least you know! Shhhh!!!! Haha
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  16. Massah Committed Player

    First-off I play as Controller and have no skin in the scorecard damage discussion
    (USPS4 HL Massah, USPC/Test Gadgets MrNishi)

    As for the 3rd -party software:

    Macros/Speed hacks...sounds like they are 3rd party software that allows an advantage in DCUO

    I definitely agree Precision is OP....look at any Speedhack video and it is clear that Precision has an advantage over Might in that case (Everytime with Speedhacking precision speed hack outperforms Might speedhack)

    As for normal no macro Prec vs Might comparisons they need to be PS4 or Switch comparison videos to truly showcase a Game advantage vs Precision or Might.

    Limited inventory controls and associated Inventory menu lag to limit Artifact swapping and require more precise clips and jump cancels.

    (I only recently came back and am from the days of DCUO on PS3... The HL precision days with multiple controllers in the group to feed'the'greed.... PC vs PS3 was different for the clipping combos

    Sorta similar to Stealth/Invisibility clipping comparing console to PCs)*

    I don't compete on damage .... Just a troll providing a Defense debuff and hitting recharge (until next 2x arts weekend so I can claw up on PS) waiting to dump claw on PC into Brand of Hecate
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  17. Roocck Committed Player

  18. Roocck Committed Player

    Your arrogant dismissal of others' perspectives reeks of ignorance and a lack of intellectual humility. Resorting to personal attacks and condescension only serves to highlight your own insecurities and close-mindedness.

    It's clear that you prefer to cling to your narrow-minded beliefs rather than engage in meaningful discussions that may challenge your worldview. Instead of belittling those who offer alternative viewpoints, perhaps consider the possibility that there is value in diverse opinions and experiences.

    True intellectual rigor involves engaging with differing perspectives, evaluating evidence, and being open to the possibility of being wrong. Your insistence on maintaining a superiority complex only demonstrates your intellectual immaturity and unwillingness to grow.

    If you truly value precision and truth, then it's time to step down from your pedestal of arrogance and engage in constructive dialogue with an open mind. Only then can you begin to expand your understanding and contribute meaningfully to discussions.

    PS: Your petty insults and condescending attitude only serve to reveal your own lack of maturity and intellectual capacity. Resorting to childish jabs and personal attacks demonstrates a complete inability to engage in reasoned debate and meaningful discourse.

    It's clear that you lack the intelligence and emotional intelligence to engage in respectful and productive discussions. Your attempts to undermine others through baseless attacks only showcase your own insecurities and inadequacies.

    If you cannot elevate yourself beyond petty insults and childish behavior, then perhaps it's best for you to refrain from engaging in discussions that require a modicum of intellectual rigor and maturity. Until you can engage with others in a respectful and rational manner, your contributions will continue to be nothing more than a sad spectacle of ignorance and arrogance.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

  20. Roocck Committed Player

    While it's true that precision DPS may be perceived as easier and more straightforward compared to might-based characters, it's essential to consider the impact of power balance on overall gameplay experience. The argument that precision does not need a nerf because might players should practice and master rotations overlooks the fact that game balance should aim to ensure a fair and diverse playing field for all users.

    The statement that precision is the easiest DPS in the game and can be utilized by players lacking skill or knowledge to build might-based characters raises concerns about the competitive landscape within the game. When one power set becomes significantly dominant due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it can lead to an imbalance that can undermine the overall enjoyment and challenge of gameplay for all players.

    By addressing potential disparities through necessary adjustments or nerfs to precision DPS, the game can promote a more balanced and engaging experience for all users. Encouraging players to explore different power sets and strategies, and rewarding skill and mastery, can help create a more dynamic and rewarding gameplay environment.

    While individual skill and knowledge are crucial in achieving success with any power set, ensuring that all power sets are balanced and competitive will enhance the overall gameplay experience for the entire player base. By striving for fairness and diversity in gameplay mechanics, the game can foster a more inclusive and enjoyable environment for all players.
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