The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    What's the Skin or Material you applied? I don't recognize it. :confused:
  3. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Just Glowing Skin (280A24)
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  4. kallader Committed Player

    Trying power up emote on some Dragon Ball styles
  5. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Spider-Man w/Smash Crouch Emote
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  6. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Spider--Punk w/Death Metal Emote
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  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Even on the Cyber Hair? Or did you do a Neon Chroma? :confused:
  8. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Neon Chroma (280D23)
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  9. AJackOfAllTrades New Player



    Snagged this name during the reclaim and decided to commit to a new quantum toon. No ones more qualified than Disturbed's vengeful one to take on megacorporations like Lexcorp.
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  10. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I imagined someone will use this emote for Spiderman, well done :)
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  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

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  12. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I was able to grab the name "Ratchet Clank" and im so happy to have this toon. one of my favorite games growing up was Ratchet and Clank.


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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    New AoE style for my main :)
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  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    New ST style because I went nature...not very nature but I am just happy Ivy made my favorite power good again :)
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  15. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Since I got the OG The phantom name I made a few of his suits.

    First one is The first Phantom: Christoper Kitridge Walker


    Second Is The second Phantom

    Third one is The Thrid Phantom


    Fourth one is The Us Phantom


    Fifth one is Italy the phantom


    sixth is They Yugoslavian The PHantom


    Seventh one is The New Zeland phantom


    Eight is Lee Falk's original grey suit the phantom


    The ninth is The pantom 2009 from the tv mini series


    And the last the tenth is The 21sth the phantom scandinavian version

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  16. Multiverse Creator League

  17. Multiverse Creator League

  18. kallader Committed Player

    Would be nice to have a new thread to help peoples to identify styles or to ask help to complete one etc.Peoples could post a pic and ask what they would need to recreate it. It would help a lot of peoples that get ignore when they ask other the styles they use and old and new player would be able to ask question without spamming this tread.My English is way too bad to do it myself ;X
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  19. kallader Committed Player

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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber