The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. tir New Player

    in game names : Obsidiss, Seariss, Cryiss
    faction : hero
    server : uspc
    combat rating : 103 (87 skill points) on main
    power : earth (main)
    role : dps (tank if i must)
    comms : have a mic (prefer teamspeak 3 as chat program if possible)
    membership : lifetime subscription
    age : 40
    about yourself : Casual gamer into cooperative play rather than comptetive. Tend to knock around the farm content rather than cutting edge progression so i usually lag a tier behind the current content (prefer content that is not head banging frustration)
    looking for in league : Mainly people on during my time frame - uk based gamer so my play time is generally a few hours around the daily shutdown period. Other than that, casual and friendly with people running through various levels of content to help others with feats and such would be ideal.

    If you message me in game please mention that its in response to forum post or i am going to have no idea why your whispering me ;)
  2. Schnoz New Player

    Villian (will reroll to hero if I find the league im looking for)
    PvP: 96 Only 46 sp working on getting more
    Have a mic
    I played when the game first came out until a little past home turf quit for a while went away for some job training I work full time but I try to get on every night and over the weekends but there's times where I'll be training through out the nights and won't be on. I'm only interested in PvP im looking for a pvp league I'll do pve for feats or if pvp is boring which is very rare
    Message me here or hit me up in game
  3. rickstar New Player

    *In-game name.Apococlisp
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Villain
    *Server (USPS/EUPS-USPC/EUPC) uspc
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. I don't really understand this but I am new so I guess that is not surprising
    *Power. gadets
    *Role. controlling
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. free to play but plan on subbing asap
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 30
    *About yourself. hmm I am a friendly gamer enjoyed gaming for a majority of my life and enjoy playing with people
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for friendly active guild why because I just like to enjoy my time in game and have a few laughs.
  4. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    In-game name:.Ian Cannon
    Faction: Hero
    Server: EUPC
    CR-SP: 86-56
    Power: Sorcery
    Role: Healer
    Legendary: Yes
    Age: 33
    Mic: Yes

    About yourself: Friendly, considerate, polite and somewhat weird :rolleyes:

    I've been playing MMOs since SWG mainly (picked up EQ1 at launch but didn't get far, pay per minute internet and student life doesn't work out). Moved to EQ2 at launch as CU/NGE destroyed SWG, Ended up getting into Hardcore raiding in 2005, stuck with EQ2 and lead raids for Xanadu from late 2005 until about 2011 when I quit EQ2. Played every major MMO on and off but never been able to get into anything the same way I did with EQ2. I still get asked to go back even now, I guess there is something to be said for not being a tyrant as a raid leader.

    Certainly not looking for anything that serious with DCUO, my work leaves me with patches of free time throughout the day, so I'm usually on/off throughout most days.

    Started playing DCUO on USPC due to not being able to play during EU prime time back then, have a 107 Quantum, 100 Rage, 97 Fire, 78 Celestial, 57 Nature, 54 Gadget. While the US server is more active it got increasingly frustrating to do anything even during EU prime time, So I decided to start over on EU, while it's a lot quieter during the day and no late night west coast Americans to do raids with in the mornings I'm hoping to at least find a community to join for evening play.

    Main play time is around 5pm-10pm GMT.

    What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a large active English speaking guild to ensure there are people around during my play times, group/raid, work on feats. I'm hoping to get to 100CR in another week or so depending on my luck with drops, so hopefully I'll be of more use.

    A league of alt-aholics would be ideal as I plan on levelling up a few other things on EU that I didn't level on US servers already.
  5. universal constant New Player

    *In-game name: Star Comet
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero
    *Server : USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: CR 40, SP 29
    *Power: Rage
    *Role: Dps
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): 33
    *About yourself: English, Friendly, I can play up to 12hrs a day easy
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: I don't know anyone that plays and have only just started so I find it almost impossible to do group missions, so I'm missing out on a lot of the game. I'm looking for a league that will help and I'll provide any help I can in return.
  6. Spiderman02 Well-Known Player

    Mistah Jason
    CR:6/SP:5 (Just made this toon yesterday, that's why.)
    Will be a controller/DPS
    Yes, I have a mic.
    I'm a very adventurous person, yet troublesome and jumpy.
    I'm looking for friends to make and to have a great game experience because to me, friends are important and it's fun to play games with your friends.
  7. Crackin New Player

    Valkyrie Fury
    :looking for small end game league generally focused on raids. By small I mean less than 20 actual members that would rather run with a league than just be in one and use LFG 99% of the time. Not necessarily looking for an elitist type league , but one that's very chill and gets content done without Egotism. Send me a pm on here . Thanks
    • Like x 1
  8. Asaf Ben-Tovim New Player

    US Hero
    POWER: Quantom/dps controller
    Thank You
  9. AllStar KB New Player

    Have you found a league yet?
  10. Dymas K. New Player

    Hello, I'm looking for an active league That Raids and does other activities as a League itself and willing to help players bring up their SP's. Hoping not to run into any leagues with less than 6 players on at a time, i'm active throughout the week since i work.

