The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    I'm 5'11 :mad: midget!
  2. Treat New Player

  3. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    :( Ok.... :oops:
  4. Treat New Player

    >.> or just stand not next to me... please I get paranoid
  5. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Why would you get paranoid? :confused:
  6. Treat New Player

    Don't worry about it >.>
  7. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Why mention it then :mad:
  8. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    An attack dog! That's what we need in DCUO! Lair guardians! (I bet he/she is HUGE in his/her own mind!)
    All joking aside - I love dogs of all sizes, so this makes you friend-worthy!
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  9. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    All service is valid. You don't always get the orders you want - anyone who is or was military and/or family to military knows this. The service itself shows the heart and mind, not the job you did or the duty station. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY.

    However, as an ex-squid... these were my three favorite Marine jokes...
    1. sing the anthem to the tune of Ghost Riders In The Sky. It fits but makes a very different song...
    2. What does S--- sound like when it hits the fan? Ma-rine!
    3. Actually got a suspended-bust for putting Marine Bomb Disposal Tool in the description line when requesitioning a Ball-Ping Hammer. Probably because I "accidentally" had it delivered to the local Marine unit instead of my boat! Still worth it.
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  10. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    6' midget
  11. General Zod 10000 Post Club

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  12. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    LOL :D
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  13. Treat New Player

    That can't be you, you aint skinny enough pfft
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  14. Little Sister New Player

    LOVE the Hello Kitty camera with the muscle making picture lol :D
  15. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    I'm the black one on page 33 who did the really cheap camera phone thing and didn't even get a clear picture
    that's me as well though ... pic taken in like 2012 but oh well

    Edit: Since then I've grown ~3 inches but not gained any weight ...
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  16. IndicaChic New Player

    [IMG]Me and Rambo1369 :)[IMG]
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  17. Wizz Tron New Player

    I'm 6'7, so yeah midget
  18. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    To all of you complaining about your height, my older sister is 4'11.75", my younger sister is 5'2", and I'm considered the "tallest" in my family, at a whopping 5'3.5" (THIS close to 5'4", ugh!).... Oh, and everyone on my stepdad's side of the family is pretty much over 6'0". So you can imagine how awkward it is for them to kneel down every time they want to give one of us a hug....

    HOORAY FOR MIDGETS! (Btw, I have an actual neighbor who's a midget. Saw him mowing the lawn before, and he was going down a hill and pretty much all you could see was the mower!)
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  19. Treat New Player

    All of my uncles on my moms side are around 6 feet tall.. I feel like a child when I visit them.
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  20. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Perfectly acceptable for women to be short. Guys on the other hand, if you ain't at least 5' 10" you're considered a little guy.
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