The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Psych E New Player

    Lol I did the same...


    If I win any points I have an epic villain.



    Reference for those not up on their 80s villains.

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  2. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Damn straight hero hater!!! Lol!

    No. Not if your mains a hero. You have the hero cooties! :p
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  3. SuperMia New Player

    ZOMG! Yay I'm not the shortest! XD

    Carlynn I want to be around your height...I'm 5'0"... T-T

    In my experience, my height and short legs sometimes make me late for classes and work!

    And no one believes me that I'm 21 when I buy alcohol...even with ID! >.<
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  4. Psych E New Player

    Guna go take myself and my hurt feelings to USPC, and hero-it-up with a broken heart and shattered ego.
  5. Treat New Player

    I'm 26 and I still get ID'd for stuff. :/
  6. Mont New Player

    Hugs CC tight n bounces, haaaaaaaaaa take them coooties :p
  7. SuperMia New Player

    ZOMG! I share in your pain. ToT

    It's a vicious cycle...being short makes us late for stuff or teased...which makes us frustrated...which makes us want to drink alcohol...which leads us to further frustration trying to buy it...which leads us to want even more alcohol! XD
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  8. Treat New Player

    I also seem to have inherited grandmas/greatgranmas genes. Mom has them too actually. We end up looking younger than we really are... even sounding way too young. People when they hear me think I'm a teenager and when me my mom and my grandma were on the same phone call (3way) we could not figure out who was saying what. We sounded identical, the pitch the speech everything.
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  9. SuperMia New Player

    Me too! People think I'm still in highschool...I actually wouldn't mind the age thing so much if I actually look my age (21) forever. XD

    I guess I'll appreciate my part-asian genes when I hit 30 or something. XD
  10. Treat New Player

    XD ahahaha ikr
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  11. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Bleck! Heroes :(
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  12. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    I'm not a hero, I just like killing bad guys. Oh, and I like knocking out noobs and ruining their missions. So I'm more like a Suicide Squad member than "hero", if you will ;)
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  13. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Yup, sounds like a typical DCUO "Hero" to me. o_O
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  14. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    I also tend to go on two different accounts and play two toons at the same time, so I have my lvl 3s dueling my CR 50 to earn more SP (I let my lvl 3s win, of course).
  15. Mont New Player

    CC n Me ......... its a catwoman n batman type thiing heh ;) xo lol
  16. Treat New Player

    O_O NO WAI
  17. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Not good for her if it makes you pee, then...
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  18. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Luckily, I probably have like the world's strongest bladder :p
  19. Psych E New Player

    Am I alone in thinking this entire exchange has taken a turn for the worse? Hero hate and peepee-talk. :confused:
  20. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Don't worry, we shall have more posts, soon. All we have to do is find a way to veer it back to the original topic :)