The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    My JLU Hawkgirl (Her outfit can be either Yellow or White depends on the episode. Was mostly Yellow, though.)
    "That's right. I'm an angel, you can mess with me if you want to, but I don't think you want to mess with the boss." - Hawkgirl, JLU
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

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  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Before becoming one of the founding members of the G.I.*Joe Team, Sgt. Lonzo R. Wilkinson, Code Name "Stalker", served in South-East Asia as part of a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol squad that also included Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow, forming a lifelong bond of friendship between the 3 men.




    YO JOE! :)
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  4. Multiverse Creator League

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  5. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    See? Great with materials in general. Even ones like Heavenly that left me wondering “what am I gonna do with this?” Also the more monotone ones like Glowing and Electrum look amazing too.
    note, the reason the chest and head are in here is because I’m showing the awesomeness of the chest. Y’all have seen the outfit. :)
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  6. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Tried coloring my indiana jones character's beard so It looks more like a stubble.

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  7. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I’ve been trying to do that for years. I don’t want my cybernetic and android bodies to have a fool beard. I want stubble. A 5-o’clock shadow. An I’m-too-lazy-to-shave-more-than-once-a-week beard.
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    My classic Donna Troy red suit :) Changing my Yara to Donna in my iconic Amazons league
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  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Lernaea's Siren

    Divine Warrior

    Mermaidia's Monarch

    Athena's Champion

    Themysciran Sorceress

    Flashpoint Mermaid
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    What Head and Face Styles did you use to get that look?
  11. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Looks like Protector +Static's goggles
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  12. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Protector helmet. Overcharged mask.
    if you have dark metal chroma try the combination with that because it looks— well I don’t know how it looks but I bet it looks great.
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Donna Troy - Fury

    Fury is Earth 2 Donna Troy (Tried my best to do it with the styles we have)
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  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    New52 Donna Troy :)

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  15. DarkAya Dedicated Player


    Hey Devs!
    Any chance to get these for winter seasonal? Imagine the skimming mode :D
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  16. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    I've been thinking of Fantastic Four lately so much, I would like to mount a #FantasticFourChallenge to see who can make the best appearance and grab some good ideas. Indeed, they do have a lot of costumes in comics, but the more iconic and popular, I suppose better.
    I'd appreciate you so much to share your ideas and beautiful characters with me. :)
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  17. Burning Jay New Player

  18. Burning Jay New Player

    No, Fury is the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steppenwolf on Earth 2
  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    She is. She was also revealed to be Donna Troy if you read the comics. Earth 2 Donna.
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  20. PTFreeze Well-Known Player


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