    My IGN is Tackle
    I'm a Quantum DPS
    My CR is 105
    and my SP's are sitting at 85
    Age 23
    Mic Yes

    so if anybody is interested in helping me become a stronger player and get most of my old feats done to catch up i'd highly appreciate it.
  11. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Hey mate, you forgot to include your server (USPS, USPC, EUPS or EUPC) and faction (hero or villain).

    You don't want filthy heroes thinking you're a dirty villain and vice versa.
    • Like x 1
  12. Thalione New Player

    In-game name: Moohfasa, lProphecyl
    Faction: Hero
    Server: USPS
    CR-SP: 101 - 100 (both)
    Power: Cel/Rage
    Role: Healer/Tank
    Legendary: Yes
    Age: 23
    Mic: Yes

    About yourself: Used to be big on this game and played everyday almost. Former league was big on PVP and having fun. I took a break due to life reasons and just recently decided to get back into it. I'm easy going and laid back, to me trash talk is part of the game and you won't see me get butth*rt about it. I have two heros healer and tank being a dps never interested me all that much. Looking for a league that runs all content not one of those T9 leagues who runs one raid all everyday lol. Message me on here or in game, thank you.
  13. SuperGlueNinja New Player

    *In-game name: HeraclesIronEye. (iron not L)
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: US PS3
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: New Lvl 5
    *Power: Sorcery
    *Role: Dps and CC
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Age 31

    Im a F2P (for now) Havent partied or spolen to anyone and was on for a few hours last night. I would really just like some folks to party with so I can use the voice chat, and enjoy the game a bit more, before deciding to purchase any content.

    I played City of Heroes and villains when it launched for a year or two, enjoyed that a lot, and im seeing similarities. But so far my experience has not been DLC worthy. Im sure once I reach a player community Ill enjoy it more. Thanks for reading.
  14. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Hey, if you are still looking, check here
    Check us out and let me know if you'd like to give us a shot. Same for anyone on USPS looking for a Hero League. The Protectorate is always recruiting :)
  15. Black Ice 559 New Player

    In-game name: BlackIce559 Blacklightning559
    *Faction: Villian
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: Its low atm
    *Power: Ice
    *Role: Dps, gearing up for tank and dps
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age: 36
    *About yourself: J'ust got back into the game after getting tired of starwars the old republic grind
    *What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm just lookin for some good people to play raids and events with. Always about having fun with the game.
  16. DoubleUx New Player

    In-game name - DoubleU
    Faction (Hero/Villain) - Villain
    Combat Rating/Skill Points - CR 112 SP 123
    Power - Electric
    Role - Healer/DPS
    Do you have a mic? Yes
    Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Legendary
    Age. (For those leagues with age requirements) - 18
    About yourself - I play video games daily waiting to ship out to the Army
    What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a league that has a requirement of 120 SP and CR 112 with active players. I'm also looking to run PvE and PvP while I try to get my skill points up.
  17. ZeusShock Well-Known Player

    Hey , it sounds like the Black Lords are for you . Just send me a quick inbox on here :)
  18. CptnGoblecoque New Player

    *In-game name. - Mental Cypher
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). - Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. - 53
    *Power. - Mental
    *Role. - Controller
    *Do you have a mic? - Yup
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - Premium
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). - 22
    *About yourself. - In college looking to spend some of my free time having fun
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?- I played this game when it was first released got two characters to level 30 and got them T2 gear then i had nothing else to do so i stopped. I really enjoyed this game and want to get back into raiding and the like. I also really like the PvP system and used to be beast at it but that was a long time ago I'll probably do alot of PvP once I get the rust off. I also have a Fire Tank CR50.
  19. equitis New Player

    1. Name-Equitis
    2. Alliance-Hero
    3. Server-Usps
    4. Combat rating-Unknown at the moment( I'm lvl 25 right now)
    5. Power-Mental
    6. Role-Controller
    7. Mic-Yes
    8. Membership-F2p but considering membership
    9. About your self- I'm a small up and coming youtuber who plans on recording this game. I'm about to hit 30 and so far love my character build and can be a good ally. But let's face it. It's all about skill and armor which I got the skill just not the armor
    10. What I want in a guild- I need a guild that works together and helps one another out. Team work and have eachothers backs. And I'm all. About PvP can't get enough of it. And understand how crucial a Mic is so I already have one. Oh and don't worry I'm 18 so I'm not a squeaker

    *oh and I'm already in a league I'm just looking for a better option if the one I'm in dosent work out
  20. Cosmic Mask New Player

    *In-game name. Cosmic mask
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Cr 113/112 dps/tank 131 sp
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 28
    *About yourself. Laid back easy going sarcastic
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?

    Teamwork , helpful joking a team