The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Black_Velvet New Player

    *In-game name: VelveT0Rose
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]:USPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 253 CR, 132 SP
    -Power: Sorc
    -Role: DPS atm
    -Do you have a mic?: yes and discord
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: currently f2p but can go prem
    -18+?: yes
    -About yourself: Have been playing this game on and off since it first came out, i love the game because i love DC. I also love the game because of the mates i have made in it. we have since disbanded a long time ago, we try to get back into it but things get in the way, that and theres only 3-4 of us every playing at one time. Can be pretty quiet when getting to know new people and not super competitive, just keen to run the content and meet new people and have fun in a game i love.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Just easy going people, im from Australia so other australians would be great otherwise this probably won't work. Not looking for a heavy league, but at least one that can reteach me somethings, possibly take me through old content and feats i missed would be great also!

    Welcome to message me on discord Velvetorose#4752
  2. Buster H. New Player

    In-game name: Khobahn and Khoban
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: hero lvl 14, villian 30
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: US PS4
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: ?, Villian cr 35
    -Power: Earth
    -Role: Tank
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: at least twice that
    -About yourself: Getting back in online gaming I miss having a group to hang with while raidin and more importantly having fun . Havent played since 2014. Have experience in tanking in games like WoW and FFXIV to name two. i know how to havefun but to pay attention when needed. I am usually on sunday nights and a few nights a week after 7pm EST depending on work, child, and other RL influance.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Im tired of clearing solo content and would like find an active league that can help me understand the game better, give advice and help, and to up my game. Most importantly looking to have player who share having fun while compantitly clearing content. once I have a better understanding I can then inturn help others as needed.
  3. Tacca Well-Known Player

    In-game name: Tacca

    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero

    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EUPS4

    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 253/238

    -Power: Celestial Healer

    -Role: Healer. I'm good at support roles, not so good at DPS. I'd love to learn how to be a better DPS.

    -Do you have a mic?: Yes

    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary.

    -18+?: Yup

    -About yourself:
    I'm disabled so I am at home most of the day, usually playing pokemon go, but trying to go casual on that game as I have burnout. I will however try to stream my play throughs on youtube once I get that stuff figured out. I won't be active until 13th May.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why?
    I am coming back from a year or two break, teen titans content. Managed to get my cr up to 253 using time capsules. So I'm looking to do lower tier content for feats. Also English league if possible too. I've never really been in a league my entire time playing this game, only joined them never played with them usually because of timezone issues and work. Want to run content with a group I can regularly play with. Also play with one hand so I may not do as much dps as others if required to dps.
  4. Shacks New Player

    I'm looking for a league that is both on hero and villain sides. I'm looking for a group that plays mostly on Tuesday nights, doing daily on duties, helps with getting styles and anything else.
  5. XxHunterZeroxX New Player

    *In-game name: XxHunterZeroxX
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]:USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 151 CR
    -Power: Quantum
    -Role: DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium
    -About yourself: Just got back playing on here, trying to do raids or anything to increase my cr and skills as well as to having fun. I don't play often and that's because it's hard to find a team or group to do raids and it loses my interest and that's why I stop playing as well.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Just a league that helps out it's members, having fun along the way as well, I like to feel part of a group.
  6. LoveInHell- New Player

    *In-game name: Jania but changing the name
    -Faction: Hero
    -Server/Game System: EU/PS4
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: haven't been on since last year so not totally sure CR 228 SP 302
    -Power: Water
    -Role: Healer
    -Do you have a mic?: yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium atm but can get legendary

    -18+?: no
    -About yourself: A very calm person i don't really take things seriously unless its needed for example when doing elite raids and so on

    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Just a comfortable amount of friendly chilled people who likes to have a laugh and that's active enough to do feats and can do harder raids etc. I want to be a part of a team and to help others when needed and I'd like to get back to the game again haven't been on dcuo for a year because of my last league was abandoned for tera
    • Like x 1
  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    *In-game name:Snowy Owl
    -Server/Game System :EUPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points:269 CR,Sp:394
    -Power: Mental
    -Role: DPS/(troller If I absolutely must)
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: yes I was 18 years old a long time ago ;)
    -About yourself: Im a semi casual player that have beein playing this game since the start and now I just want a proper league were peoples are online and friendly and mature and none eliteists.
    • Like x 1
  8. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    369 CR!?! So op :p

