The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. boombrakh New Player

    We're a group of three to four players who started our own League but progress is slow as you can guess when it's just four players.

    *In-game name. Oshiro Kusanagi (104) / Oshiro Eri (63) / Oshiro Koori (70) / Oshiro Miho (74)
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Power. Ice, Celestial, Quantum, Fire
    *Role. Tank, Healer, Controller, DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary (I am a lifetime member, the others are subscribers)
    *About yourself. We're all from Sweden, a tight group of friends playing together. We don't speak anything but Swedish and English. (Well, one of us is a spanish teacher). We're all aged 30-35
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? We're looking for a League so we can experience the game in full. In such a small group by ourselves, we often have to resort to more or less successful PUGs and that dilutes the experience.
  2. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    *In-game name: Muzura
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: CR (114)/SP (163)
    *Power: Mental
    *Role: Dps, Working on Troller
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age: 43
    *About yourself: Not much to tell, really. I like playing DCUO. I am an Avid Comic Collector
    *What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm just lookin for some good people to play raids and events with. Always about having fun with the game.
  3. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    (I have currently accepted an invite from The Nomads. Thank you)

    *In-game name. Telepathic GGirl

    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero


    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR: 111 SP: 122

    *Power. Mental

    *Role. Troll

    *Do you have a mic? Yes.

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Premium (will return to Legendary in May)

    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 31

    *About yourself. I am a casual player, typically playing in the evenings PST and on weekends. I am off of legendary while I am in school, but will likely return to legendary status when school is out. I have DLCs for Fight for the Light, Lightning Strikes, Battle for Earth, and Last Laugh. I am a decent controller, a great Hybrid Battery, and an alright DPS.

    Typically I will run as a Hybrid Battery (DPS stance, but am supporting full time as a power battery to the group). I know people have bad opinions about my Hybrid, but I am amazing at it in Alerts and Duos, and am a great backup battery to a main troll in raids.

    While I am a premium player, I am mostly Feat running. But I am capable of helping others level up for the content I'm capable of running.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for an active friendly league to make grouping up easier for getting feats. Currently I am doing mostly Legends and PVP, so I would like a league that will help me pursue that. Once I'm back to Legendary, I will want to gear up and run highest level content.
  4. ZingaLing New Player

    *In-game name: Azrayal
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: CR (35)/SP (26)
    *Power: Fire
    *Role: Tank
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age: 37
    *About yourself: Not much to tell, really. I like playing DCUO. I work for the state of California during the day and my hobbies are Sci Fi, writing, reading and learning new things. I'm pretty new to DCUO, also.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm just lookin for some good people to play raids and events with. Nothing too serious, but always about having fun with the game.
  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    *In-game name.
    ThePhilosophy/Docta Phil
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).


    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.

    111 Gadget troll 185SP/ 100 electric heals 170SP. DPS' are 106 and 85, respectively.

    Gadgets and electric

    Troll and heal, DPS side is lacking because I pug a lot and wouldn't get groups.
    *Do you have a mic?

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.

    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).

    *About yourself.

    Active player (2+ years) who is trying to get back in the game, mainly did PVP in a PVP league, but due to so many leaving when the game's quality declined, I have to concentrate more on PVE now. When I'm not trying to pug, I'm farming while pugging Arenas and legends.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?

    A decent amount of active players because I'm so tired of pugging I can't take it anymore. People always say "Don't pug" so I'm trying to fix that. Also, I don't care about ranks. I'm here to show up and play my role, it's pretty annoying when people ruin something good because they start arguing in game about who is what rank. I'm here to gear up my character and kill heroes. :D
  6. BillygotTalent New Player

    *In-game name: Lightblink
    *Faction : Hero
    *Server : EUPS
    *Power : Light
    *Role : DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play : Premium (atm)
    *About yourself: A big fan of MMOs and comics, so DCUO was the perfect choice.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for a fun league to help me with my noob questions and have a lot of fun with.
  7. GhostCanary New Player

    *In-game name: Broken Legacy
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Villain
    *Power: Light
    *Role: Troller
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Premium
    *About yourself: I'm looking to really get into DCUO only, to find an Australian league to play with.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? An active league that'll be on most likely during Australian evenings to offset the quiet-ness of US 4ams : p
  8. XxNataliie New Player

  9. GabiOpal New Player

    Ok I now have a Ps3 and my ingame name there is Magdelanah
    my power is Mental and although it may not seem so with the skillset I wish to remain DPS I have on occasion played a healer and a tank but always felt out off my element. Crowd control MIGHT be something I would try but I LIKE damage dealing the best so far and am only a level 8. Anything you might want to know more of send me a post HERE.

