The real reason why Prec needs a NERF

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeljan89, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Can’t really reason with someone who believes players are cancelling each other out over being the same power…
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  2. Roocck Committed Player

    Every top dps is precision base, I have gotten so over it, that I literally leave raids and alerts with precision players in the group, I have made groups and and kicked precision based players out. Devs seems to be ok with it and seems that nothing is going to be changed. Precision based community don’t see the reality that Precision is op and needs a nerf or give might a buff. (Every single precision based player has and always will be top dps on the board).
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So instead of accepting that maybe there is room where you can improve the only logic reason is because prec is op… lol.
  4. Roocck Committed Player

    It’s funny how it’s always the same thing, you are a bad player, practice, change your loadout, get experience etc… Buuuttt, never accept the fact that precision is just plain op and needs the nerf. I am fine that precision to stay where it is, but then buff might to balance it. It’s not logic, it’s facts…Players see it everyday.
  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    That is because you didn't provide any actual evidence, just your personal opinion and anecdotal stories, and then you act superior as if everyone who disagrees with you is just in denial of "the obvious truth".

    This kind of fallacious spectacle can work in your home where your parents tell you that you are special, but in real life nobody will believe you.

    Precision is not op until proven otherwise.
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  6. Roocck Committed Player

    There are people who deals with denialism, refuses to admit like yourself the truth or reality.
  7. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    If you say prec is not op until proven otherwise then the opposite is also true, prec is op until proven otherwise. It's a two way road. So please don't treat your opinion as a fact.
    But it's an interesting thing btw that all op players are prec. Just take a look on top leagues eg.
  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except it has already been proven in this very thread lol.

    2 videos shared one of prec one of might. Both rage, speed, swappers. End time was within a few seconds all while the might was a slightly lower cr.

    For all these claims of prec being twice as strong as might or how unbelievably broken prec is to the point of needing a nerf. A few measly seconds doesn’t exactly scream op lol
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yes, I am. You can keep crying and desperately begging for nerfs, but unless you can prove anything - Prec is not going to be nerfed and even if it did - better players than you would still do better damage, whatever they used. And then you'd be crying about something else being broken.

    Never mind the rest of your nonsense. You use macros... That says it all. Lol...
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  10. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Just think what you want to think, you live in a fantasy world. Lot of things are broken in this game if you can't see them then you're blind. I advise you to start play tha game from the tutorial and maybe you learn something.
    Blissfull ignorance.

    Op prec is not problem, broken artswapping is not problem but using macros is a problem. Loooool. Wake up dude already and stop hiding behind silly arguments. Good morning!
  11. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Ohh my darling, thank you for being here as always. :D
    You should have written you missed me, that'd be nice. :)
  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... It's cute, how you think maligning people, who don't believe your unproven assertions will get you the nerfs you want. :rolleyes:
    Yeah, bud, I'm so bad at the game, that I have to use macros and come to the forums, crying for nerfs, because Prec players still do more damage than me... No, wait - that's you. :D I get on just fine as a might player and don't need the devs to do anything for me. If you want them to help you - you're going to need more than just angry rants.

    Funny, that you claim you used to play Prec and were OP, but all you can show is a couple of videos of someone else. Yeah, I'm sure that convinces everyone. You want something changed - provide proof, that the game is unbalanced and that you're not just looking for excuses to cover up your lack of skill.

    Sure, mate, all the skilled players use macros. rofl... You admitted that jump cancelling was too hard for you, so no wonder you have to use tools that make the game easier. And then you complain about "unfair advantages".

    Good luck getting your nerfs. It will probably happen. Or maybe it won't because "the devs make money from Prec", or some such nonsense.... :D
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  13. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    You're riding on macros now, that's so pathetic lol. Nothing, I repeting it again only for you, nothing was hard while I was prec because as I can see you struggle with interpretation difficulties... Lol. Back to school dude!
    If you wanna keep playing a broken game, that's you problem bzt I guess it's not hard in event mode. Stay there. :D

    Who said jump cancelling was hard? I said all prec things were easy. Who said all prec players use macros? Dude, lies don't make you an authentic person. It's just phatetic how you desperately trying to defend yourself.

