The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    Here, I fixed it for you :)

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  2. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Hahaha I look much happier lol
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  3. Free2BeMe Loyal Player

    It's the moustache. It's smiling for you :D
  4. Xolag Well-Known Player


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  5. Faust74 Loyal Player

    My Condolences for your loss.
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  6. Faust74 Loyal Player

    That's because you must open your Mind's eye to see the things humans are not meant to see.... Or just be insane. [IMG]
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  7. ARI ATARI New Player

    you are in my neighborhood.
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  8. Darth Loyal Player

    Epic mustache down for maintenance?
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  9. thirty six Loyal Player

    Your aura is even faint minus the stache :0/
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  10. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Dealing with possible new landlords. Had to look respectable until the lease was signed lol
  11. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Maybe she's stalking you.
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  12. Darth Loyal Player

    Ahh. IRL problems....
    I'm not sure what could be more respectable than a Gentlemen's mustache though good sir :confused:
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  13. Deathmark New Player

    The power of the stache cannot be overlooked. As can be clearly observed in this picture of me from a few years ago


    You see, I'd decided to embrace my french heritage fully. As you can imagine, this stache + my french accent sent women falling at my feet. Often what you need is not charm, personality or even good facial features. No, just a moustache and an exotic accent. The stache, most of us can grow, the accent, it can easily be faked.

    (I lie. in truth i sported this fabulous hipstache only for about ten mins, id shaven the rest of my face leaving only the stache which i then had the good idea to take a picture of, for posterity. To document the incredible level of sexiness i'd once attained for those fleeting ten mins of my life. Also, my accent is actually slight, and, i've been told, unusual and not really french sounding.... unless i choose to exaggerate it for comedic/romantic effect...)
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  14. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Woah! I just noticed something! SuperMia's cap is OP'd! :eek:
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  15. thirty six Loyal Player

    Here I was, practicing my French accent. I think I would have to buy a decent mustache though. I kinda got the Joe dirt facial hair issues
  16. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Hello *Waves* :oops:

    My first tattoo so far. I just started so don't judge me :eek:

    Annnd pretty sure I was drunk here o_O

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  17. LL New Player

    Oh look who is back....:)

    And yet again ur
    Great to see u back.
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  18. LL New Player

    Is your dogs name Audrey?

    My dogs name was Sabrina, and she was named after Audrey Hepburns Char in one of my fave movies...Sabrina...:)
  19. Deathmark New Player

    To be fair as you may have noticed, my moustache was a little pathetic. I dont have very thick facial hair.
  20. Little Sister New Player

    I like your tattoo Whizzkid ! I only have 1 also.


    Anyone else have tattoos? (I know Umi does!)
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