    (Good luck on finding a league!)
  9. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    oops 269 XD forgot to check what i wrote so I edited it now :p
    • Like x 2
  10. POWER COSMIC Level 30

    *In-game name: WORLD WIDE

    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: VILLAIN

    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC/ps

    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 265CR/411

    -Power: MUNITIONS

    -Role: DPS/TROLL

    -Do you have a mic?: YES

    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: LEGENDARY


    -About yourself: Long time Legendary player since 2013. Currently, i have multiple toons on both hero and villain sides which are able to access the current end content ...they range from 255 to 269 cr... i'm also flexible on league play times if scheduled runs are involved ...also i dont mind running content if I am loot locked ...if a mate needs it then I'm helping if I'm able to
    -What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm looking for leagues that are laid back that also enjoy going after end content, feats and elite raids...."without" looking for glitches, exploits, hacks, etc...and without the drama
    alt toons i can be reached in-game are: SHOKA OBRE-268 healr/dps 411sp; EXIT WOUNDS 265 tank/dps 407sp(almost ready for any run) and SLICK MONEY 269dps/troll w/411sp.......have a great day ;)
  11. Gobtá New Player

    *In-game name: Gobtá
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EUPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR48 SP51
    -Power: Mental
    -Role: DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: F2P Until mid tier 2
    -18+?: 20
    -About yourself: Played years ago but on ps4 characters sp is low so started again used to be a league owner myself. Looking for friends to talk and play with.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Well my skill points is this low just because I started playing 3 or 4 days ago actually and I haven't bought membership because I need a league to do tier 1 raids with no one pugs it anymore. I want a league that will help with feats and instances and also a league that will help me have fun with them so I can meet and play with people for fun too!
  12. ßlłzzãrd New Player

    I need a league in-Game name is XxAspectxX EUPS 13+ lvel 22 but i'm working on it :) and no mic i'm also a villain
  13. xaviermagnus New Player

    game name: Magnus Shadowheart

    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: VILLAIN

    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC/ps

    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: level 9 Rage Villain. 157CP Hero

    -Power: Rage

    -Role: DPS

    -Do you have a mic?: YES

    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: LEGENDARY


    -About yourself: I am in my 30s work Monday through Friday 8-5. I used to be a dedicated player who was always pushing myself to continue topping the DPS chart and get the hardest feats. I was one of the types that wanted to do everything. Respec powers to get the feats of controller, healer and tank. Did that. Respec movement to get all the race feats and St Patrick's race feats? I did that too. Then I just quit. Work, life, all took my time. But I'm back to play the power that first brought me to the game Rage. As a villain. I'm looking to chase those feats, the numbers but more importantly have fun with good social interaction.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm looking for a league that can help get me reinitiated in this game. Once I get my push I'll be back in my old ways
  14. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    *In-game name: Kenneth Connell
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]:USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 117cr/300+sp
    -Power: Atomic
    -Role: DPS/Tank
    -Do you have a mic?: I do
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?:yep quite
    -About yourself: Easy going, plays to have fun. started out on the hero side before jumping over to the villain side for last 5 years or so. looking for league (marvel themed) to jump back in with.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking definitely for a Marvel Themed league (my character is Star Brand from the comics, might change? ).
  15. De Hei Active Player

    In-game name: De Hei
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Villain
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EUXB
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 159 (now, but increase it nearly every day)/ around only 80 statpoints now..
    -Power: Rage
    -Role: melee DPS (presice)/offtank
    -Do you have a mic?: i have, but didnt used it until now.
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium
    -18+?: I am old :-D ... I Play online MMORPGs since over 18 years so..
    -About yourself: I am a man and a nurse and have allways different working times. I have allready 3 daughters and a wife, so i often just play in the evening. Sometimes i play on daytimes too. I played DCUO allready on EUPC 5 or 6 years ago with great success. On XBOX it looks like a new challenge ;-)
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I would like to find a good league to play with some smart people and maybe raid with them sometimes in the evening (EU 21/22 o´clock++). I found some people for exemple from "warzone", so maybe they are looking for new members.
  16. Rock Solid Level 30