    As I said, enjoy your broken game but there are others that are not blind like you.
  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... If macros are OK to use, how come they're not included in the game and you need special 3rd party gear/software to use them? :rolleyes: How come console players play without macros? That's not an "unfair advantage"? Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Or just "go back to tutorial" and learn to play the game how it was designed to be played and maybe one day you'll be able to keep up on the scorecard. Or just speed-hack. In for a penny... :D

    Clearly - it was too hard for you. Which is why you can only show better players videos.

    I don't have a problem. My game works fine. You're the one complaining you're playing a broken game, which you can't prove, and can't quit it for some reason.

    You did. That's why you don't play Prec anymore. Go back and re-read your post.

    Nobody did. I guess you haven't learned what sarcasm is. Back to school, "dude". :) Skilled players - Prec or Might - don't need macros, because they have working fingers. Bad players need software to press 1-2-3-4 for them.

    Lol... I don't need to defend myself. I'm not the one looking like a crappy player, begging for nerfs, so I can keep up, which would be truly "phatetic". :D

    As I said, too bad those "not blind" players can't prove what they're claiming. Enjoy whining and complaining.
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  15. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Lol, you're clearly don't understand what you're talking about. Macro is a 3rd party app, not an ingame broken thing. There's a huge mess in your head. And who cares macros? I tried it but I don't even use artswapping now because it's an unfair exploit imo. You keep telling bs... omg. You haven't heard about macro controllers? Go back to tutorial dude, you still need to learn a lot.

    Ok, then do it with might in 3:34 if you can as might! I bet you can't. Am I right or am I roght? :D

    If you settle for 70% pure wate, that's your problem. I want to get as close to 100% as possible. Not everyone is the same. Some people are ok with bad...

    I didn't, go back to page 6: "I've tried prec yes for months. It was easy and had better damage." Stop Lying, you've already lied a full moon lol. No one can take you serious at this point. You'll get nowhere if you set your defense on lies.

    Another example you don't even know what macros for. :D Most of the "skilled" players use macros, trust me. If 1 cr matters for a scoreboard cahser, you think that they don't wanna maximize their damage with a macro controller? Silly boy...;)

    Who's crying? It's a delusion you planted in your mind. I want balance, fix broken things. I know it's hard for you to understand what this whole thread is about and I shouldn't have to sink to a level of a 5 yeras old kid (I have already did unfortunetly) but the hope is still living in me to open your eyes a bit at least. Yeah I'm optimist, I know.

    Blind players like you can't see anything around them, or just don't want to? So I get it why you're so obsessed. In your mind most of the players are bad and this game is perfect. Let me enlight you, you're wrong. But don't worry, you'll see it one day. If not, enjoy to being part of a broken game. :(
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol. Never mind all that. If you think attacking other players will get you the nerfs you're begging for - you must be a child. It doesn't matter what I think, or if I'm a good player - I'm not in charge of the game and I'm not asking for it to be changed for my benefit.

    With every post you're clearly showing, that you're just an angry bad player, so nobody - especially the devs - needs to listen to your whining. You can't prove that Prec is OP, you can't prove that you know how to play, you're admitting to using 3rd party tools, which is an "unfair advantage" and is not respected by good players - so I don't know what you're expecting to happen. Good luck with your little crusade. Let me know how that works out. :D
  17. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If Prec was so advantageous, all these whiny players would be Prec. :D
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  18. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    As I said earlier, those who try to fight back with lies in their desperation, or who don't even know what they're talking about, don't need to prove anything. You're really not in a position to judge what works or what doesn't. Anything you say after that is stupid, you have the right to it regardless, but nobody cares. Unfortunately, you have sunk to the level of troll master Deity, giving yourself the spotlight that you must be enjoying, even though you don't have much of a clue about the game. This is. I've learned my lesson about kids like you.
  19. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The real problem with precision is powersets/superchares are op. then u add the most op weapons in that mix/arts and a troll adding on to the precision scaling with there group powerheal. You now have a big problem on your hands for balance. You just need to understand the only thing that needs a buff in this game is the developer team. It's not a big enough team to balance this game so you can forget about it
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You realize that you’ve added absolutely nothing to the conversation right?

    There are videos of a might and prec players who’s end time was just 10s apart. And that was with a cr difference. So are we supposed to take the word of a guy who keeps making baseless claims? You keep making these claims that prec is soooo unbelievably broken. Why not just take 3minutes out of your day to prove to everyone how easy it is to be prec and get the same times as those 2 players. I’d be surprised I you could even get to 4mins tbh