The real reason why Prec needs a NERF

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeljan89, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Thank you! That is exactly what I was trying to say as well.
  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I get what you're saying, I truly do. I'm simply going to state then, this game is as balanced as I've ever seen it. Note: I did not say the game is balanced.

    This is as close as it's ever been. In the history of this entire game, we are currently as close to balance as it's "ever" been. So if we go nerfing precision to try to force (Encouraging players to explore different power sets and strategies) players to start jumping on the might train, they will only get discouraged when they see they are doing worse than they were before. Then they quit.

    This game doesn't need any more losses on the player base. If new and casual players would rather get a cookie cutter rotation and play, I'm happy that at least their putting out decent numbers in damage. Let the have the cookie cutting rotations. Not everyone is capable is building a notable might rotation.
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  3. sakuna New Player

    precision is definitely not easier and precision is only good if you have skill points for it otherwise you are doing no damage and you will be out of power every fight and what about the new ally for nature that is literally unbalanced nature is broken now because of that ally
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  4. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    One thing I find ironic about precision players is when a troll is present and uses their recharge ability to grant precision buff to those with highest power bars, only to find those players with no power and not receiving that extra 15% buff. Anyone else agree or is a there a trade off to this?
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  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    A trolls group powerheal gives all precision dps 20% weapon dps and 20 % precision for 12sec precision scales much higher with weapon dps. As a precision dps you want to get ur vendor weapons asap precision isn't as op without a troll and tank. Precision needs the trolls group power heal for 40% and you need a tank to keep the aggro away from u so you don't proc might off strat card when ur a precision dps you will lose alot of dmg out without a tank even more without a troll. That's why Precision scales much higher than might there is a lot of handicaps with Precision DPSing. Might base is alot more relaxed and less breakouts the extra work precision has to do is ridiculous. Precision used to have a crowd control Buff when they used weapon buff. Breaking out every 3sec means precision loses alot of dps and is most likely gonna proc might with strat card and lose even more dmg out when there is no tank
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Its not a nice feeling when you spend a lot of time/money getting your arts to 200 as a might player only to have some guy with no arts or very low arts do almost twice your damage just because he's precision. I have been on both sides of this because i have alts with low arts who are precision and i have might toons with 200 arts. I have destroyed might players with high arts on my low art precision toons. Precision is very OP and people who claim its not just don't want to lose the unfair advantage they have.
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  7. Miserable Dedicated Player

    This is the most ridiculous statement I've ever read on the forums. This literally does not happen unless the might player is horrible. Given two players of equal skill, the might with 200s is beating the precision with low arts almost every time.
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  8. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Even though I do have 200 arts, a s***-ton of SP and am usually max CR fairly quickly, I'm definitely guilty of making others feel the way you described. I'm almost always top DPS when I pug or blind queue, usually by a lot and sometimes even doubling (or more) the next closest.

    And yet....when I run with my league I'm almost never top DPS and the DPS's that beat me, often by A LOT, are all might.

    These two statements might not seem liken they can both be true but I assure you they are. I wonder how that could be...........
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  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Before the weapons pass and change to the 4th flurry tick it was the opposite. Prec rarely dipped below 80%-90% power back then. But you're right on the money in pointing out that if the troll isn't running/swapping claw then it becomes a HUGE factor that many overlook.

    On a related note, I gotta say, I've long suspected that the troll group weapon buff gets applied as a "secret" rolelesss buff in alerts. I'm not a scoreboarder in terms of damage winners/losers and such but I do check it because I just generally like to be aware of the group damage situation as a whole. And I am one of those players that mostly only runs with my league so I see how my damage compares to the same players over a multitude of samples and I don't really see a difference between alerts with no troll and raids with a troll. And there really should be a HUGE difference as that not only buffs precision but Weapon DPS as well.

    That's a bit off topic but it's something that's popped up in my mind for a long time and I never remember to say something when it's relevant, lol.
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  10. pete pultinski New Player

    As a rifle user, all your balance arguments should be focused on the weapons, not precision.
    As a nature user, all your balance arguments should be focused on the powers, not might.
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  11. Chilontius Well-Known Player

    how long is tap range, hold range gonna be an actual gameplay style? Bro, people think they're hot stuff, then they realize they're not even actually logging in because the games boring as heck and you use two buttons. jump, pew pewpew, jump, pewpewpew repeat 10000000x. boring AND annoying to stand near. Not to mention the damage of WM combos that take 4-5x as long is LESS xD
  12. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Forever is my guess. I don't think they have any devs, or will hire any in the future, who are capable of making changes to the game's combat.
  13. pete pultinski New Player

    you just described every first & 3rd person shooter ever made. I came from WOW (panda expansion) where I could not CHOOSE to just swing my sword, it had to be part of a loadout at that time. in DCUO, a player has the choice, and choice is a good thing, in my opinion. Now if your argument is the game is boring because of the missions / expansions / open world areas / lack of challenge for you, i'm sure you will find that is the probably the main reason the population is considered to be low compared to other mmo's.
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