    *In-game name: PvE
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EU PC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 221 /290
    -Power: Celestial
    -Role: Healer/DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: yes and discord
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Prem with access to all content
    -18+?: 25
    -About yourself: Full time grown up job as a media manager so I will play most evenings/weekends but cant during the day. Been a gamer for many years now, helpful and respectful and hate drama in games.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I'am a returning player, before augments/artefacts etc. I have done my own research but looking for a friendly league who runs high end content that could provide advice on current meta and things I should focus on. I want a league who is active/runs raids/duos and feats in both new and older content,that is a must.

    If you are a high pressure league expecting long hours of playtime who knows current content by heart I'm not for you, I'm however a very good healer who will learn quickly and contribute whenever I can!
  17. Takhisis New Player

    *In-game name: Takhisis_DNG, Raging Turkey, Ferumbras_DNG
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Villain
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 150ish tank, 100ish stat points
    -Power: Rage/Sorcery/Light
    -Role: Tank/Heals/Troll/Dps
    -Do you have a mic?: No
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Stay at home dad, like to game/grind (eq1, warframe, poe, diablo)
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for active league to complete raids and feats. Random queues take forever, and arent always successful. Have been using rage to queue for short queue times as tank, would rather heal.
  18. Spartan Omega New Player

    *In-game name: XB1 GT: II Korvus II Main Hero: Spartan Omega
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: Eastern USA XB1
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: Not sure what this is
    -Power: Rage
    -Role: Flexible
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Willing to upgrade
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Old man gamer. Very noob-ish with MMO/RPGs but have a lot more time and passion to learn. Big fan of comics and video games.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm a bit of an old man, so I'm looking for a person or a people who have patience and time to teach me how to play DC Online. I have two characters that I dabble with, but haven't played in about two years and don't understand much of the game. I was dropped on my head a lot so I suppose I'm a special case. However, I enjoy the lore of comics and wish to immerse more into this game and hopefully discover like-minded players who are kind. Thank you.
    • Like x 1
  19. Bonrsorc New Player

    *In-game name: Bonrsorc
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: I am leveling still
    -Power: Sorcery
    -Role: Healer/DPS
    -Do you have a mic?: Yes
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Premium with plans to go legendary if I enjoy the game enough
    -About yourself: Played MMOs for a very long time. Just looking for people to play PvP and PvE with.
    -What are you looking for in a league and why? Helpful and polite people to help me fully learn the game and run group content with
  20. Goyim New Player

    *In-game name: Missshocksalot
    -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero
    -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: EUPC
    -Combat Rating/Stat Points: 258CR 219 SP
    -Power: Electricity
    -Role: DPS and Healer
    -Do you have a mic?: No
    -Legendary/Premium/F2P: Legendary
    -18+?: Yes
    -About yourself: Been a gamer for a long time , I enjoy chilling with games when I can. I am a patient player and I always look to handle mechanics before bursting top numbers. I adapt and change depending on situation, but I rather stick with people that are similiar minded. I dont care much about "who did what first" and such , I play because I want to enjoy the game and want to find out the whys and hows. I enjoy most lore and stories told ingames. I enjoy both PvE and PVP , but lately mostly been doing PvE.

    I am currently in a league right now, but its dead, and want to find a active league that runs content, both new and old.

    -What are you looking for in a league and why? The reason is simple. I need to grind feats, especially low lvl tiers, and to find groups that want to do feat runs to increase their skillpoints. Theres not alot of pugging here and I join when I can, but to find people who want to grind feats are something that would help me contribute to league/groups even more.
    Getting to know similiar minded people that try to enjoy the game is what I am interested in, but I am no longer a hardcore player and wont dedicate myself more then a few hours a day at most to play.