The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. ThePAW New Player


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  2. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    hmmmmm I'm gonna pass on making the obvious Crude Joke/Tawdry Come-on and ponder on something more mature....If that's from a Universe like Earth 22 where all of the Known heroes and villains genders are reversed...I gotta wonder what we'd call the male equivalent to Evil-Lyn.
  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Evil-Him?? ;)
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  4. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

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  5. N-IX Well-Known Player

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  6. N-IX Well-Known Player

    Hi thank you "Snow Owl"
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  7. Great Spirit Devoted Player

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  8. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    I love shooting in my sweet, empty home, the Watchtower.
    My made-up modern version of Infectious Lass. Didn't manage to get the Bee Antenna though :(
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  9. Ultimate Alpha Well-Known Player

    I took a brief sabbatical from the game and returned last week. What did I discover? That the one style I have been waiting 10 years for was a one-time only log-in gift for September!!!!! How long until I can buy the Dr. Fate helmet in the Fate vendor??? The answer had better not be 6 months or longer.
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There is no answer/timeframe yet that I know of. All we know is that it will eventually arrive on the Fate vendor.
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  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player


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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber


    Love the new accessory :)
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  13. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my eclipso style



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  14. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    You snoozed, and you LOST! And THAT is on YOU, and no one else!

    Now you have to wait however long the Devs decide to make you wait. All the Devs have said so far is that the wait for items to come to the Dr. Fate Vendor should be noticeably shorter than the wait for Time Capsule items to come to Boo$ter Gold. More than that, they have not said at this time.

    "You pays your money and you takes your chances!"
    --Mr. J. :p
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Next time you take a sabbatical from the game, come into the forums at least once or twice a month so you don't miss out on things like this. ;)
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  17. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Great style, what's that material? Is it the Magnetic Neon Chroma?
  18. Charmbinder New Player

    May I ask you for the styles of everything but the chest and face it looks really amazing.
  19. Jayozranger1 New Player

    [quote="May I ask you for the styles of everything but the chest and face it looks really amazing.[/quote]
    Thats definitely the enhanced visitor shoulders and I think containment tubes back?
  20. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    "You pay your money and take your chances! forget the presents and gets no rewards" would the new phrase be then lol
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