The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  2. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  3. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    Curious to know what the outfit pieces are here?
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've recently been doing a deep dive into the back catalog of Swedish Shock Rock band Ghost, so here's my attempt at recreating their current lead singer Papa Emeritus IV!


    That Two-Faced Clown Chest Style is nice, but it causes WAAAAY too much clipping with both the Legs and the Shoulders, making this one harder to put together than it needed to be! :oops:
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  5. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Apokoliptian Amazon head
    Starro scarred face
    Hawk’s Edge shoulders
    Nabu’s Chosen cape
    Avatar of Ophidian chest and legs
    Corrupted Talons hands
    Checkmate Operative belt
    Bionic feet

    The top ones are
    the Orion helmet (don’t remember the name)
    Overcharged face
    Bionic shoulders
    Future Warden gloves
    Don’t remember the belt but it was one of the capsule styles, punchline’s belt I think
    Visitor feet

    If I forgot any feel free to mention. If you want to use part or all of it feel free.

    I will say, in my opinion it’s the chest that’s the starting point when using a chroma. One time I used Retribution shoulders and parademon hands. Another time I used bionic legs and astral alloy feet (albeit for a short time lol).
  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've got almost all the styles sorted out for my own Vengeful One, but I need to figure out how to get that Face Mask... IF it will even display with the Dark God Head Style. I've tried using Emissive Eyes or another glowing eyes style to make the eyes a different color from the mouth, but none of those attempts work. I fear the face style just won't display at all. :oops:
  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Been planning this one for several years. It's hard to find good screen captures of the character from the official music video that don't also have lots of gore. So I'm going to forgo posting those, but here is Disturbed's "The Guy" as the Vengeful One...



    I'm the Hand of God...


    ...I'm the Dark Messiah...


    ...I'm the Vengeful One!


    The Classic Duster Chest would have been a bit truer to the music video, but didn't look good when combined with the Dark Metal Chroma I used, so I switched to the Bat Metal Chest instead, because it looks MORE METAL! ;):cool:

    If you want to make this character and don't have the Tattered Cloak of Corruption to give him his "Shadow Cloak" seen in the video when he's riding his chopper, you can use the Laughing Knight Back Style to give him the chains that are shown to be under the "Shadow Cloak". ;)
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I did the thing, I got the emotes pack. So having fun with :D
    Mentalica (My Mental Character) really needed this one...
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  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    they're entirely too addictive, aren't they? I've been peacing out & taking selfies all over the multiverse!

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  10. kallader Committed Player

    Music Meister and Space Cabbie Batman The Brave and the Bold[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]
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  11. Multiverse Creator League

  12. Multiverse Creator League

  13. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  14. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  15. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    My DCUO Creation Lord Beerus Updated

    My Original Version (2016)
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  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    New style for Save the Universe (and my ST Nature DPS)
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  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  18. kallader Committed Player

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  19. Multiverse Creator League

  20. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Here we are, all these years later, and I thought that surely, by now, it must be possible to make a better Samus. Heck, the Fire Soul Chest Styles seem tailor made for her armor, but NOPE, the armor plates on the arms screw that up!

    So, we might be able to do the legs and possibly the shoulder armor better now, but that's about it. I'm quite disappointed that I couldn't make my own Samus design... unless... I mean... no one wants to see her suits from Metroid Fusion or Metroid Dread... if they're even possible... do they? :confused: