The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Jaxus New Player

    *In-game name: Jaxus
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 20
    -Power: Gadget (Subject to change)
    -Role: DPS though happy to learn troll
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: F2P
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Played on EU Playstation for years, took a long break from the game and now returning but on USPC.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a league that is social, welcoming of newbies that respect people have lives outside of the game and don't expect them to be on every single day. A league that is happy to work together and help out each other with feats, styles and alerts but is also happy to just have fun. I also don't want to be restricted to cosplaying although I find it a bit of fun from time to time.
  2. Kid Shadowfox New Player

    *In-game name: Tod El
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 434/ ST 430
    -Power: ICE
    -Role: DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I don't talk much
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Been playing on and off since the beginning. I am recently getting back in the game. I have transformation card, strategist card, and grim maxed out. Allies BWL, Superman, Cyborg, and Flash maxed out. I am an older player who wants to take the game to the next level.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for people to play with and get some more feats. Old or new content, it doesn't matter as long as I am playing. I have a fire tank alt and a lightning dps alt.
  3. Doctor Impossible Level 30

    Hey. sorry for the late response. I'm on the forums a lot, but it never occured to me that I don't auto log on, so I've just been observing. I have some real life and DC drama going on right now, grinding the new episode is keeping me busy enough for now but I'll be in touch for sure.
  4. CERBERUS915 New Player

    Faction [Hero/Villain]: Villain
    -Server/Game System: US/XBOX
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 24/29
    -Power: Quantum
    -Role: Troll
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium
    -18+?: Yes
    -What im looking for: An adult league that likes to hang/play/chat together and is helpful of one another.
  5. Ravenlabeau New Player

    In-game name: The wicked
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 410CR 400SP
    -Power: FIRE
    -Role: Tank/DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: YES
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: legendary
    -18+?: yes
    -About yourself: lantern fan boy
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Active league to sun content. Also interested in trying a RP league
  6. Royy New Player

  7. Aquagirl Level 30

  8. Delta Ow New Player

    *In-game name: Delta Owl
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 153
    -Power: Gadget
    -Role: Controller
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I don't talk much
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: Yes

    -About yourself:
    *I first played DCUO on 2012 forgot what month. That was when SOE was still in charge of the game, there were still game cards and you have to buy the DLCs individually.
    *I'm feeling nostalgic now that I moved from S.E.A to Europe.
    *I usually play on Fridays and weekends to earn more CRs
    *My toons are based of the Originals: Batman/Owlman, Superman, Shazam, Etc.
    *My first DC movie was Batman (1989) With Michael Keaton, I have a "Doll" of it too I did lost his "Ears/Horns" though.... That aside there's no introduction who my favorite DC character is. I also find the Red Lanterns interesting.
    *I work as a Nurse IRL somewhere in Europe.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why?
    *I'm just looking for a League that does Roleplay preferably OCs what more to enjoy the game than running around the world doing alerts with people who share your passion.
    *Strict but fun and no Drama during roleplay we already have enough of that IRL.
    *Every gender or pronouns welcoming (although I'm straight but why spread the hate)
  9. iTzSousa New Player

    *In-game name: Joxi
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Villain
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EUPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: just started "returning player"
    -Power: Eletricity
    -Role: Healer
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: F2P
    -18+?: Yes

    -About yourself:
    I am a returning player to the game, been playing on and off for a couple of years now. And now I am back, and happy to be here once again.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why?
    *I'm just looking for a League that is cooperative, chilling and everything they do, they do it while laughing and no stress at all. Hit me up, will be happy to join and grow together
  10. BURN New Player

    *In-game name: Big Burn
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points:448 721
    -Power: Fire
    -Role: Tank/ DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself:p layed since launce, enjoy the game
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Current league is dead. Looking for an active leafue that like to run feats, at least on occasion.
  11. TheMagocWombat New Player