  10. Ttritons-Ryft Level 30

    Looking for a prostitu.. I mean rp league for my villains on uspc XD.

    Main villain named Lady Nytemare..

    (XD humor)
  11. MCPr0digy New Player

    *In-game name. xXQuickSh0tXx
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). HERO
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 66
    *Power. QUANTUM
    *Do you have a mic? YES
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. PREMIUM
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 18
    *About yourself. Ive played tons of rpgs in since I was 12 and need something more than solo online gameplay. I want to get as far as possible with a team of players who have the same all for one and one for all mindset that real gamers should have.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Dedicated online players with a real sense of league loyalty
  12. Broxas22 New Player

    *In-game name* Zastrow

    *Faction (Hero/Villain)* Villian

    *Server* USPS

    *Combat Rating/Skill Points* CR 58, Skill Points 43.

    *Power* Light

    *Role* Healer/Damage

    *Do you have a mic?* Yes

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play* Legendary

    *Age* 27

    *About yourself* I have become quite obsessed with the DC Universe the last couple of months. Not only am I loving this game, the comics have really sucked me into the lore. I only have one character for the time being, but I'm really enjoying my role as light. I'm somewhat new to this game, especially when it comes to crafting. I still need to touch up on that.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why?* The biggest thing for me is raiding. Queues, and pugs, are starting to get old for me. I would much rather play with the same players I could get along with on a consistent basis. I'm not a difficult person, and I can take constructive criticism pretty well. For a heads up, I reside in the Mountain Time zone. My best time for raiding is Tuesday & Wednesdays. I can make time for other nights as well, if the help is needed. If I sound like someone that is capable of being a positive, and efficient player for your league, please send me a mail in-game, or send me a PM here. Thanks Guys!
  13. Mildano New Player

    *In-game name: Mildano
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero
    *Server: USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 8/10
    *Power: Light
    *Role: DPS
    *Do you have a mic?: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Presently FTP, considering Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): 27
    *About yourself: New to the game, looking for guidance and a reason to continue playing/purchase membership
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: Same as above
  14. CH13F New Player

    *Faction Hero, IGN : CH13F

    *Server EU-PC

    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR63 / 57SP and improving

    *Power. Rage

    *Role. Tank only, i like tanks

    *Do you have a mic?always, also can offer my own teamspeak server for leagues without one.

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. AllAccess, i dont know what its called.

    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 28

    *About yourself.

    Not much,in past i played thousands of video games.nowadays because my job allows me to work from home[IMG] ,i always have time to play anything i desire and with great endurance, that means, if it will take 10hours to achieve something ingame, do not worry, i wont bail.
    when it comes to personality, my true-self is something you never gonna see. it all depends you, i m you in the mirror, i treat you back like how you treat me.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why?

    Not looking much since im beginner, only basic things like;

    -Active members, who focus on running instanced content like alerts and others.

    -""""Communication,Dedication,Respect""" to eachother. these re what i expect from individuals.

