The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    new spikes version 1.0
    trials versions.

    If anyone has an opinion on where is the best place to start (as far as the spikes go) then feel free to express your opinion so this weekend I can start work on a better outfit.

  2. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I have ideas on where to start with outfits. But today I didn’t have time. So best look for the spikes and later I will try with the outfits.
  3. Snowy OwI Devoted Player




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  4. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Nice look, who is this btw?
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Don't you's Doomsday Jr. :p;):D
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  6. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

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  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player


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  8. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Glowing, neon or both? Because today after work I planned on experimenting with the spikes, so what material you used would be great (on spikes and outfit).
  9. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

  10. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

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  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Retro Hawkman, and I also updated the new 52 hawkman with the new chest :)


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  12. Scytherhands New Player

    One of my alts
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  13. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Anyone who knows me, truly knows me, is well aware that I’m speciesist. I may be a hero, but I still hate Kryptonians. With a passion I hate them. All Kryptonians. That’s why I had these Kryptonite surgically implanted into my body, to replace my bones, and had shards implanted into my skin that is also why I carry a Kryptonite sword. Also anyone wondering about how my clothing works with those shards coming from my skin, my ring takes care of creating holographic projections of clothes.
  14. Azreaus Committed Player

    With the new episode taking us to Thanagar I decided to male some Thanagarian inspired styles for the 2 chars I use on a semi-regular basis -

    My Main:-

    My Alt:-

    And was also playing with a Rage Alt's looks (that is still waiting for me to spend time on improving his CR) and came up with this style that I quite like:-
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Surprised at how well the Furious Chroma worked with my Rage character's holiday outfit.


    Only piece it wouldn't work with the North Pole outfit was the boots, though.
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  16. Scytherhands New Player

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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, on some capes, the Void Material can be used to make it black on the outside, and red on the inside, similar to what I (and others before me) did with Rebirth Batman's black & purple cape:


    So, at the very least, the Owlman Cape paired with the Void Material could be an option. But if we're lucky, there might be a set of wings that will also give the 2-tone appearance if the Void Material is used.

    It'll be a couple weeks before I can try it out, as my laptop's had to be sent off for repairs this week (it stopped recognizing that the power cord was plugged in, so it can't be recharged.) But you guys feel free to experiment and see if it works.

    In the meantime, that chest & emblem are both problematic. Other than using a Slimline Chest like he did, and coloring the "collar" part black, and the rest the same color as his skin, I don't know what else to suggest. But there isn't an emblem similar enough to Condor's Emblem that I know of. :oops:
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  18. Scytherhands New Player

    still missing the cybernetic shoulders
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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    So I like using the Opera legs (pretty sure that's the name lol) when I want to do long flowing robes on an angelic look, but that metallic sheen to them can throw off a look, especially if the top looks more like cloth.

    Then I remembered Caregiver's Chroma 1. :D


    Not an exact match but more than close enough for my needs.
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  20. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    My Hawkgirl is finally at home. LOVE LOVE LOVE Thanagar!

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