    *In-game name: Charra
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Villain
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: US PC through Steam
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 31, and I have an entire screen of stat points
    -Power: Magic Blaster with SUPERSPEED!!!
    -Role: DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Currently F2P, but I am thinking about going Premium
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: I am a semi-casual adult gamer who likes to unwind and do missions.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Whatever the opposite of drama is :) Seriously, I like jumping in and helping with a mission or two, or perhaps doing a full raid. Comms are a plus to me, because it permits an exchange of assistance and information. I have been in guilds/corps/alliances since the late 1990s. (Ultima Online, followed by EQ, followed by WAY too many to list :) I do prefer larger groups of players for a league, I've been in smaller guilds, and they tend to be not much better than solo play.
  12. VicVolcano New Player

    *In-game name: Vic Volcano
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EU PlayStation
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 437 / 205
    -Power: Fire
    -Role: Tank
    -Do you have a mic?: No
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium when i left
    -18+?: Very
    -About yourself:
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I played for a long time but got bored of the grind an left. I returned recently.
    I play quite regularly but mostly short content because of life. i can make time for raids. Will need
    Looking for an adult/casual player friendly league
  13. CharlesVerde Level 30

    *In-game name: Mr Lockwood
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 462, SP 453
    -Power: HL
    -Role: prefer to troll
    -Do you have a mic?: yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: legendary
    -18+?: yes
    -About yourself: late nighter tired of being alone on DCUO
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? looking for an active late night league that runs old content as well as new, as I am trying to work on skill points too.
  14. Palantiros New Player


    I am not really seeking any leagues after all. Sorry, but no thanks. I rather remain solo.

    People in-game are just proving to be a complete and utter annoyance to me. And there is a total lack of intelligence and maturity in alot of the population in-game,as well.
  15. Wiz Nimrod New Player

    Nevermind, re-rolling character, back later ;).
  16. Ellenea New Player

    I'm looking for a league in Gayland, Newbie, Celestial, Hero♬

    *In-game name. Ellenea
    *Faction Herro
    *PS3/PC PC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.220
    *Role. Healer, but i need to defend myself alone too
    *Do you have a mic? No, but i can hear and text fast
    *Legendary/Prenium/Free to play.F2P for now, i was premium long time ago
    *About yourself. I'm actually a returnee but for like 8 years, so i'm a newbie now
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I already explained it above
  17. DcoyHd Level 30

    In-game name: Dcoy
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: uspc
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR459 SP 638
    -Power: fire
    -Role: tank/dps
    -Do you have a mic?: yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: legendary
    -18+?: yes
    -About yourself: returning player came back this month after a few years break.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? just looking for people to run with to obtain feats and not have to solo queue
  18. Eita New Player

    *In-game name: Laurentium
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Heroes
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 407
    -Power: Mental
    -Role: DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes but in game voice chat doesn't work
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: both (depends on when i can spend money)
    -18+?: I'm 18+
    -About yourself: get to know me first, or get me drunk
    -What are you looking for in a league and why?
    1. no RP (I'm not into rp)
    2. 18+ (i don't want to have to deal with kids)
    3. No iconic heroes only (Not interested in making any superhero from other media)
    4. Discord for VC (read above ig vc isn't working)
  19. GrimGrizzlyy New Player

    *In-game name: GrimGrizzlyy
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 420
    -Power: Sorcery
    -Role: Healer
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: F2P
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Was a beta tester for the game in 2010
    -What are you looking for in a league and why?

    1. no RP (I'm not into rp)
    2. 18+ (i don't want to have to deal with kids)
    3. No iconic heroes only (Not interested in making any superhero from other media)
    4. Discord for VC (read above ig vc isn't working)
    5. Current league is dead.
    6. Looking for an active league that runs old content as well as new, as I am trying to work on skill points too.
  20. Kromar99 New Player

    -In-game name: Killakia
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: US Server on a PC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 54
    -Power: Hard Light
    -Role: Troll
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium?
    -18+?: Yes

    -About yourself: Old school gamer I don’t talk a lot but I do ask questions and want to learn to contribute to those around me

    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I’m looking for “Newbie” friendly league. I played years ago but so much has changed since then (Hurts my heart to see Watch Tower so empty). I am truly having to relearn just about everything.