    -Teamspeak and english language, i dont mind if you talk other languages , but my team has to talk english """when running instances"""

    -Adults. Members age has to be 18+, im getting old and old for small 10years old justin biebers shouting to their mic with girly voices. no offense.
    Why? well pretty simple, its equal to definition of "mmo" word, if i wanted to play solo , i d play a singleplayer game, but in mmo, everybody needs everybody.

    lastly if you think we match eachothers' criterias please pm me via forums.
  15. SuperTruck New Player

    Name: Senturion Mystic
    Server: USPC
    CR/SP: 33/28
    Power: Ice
    Role: Tank/Damage
    Do i have a mic: Sadly i do not have a mic; however, i do have a keyboard.
    legendary/premium/free to play: Free to play
    Age: 21
    About myself: Hello all. My in game name is Senturion Mystic. I've started to recently play again after an absence of 3 1/2 months. I started up again this past Saturday night. I just reached Level 30 yesterday. Im a HERO, my mentor is Batman, and my movement is acrobatics.
    what am i looking for in a league and why: I did just reach lvl. 30. I usually like to be by myself when I play, but doing some of the missions i realized that that is not an option unless i have tons of cash, and i cant get into my esgrow :( anyway I just want to be in a group to get some help in some of these missions as well as help others who are in the same boat as me when it comes to needing help. I do see a league as almost the most assured way to get a group because I am only online for a certain period of time and while waiting for a queue to start up with random people kinda takes longer than i would hope for. also looking for good communication in a team. most group missions ive been apart of people rage quit because someone else might be off doing something else instead of helping the team.
  16. Wsuowl18 New Player

    *In-game name: Raging St0rm
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Villian
    *Server: USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 12/8
    *Power: Rage
    *Role: DPS/tank
    *Do you have a mic?: Yes, no headset, just built in mic
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): 19
    *About yourself: played the game for a year or so a couple years back, had a couple characters at lvl 30, started playing again last night and went legendary. I am not lvl 30 yet, but i can get there very quickly.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: normal stuff, people to play with, raid with, etc.
  17. MARCX New Player

    In-game name: MARCX*Faction (Hero/Villain): HEROE
    *Server: EU/PS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 113/175
    *Power: NATURALEZA
    *Role: HEALER/DPS
    *Do you have a mic? SI
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: LEGENDARIO
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): 44
    *About yourself: Soy todo lo activo que puedo, siempre estoy dispuesto a ayudar a todo el mundo, me gusta trabajar en equipo (todos para uno y uno para todos), buen rollo y buena gente
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: lo normal, no demasidas cosas solo gente con quien divertirme y a la vez trabajar el personaje.
  18. Anothername Well-Known Player

    aktuell nicht mehr verfügbar / currently not available

    Hi, ich bin relativ neu im Game & such eine Heimat für meine beiden Mädels. Unten die Angaben des "höchststufigen" Chars.
    Hi, I'm relatively new to the game & looking for a Home for my two girls. Below the info of the "highlevel" char of the two.

    German or English speaking guild does not really matter as long as one of those is the main language used in the chat.

    *In-game name - White Star
    *Faction (Hero/Villain) - Hero; Mentor is Superman
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. - 37 / ~30
    *Power. - Celestrial
    *Role. - DPS (Brawl)/ Heal (at least in the long run)
    *Do you have a mic? - I try to avoid contend/groups that considers this mandatory.
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - Premium. I guess. The one with the running sub.
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). - 35

    *About yourself. - Stubborn cynic. Occasionally. Mostly when making fun of extreme political correctness ;)
    Also casual player. In the week usually at evening for a few hours after work with my mind on zombie mode to unwind.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - I'm looking for a league that has no problems/is used to casual playing weekend heros, maybe is a bit light RPish (not really thrilled to fight alongside heros named "MommaMasterXX69" or similar) & is not dedicated at 110% progaming or bust. (which as that point should be obvious that I would not fit in ;) ). Also I have not problem with small leagues so don't worry to tell me of your league just because the usual evening are just 3 ppl logged in.
  19. gingercat New Player

    hand blaster
    Mic (English)
    eu server's

    I'm still new..I learn quick and am on alot..looking for chilled peeps that don't mind teaching me a few things
  20. SideShow New Player

    *In-game name= SandyHandy
    *Faction= Hero
    *Server= USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points= 62/50
    *Power= Earth
    *Role= Tank/DPS
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play= Legendary
    *Age= 30
    *About yourself= Newer to game, but really liking it. East Coast but usually playing 1-5am EST
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Wanting a consistent group to raid with as well as do some PVP events with.