The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    That's why there is a league recruitment center.
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  2. Mont New Player

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  3. Treat New Player

    Yeah you posted everywhere even in other league recruitment threads. You don't like my response yet do you think people like you going around on threads that aren't remotely related to it? Did you even take the time to glance at the threads you were posting in to contribute something meaningful? Nope. You can't even write a proper sentence! These are the forums, not the game itself. You got my gender wrong and I got your gender wrong as well. Did you like it? Nope. Good I hope now you know how I felt. Not every DCUO player thinks the same way as you do or feels the same way as you do hence being so many leagues out there. But hey I'm sure a smart girl like you knew that huh? I earned all my stuff, I do not leech. Nor do I beg for that manner. Anyone that knows me can tell you I am the complete opposite of whatever your opinion is of me. I remember what it was like when I started the game. I was leagueless, I queued in for things, I ran around gotham. I was running around Arkham Island out of boredom (2011) and a girl randomly invited me to a group. Asked for my help for doing the instance inside. I warned her we would die. Well her and her friend tried anyways and it was fun, but we died anyways. We decided to stick together and joined a premade league (it was a noob league but it was a way to constantly stay in contact. We outgrew the league and moved on to people geared similarly to us. Eventually, a private league was what I settled in. Made just for me. 3 members only, until our friends gradually joined one by one till we had too many people. Did we ever spam the forums? Nope, we hated the idea of a standard league. Did we ever spam in game shout? Hell no. Did we leech? Nope we earned it. So you can take your crap and go elsewhere. KTHXBYE
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  4. Staticblaze98 New Player

    If its crap why do keep replying you see you said it you self you had your own way of doing things well you got lucky and had fun along the way got better more skilled and stronger you made it your there good job well my turn i spam just like commercials and you can get mad cause its off topic or dont wanna see it but you then you reply only attracting more attention so yea mabey you dont like spamming but i have to get the idea across the board just like now you see you created a sceen involving long replys which people read and see whats going on and thats how i do it dont like it dont reply cause your only being more off topic of what your original topic was and only helping me get more attention oh and im not a girls so stop calling me one and thanks for the help mabey now more people will join my leauge
  5. Treat New Player

    I didn't get lucky, I worked hard to learn my character farm feats (before I realized the importance of skill points) and actually BOTHERED to make friends on the game. A league isn't just about quantity of people in there. It is about friendship as well. A league with no friendship in there will fall apart asap before it can even progress into something meaningful. As for you spam, there are forum rules about staying on topic, odds are your messages might get deleted if someone reports you. Even worse, rumors may spread about your league. :/ And believe me that may hinder your attempts at creating something wonderful. Try to participate more in the forum community, even if it seems like too much effort. You will appreciate the results in the long run.
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  6. Staticblaze98 New Player

    Thanks for the advice sorry things got off on the wrong foot just really need this league im sure for as long as you've been playing the game you know how annoying it is to queue up with people that don't know what they're doing and you end up dying in the process so thanks mainly why im here but if its kool and if you have a PS3 on the US server would love to play with you sometime having a T5 in my group would really make things easier but like i said sorry bout the whole thing and just hit me up if you ever get the chance all my info is just couple conversations up
  7. Little Sister New Player

    WOW this topic really fell apart.

  8. Treat New Player

    >.> we need more pictures
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  9. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    I have never seen Treat in a forum debate on here, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. And now, thanks to this thread, I can actually visualize her yelling at somebody.

    This thread is awesome. BTW Anybody want to join my league?
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  10. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Is it a hero league?
  11. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    It... it was a joke... because that's what got Treat all riled up in the first place.

    But to answer your question, no.
  12. Treat New Player

    I'm not sure whether to blush or cry. >.>
    Is it?
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  13. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Booo :p
  14. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Less chit chat and more posting pics of your Real Self.

    And No posting pic of a young Jimmy Page and saying that it you either! Geez, that's one of the Greatest guitar players in all of Rock n Roll history, which plays for one the greatest Rock Bands of all time. Like no one would know who that is. :rolleyes:
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  15. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    Ugh Fine.... I'll go again.

    Possibly one of the greatest moments of my life about a month ago.

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  16. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Time hasn't been kind to the Blue Ranger. o_O
  17. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Ok I just got caught up on this thread

    Wait treat is midget short? Can we be friends please?!?!?!?!?
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  18. Treat New Player

    TT_____TT So MEAN! I just got up from 2 hours of sleep. D: You arent tall are you
  19. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    I don't mean it in a mean way at all. I just want to he friends with a short person always have :( I'm sorry to offend.

    I'm 6 foot. 6'1" with my combat boots on.
  20. Treat New Player

    ...... are you trying to get me killed? D: