The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    thats wierd chause it looks so thin,but that might help to tweak the edges :)
  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    I tried doing a hellbat style. Admittedly im not happy w/it. There isnt much to work with. And the void mat blacked out all detail of the pieces i was using :( Didnt even wanna post this. After looking at the pic im like yep thats garbage lol.
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  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    maybe try the stealth mat, it costs only somewhere around 300$, what a snap ^^
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yeah, understand that all NPC's 'emblems' are actually built in or a special custom-job (like the Lanterns and Soupcan), but the player emblem is still tiny compared to the location (could double it in size and it would still fit, but don't know the logistics of how that would actually work, just an indicator of how much empty space there is)
  5. Megzilla Dedicated Player

    I already looked into it, it could only enlarge it slightly. Its texture size is the same as every other emblem's.
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  6. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Do you think we could see two-sided capes in game?

    For example Robin's cape? Sorry for going off topic.
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  7. Megzilla Dedicated Player

    I have been told it's a nightmare to make (because they have to rebuild a cape with cloth sim) but I'd like to see if we can do it since I know it's highly requested.
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  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Thank you!
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  9. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    These are awesome.
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  10. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    Maybe, but so many things in this game clip that it couldn't have gone unnoticed before. With hair styles you have to worry about it interacting with head pieces and things like that, at least this way you are eliminating one element from the equation. It could save a lot of time design wise.
  11. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    Thrillkiller Batman

    Thrillkiller Batgirl
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  12. recoil Committed Player

    well i have a few ideas if you don't mind hearing them. a hard light sinestro style like arkillo wears with yellow energy foci as the hands, 2 or three samurai suits one for trollers maybe looking like the lunar style, one for nature with antlers on the kabuto helmet and spines on the pants, and maybe one for tanks like the sunstone bulwark style, a james kim inspired red lantern hard light style would also be nice.
  13. recoil Committed Player

    i'd post my style again but it's not finished. i still need a bloody knife and some large deer antlers.
  14. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    I think the reason Emblem Sizes keep coming up, apart from the obvious, is solely based on the Stalwart Defender chest. Originally that had the same sized Emblems as any other chest, and then one day they randomly gifted us a larger Emblem on it. That chest is basically the "exception to the rule" currently because apart from that and the Original (Paramilitary Chest) all other Chests seem to be stuck with the smaller option.

    Is there any chance of asking what was done to those 2 chests (Stalwart especially) to see if it could be implemented on future styles? I dont think the answers lies in "Larger Emblems" but instead in "Larger areas that Emblems can fit".

    Thanks in advance.
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  15. Megzilla Dedicated Player

    I'll pass that along, thanks!
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  16. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I moved my batman man-bat infused serum suit style and tried with stealth material since void material is not easy to get a hold on now and the blue plasmic since i don't have the blue solar aura.The blue aura is supposed to be electric.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thanks but i know mine looks crappy lol. I wasnt trying very hard w/it either. Mainly i was trying to see if it was even possible to recreate it and how it looked with the void.
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  18. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I respectfully disagree lol. I genuinely liked it, I thought the contrast between the bright red and the jet black was striking to the eye, smart, and gave a clear image of what you were trying to do. Not your best work IMO but by no means crappy.
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  19. vespa neo Active Player

    Devs, please help with Harley Quinn style by making the baseball bat two-handed style to be more available. It seems to be only available when you first create a character with two-handed and completing one of the solo missions below level 30. But after that, it's no where to be found.

    Also requesting long slender hair style.
  20. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    Are you asking because you want one and can't get it, or did you not know can change weapon skins?