The Offenders (US Villain League) are Recruiting!

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Domana, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Domana Well-Known Player

    Ah, The Offenders... we're one of the oldest villain leagues on the US servers, and we're looking for new players.

    We offer:
    • A league hall with proficiencies running
    • An active Discord channel where we talk, share info, and schedule raids/other events
    • A variety of players - from newer folks to end-game players (mostly end-game players though)
    • A fun atmosphere
    Curious if we have something you're looking for in a league? Reply below or send me a message to ask.

    We don't ask for much, but we do ask that recruits be:
    • 18 or older
    • Willing to use Discord for raid chat (it's available on mobile if you're PS)
    • Able to not take things too seriously (because some members of The Offenders certainly live up the league name)
    Want to join? Fill out an app on our Discord channel! Go here:

    Have questions? Contact Domana in game or on the forums.
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  2. Domana Well-Known Player

    In addition to recruiting individual players, we are open to merging smaller leagues in with us. If your league is looking to merge with another league, please contact me in game or here.
  3. Domana Well-Known Player

    We're actively looking for healers and tanks at the moment, but any role is welcome. You can apply through the Discord link in the original post.
  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Just a little nudge. A bump, if you will.
  5. Domana Well-Known Player

    Come BoP with us!
  6. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    I have a munitions troll as well as an Earth Tank. While I enjoy playing with the people in my current league, I'm starting to feel a little lost in the league I'm in and thinking of leaving especially given the fact that one of our top players plays more with his friends and I'm finding it increasingly harder to help me find league mates willing to help me run older content for feats. I haven't decided to leave yet, but may soon. If I left, would you guys be willing to pick me up? My munitions troll is Gituku Githinji and my earth tank is Kat Hillard
  7. Domana Well-Known Player

    It's always tough to switch leagues. Feel free to come chat with us on our Discord, see if we're what you're looking for before you jump ship :)
    • Like x 1
  8. Slevinus Prime New Player

    I am a new player and just rolled my first villain. Rolling Electricity. I also have a Rage Hero. Do you guys take new players? I am working on learning all the ins and outs. I am a long time MMO'r.
  9. Domana Well-Known Player

    Absolutely. New and old players welcome.
  10. Domana Well-Known Player

    We're still recruiting. Come play with us!
  11. Grimmz New Player

    Im a returning player and looking for a league. I play an Electric Heal/DPS, well I try to ;), looking to re-familiarize myself in all aspects of the game with an active league. Tried the discord link above but it said it was expired
  12. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I am getting back i to this after years away. Dps quantum main an troll of course. Im activly waiting response from daybreak on moving my full T5 acct from my old psn from years ago that no longer exists. Currently holding out hope i get that acct back BUT if you want a fun project, im legendary and quantum on a new baby toon while i wait on response from daybreak. Need a good helpful league to play with an get me back to my formal self. Alot seems to have changed in the years i been away but overall its coming back fast. Plz msg me ingame Qwantum Abyss or on psn TMoney0738
    Wanna get into a good helpful league fast.
  13. Domana Well-Known Player

    Hey, I just tried our Discord link, and it seems to be functional for me. Make sure you use exact capitalization when entering the link if you didn't do a copy and paste. If that still doesn't work, send me a private message here on the forums. We can chat there.
  14. Domana Well-Known Player

    I'll hit you up in game :)
  15. Cyro Committed Player

    Not only must you be able to not take thing seriously but you also have to laugh at my dad jokes
  16. Domana Well-Known Player

    So. Many. Bad. Jokes.
  17. Cyro Committed Player

    So many good jokes you mean
  18. Domana Well-Known Player

    I said what I said.
  19. Zoros Active Player

    -Does a little dance- Domana Banana Duh nuh nuh nuh. Sorry, cannot resist the urge with a username like that.
  20. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Hey buddy, everything OK? Do you smell toast? Is there anyone I can call?

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