The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Little Sister New Player

    @ Lights: That has to be the coolest moustache I've ever seen !

    And just because I feel like it, here are the 2 who keep me company usually while I play DCUO ^.^


    And here's my favorite Lair Base Item, Mr. Yogi : D

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  2. Anti Bezz New Player

    I wear it better.
    • Like x 6
  3. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    That hat is so badass!
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  4. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    only when it's on my head :p
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  5. Anti Bezz New Player

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  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    Ty :D Pumpkin is just jelly of my opness.
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  7. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    you are only sort of op cuz you are wearing my hat .. once it's back mine .. you will drop down to 21.9 opness :p
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  8. Anti Bezz New Player

    Weird face still look OP though :D
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  9. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    ummm .. or u just look weird ... :rolleyes:
  10. LisaLoeb New Player

    How do I insert a pic?
  11. Anti Bezz New Player

  12. LisaLoeb New Player



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  13. LisaLoeb New Player



    All I got on my new ipad, lol. Pics came put too large....thought this was tiny pic!
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  14. Psych E New Player

    I'm not violent or anything, but I would murder someone to own this hat yo!
  15. Psych E New Player

    I Dig it homebre. Apparently everyone got cool *** headgear cept Psych...
  16. Anti Bezz New Player

    It's the same hat lmao. I took it from her for my pic :D and it just looks better on me anyways.
  17. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    ummm .... u could just buy one :rolleyes:
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  18. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    lol that reminds me, 59 now
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  19. Epic Wins New Player

  20. Psych E New Player

    That's just crazy-talk.
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