The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  2. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    My DCUO Creations
    Spiderman 2099 Updated

    Spider-Man Unlimited


    Cosmic Spider-Man
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  3. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Star saphire
    and below is my favorite style and character, ZOOM hunter zolomon "Season 2" flash best zoom costume

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  4. Toshknight Loyal Player

  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    my Ezra inspired flash from like 2 years ago, i think, and the batfleck knightmare below,

  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    These comic materials, really make this suit pop, it is pretty easy to make a standard spidy, but you did great with your alternate spidy mans, specially this and the Punk
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  7. Toshknight Loyal Player

    Blue dr manhatten powered wally west flash
    ., left batman is the earth where catwoman and batwoman married and became crime bosses, they really need to add this suit, we ended up getting the gauntlets from that DLC Briefings but, this has always been my DCUO created suit that was my favorite from the games lore
  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    How did you get the Ring Construct Violet Claws? Did they sneak in playable Star Sapphires without me noticing? :confused:
  9. kallader Committed Player

    • Like x 4
  10. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Gladiator Kallark
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  11. kallader Committed Player

    Iconic Simulation did him also 4 week ago pretty much the exact same one but different belt and skin
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  12. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

  13. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Looks good, Im just updating the version I made back in 2014
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  14. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

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  15. kallader Committed Player

    :D i know it what i mean look he also did one so you can see is version with the new skin :D sorry i have trouble with my English I'm french and sometime how i do my sentence they can be confusing because my bad translation.when i say both are the same i mean ofc they are the same guy but is got different styles pieces and i think he look also damn good so wanna show it.
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  16. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    I totally get it, I've been at this for a very long time & when it comes to Iconic Characters there's always some overlap. Plus the chest is perfect for that character.
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  17. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    Majin Buu
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Now you have to make Spider-Pig. ;)
  20. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Is that the Cyber Hair? :confused: