The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Okay Thanks Bro You Really Helped Me Alot With This
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Not a problem. Just a little more info, I don't know for sure if the Paradox TC items have moved to the Quark/Second Chance vendor, so it might not hurt to check there for the Anti-Matter Cache. If it's there, that will give you the Enhanced Life Shell hands (Anti-Monitor hands) and the hands-only version of the Anti-Matter aura.
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  3. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Okay Then Thanks For The Update On That Bro
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Got the enhanced version of the Anniversary event Flash chest and legs for this character, but I'll play around with color combos later. For now, this will do. :D

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  5. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    Probably one of the best uses of the Time Torn material I've seen, great job!
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  6. mamadomomo Active Player



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  7. mamadomomo Active Player

    Batman Animated Series Catwoman


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  8. mamadomomo Active Player

    Classic Brainiac

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  9. mamadomomo Active Player

    My take on Highfather


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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Thanks! :) It is one of the materials where a little can go a long way and can work great on trim types of costumes (masks, belts, etc.) . I'd love to see a Chroma version just to be able to apply the Time Torn parts on the trim of gloves or the lines on some outfits.
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  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Now that my flash character is almost up to speed(pun intended :p)
    so I tried to make the 1990 flash pollux style with the new flash styles we have,I know that the symbol is not the same but It kinda growed on me:)




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  12. Multiverse Creator League

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  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Pink Anti-Matter Aura.

    Anti-Matter Neon Chroma.

    Enhanced Life Shell hands.

    A very complete look. :D

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  14. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

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  15. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    I complained about this last year and I'm going to complain about it again. Style only items crafted by one character should be account bound and tradable within the account. This way if we want say a event style for a character who maybe didn't exist during that event and that style is craftable like the enhanced exo-byte for example, it should be tradable within the account. It's a nit pick and I know it but it makes sense to me. As long as its kept account bound it should be fine IMHO.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You might want to write up a separate post about this since this thread is about displaying our styles primarily. ;)
  17. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I really should post more in this thread...
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  18. Champloo92 Well-Known Player

    Quikliight is from a universe where The Flash and the Batman have both perished. Previously in the Central City special operations sector and later becoming a participant in the Star Labs Speed Force initiative, he wields a fluctuating power of the speed force and Wayne Tech nano technology to combat villainy using munitions. Combining the technology of Star Labs and Wayne enterprises along with his skills in a military division, he has created his persona as a mix between Batman and Flash.

    Single Target Tactical Mode


    Range Shell Shock Mode - This mode originated when Quikliight went back in time and was stuck fighting in a war for 2 years.

    Version 1 Shell Shock Mode

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  19. Champloo92 Well-Known Player

    Quikliight Shell Shock Version 1 In Action




    Dropping Heavy Artillery


    Catching enemy off guard

    Some heroes have to kill..

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  20. Champloo92 Well-Known Player

    Orelia of the Black Magic
    The use of her powerful magic comes with a price...her body and soul. Orelia is cursed and is possessed by a dark unknown entity waiting to take control of her body should she prove too weak to harness the power granted to her. Unknown to her, this dark entity is just a split of her personality that has taken a demonic sentience. Her body was altered and her original magic abilities are amplified by this entity and their alliance.

    Cursed Shadow Mode

    Hanging with Etrigan

    Summoning her Shadow henchmen


    She often teams with the Amazons to combat Circe..although she wouldn't mind harnessing Circe's powers for herself..


    Soulmazon Mode - Her Black Magic is enhanced by the power of souls that she uses to heal her teammates. It is unknown whether or not the souls are willing participants


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