The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I’ve got a few ideas that might be acceptable until we find out what Charon is talking about.
    Unfortunately it will be like 9 hours until I’m available to try it and post pictures.
    First thought:
    Head- alien or whatever the Legion of Doom Martian head is called
    Chest- bare or something that could pass as a bare chest, like Ultimate (I think that’s the Doomsday one)
    Hands- werewolf or shark gloves
    Waist- whatever you want or bare
    Legs- something with a tunic. Like Vesture of Proselyte, Orrery Guardian or the Legion of Doom Martian Manhunter legs. Or short shorts, like Ultimate or Progeny of Darkseid.
    Feet- Aegis of Azarath. I believe that’s what it’s called but double check with Jack T. Chance if those aren’t the ones that look like alien/demon feet.

    Shoulders I have no opinion.
    Back- White Martians are shapeshifters so Dark God wings? They look like extra arms with wings. But I don’t have much faith in that idea.

    Aura, materials, emblems, skin and accessories I have no opinion.

    these are the alien head, aegis of azarath feet and Dark God wings.
  2. Jcal Dedicated Player

    We didn't deserve you, Charon... we didn't deserve you!!

    *torrential tears burst forth*
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  3. TomShepard Active Player

    Man thank you for replying to me in your last hours,i appreciate that.Tho you probably will not see this.
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  4. TomShepard Active Player

    Thank you for the ideas,but as i said i want a hero loooking martian in humanoid form(because its a hero).Something similar like Johnn' jonns and miss martian,they both took on a humanoid hero form to not scare humans.
    As far as their normal big monster form,i have a few ideas and its a lot easier to make that.But a humanoid hero is where i lost.Its like in this pic,minus the wings and the legs.
    As the head alien or a bold human with green/white skin.
  5. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

  6. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I think I understand now and I assume you don’t want just duplicate J’onn or M’gann styles. When I get off work I’ll scroll through my heads and see if there’s something I have that’s more in between that alien head and the regular human. The Apokoliptian Amazon and Battle Harness chests both have an x thing while still showing the torso? For something more flashy than the x-thing that moves away from both J’onn and M’gann then the Thrall of Ekron chest? A popped collar and pattern? Blood Bat legs have a solid color with a single stripe down the side? When it comes to heroes you can’t go wrong with a cape. The waist just something to hide the transition from chest to legs. Like Checkmate Operative or Shepherd of Adara? Cuffed boots of any kind or mid-nite boots?
    But I am also lost on the head though. Sorry again and I will scroll my head styles later.
  7. TomShepard Active Player gonna check out those styles together soon.The head is not really a big problem as im fine atm just with human head or alien.Im more lost with the outfit (torso and legs).
    I dont like the new maalecaandra outfit(the head would be great without the horn),and i dont want a x chested hero i want my unique style.
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  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Updated my The Beyonder style
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    My take on White Rabbit
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  10. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    That sounds good and I agree with you. When it comes to slimlines my go-to is always the Missionary of hope chest, shepherd of adara legs and any belt and boots that match. Thrall of Ekron chest and Blood Bat legs and any waist or feet.
    Recently I’ve become fond of the Sixth Dimensional Kryptonian chest but I feel that chest says more “Spartan” than “Martian”.

    Going away now.
  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Tried the test server summer event and updated my creature of the black lagoon style with seahorse ears


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  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Before I saw what you wrote or who posted this I thought "wow...looks just like the Beyonder", which is exactly who it is. :D A lot of people didn't like Secret Wars II (and I could see why), but Jheri Curl Beyonder was scary and awesome.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Love this!!! :)
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I did post some Beyonder a while back, but before I got the Comic mat. Here is one of my other Beyonder styles :D
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  16. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my nightmare beetle style



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  17. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    My Prodigy Updated
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  18. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my Dumbledore style


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  19. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    The Hornet Suit
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  20. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Oh god yes... Hands, feet, and tail too maybe?