The New CC Event Raid : How Hard is it? really?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tsigalko, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    so i've done it 3 times with different toons, all just pug random ques. and i can honestly said all of them went pretty well (for a random que). one of them without a troll and one of them with a lvl 22. they all finish in 14-17 minutes.
    but i still saw ppl shout in LFG looking for a solid group, or ppl promoting themselves like "190 cr 280 sp here for event". do we really need a solid group? or am i just lucky with my random groups? or maybe a good group can finish it in way less time? like under 5 minutes?

    i just feel ppl should just que for it. since our stats are boosted, so cr shouldn't really matter. same with support roles. i assume our stats also get boosted as a support role so we can just do it even if we dont have support gear. and we actually can get back to the fight even if we died and don't get revived (dunno if this is intended or a bug), so the chance of a wipe maybe is close to zero.

    IMO this is just like another seasonal events but the boss have higher HP. but other than that its pretty much the same. surviving is not that hard and there are no complicated mechanic. so, unless ur aiming for a feat or something, random que is just fine.

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  2. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    Random que? Hell no! :D
  3. Tremor_zGnRz New Player

    Lets see I went into a random que took 20 mins did a set up group took half the time and way less deaths lol
  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    There is a feat for completing it under 5 minutes, and we've been trying but failing so far. Closest we've gotten on the scoreboard is just over 6 minutes though.
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  5. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    My 180cr Troll did just fine I might take my CR 80 healer in In some of the random daily missions I was boosted and actually kept higher CR toons Alive but idk if I would risk it with randoms might go with league.
  6. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    It is not hard at all but the 4 times I pugged it today, I realized just how sad the skill level of the majority of players has become. 2 dps in one group were doing nothing but ranged taps no combos, not pet classes, just ranged taps. DPSing has never been easier and some people cant even figure out how to use powers..... :(
  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I don't think it's too hard but it's not a cakewalk like Larfleez, either. It's satisfying

    But it also shows how terrible some players are. I was in a run tonight where the Tank must have hit a 500+ combo using Staff. Didn't activate his powers often, so I ended up tanking Anti-Monitor as a Gadgets DPS.

    Still, aside from taking a few minutes longer than normal, we beat it. So I can't complain. I'm so glad the teleporter stays open, though. I think the event would be unplayable in a PUG group if it locked players outside the fight after death.

    Anti-Monitor keeps doing this attack where he lifts you into the air, and a second or 2 later does a big hit of damage. I've heard from PC players that there's a visual effect for this, but for me, it doesn't render on my PS4. Anyone else confirm this?
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    I had 1 run where we had to kick the healer and there was over 50 deaths on the scorecard because of that person. So NO, i wont be blind queuing for it anymore. Just because u had a good experience doesnt mean everyone else has the same. I agree its not a hard instance at all. But for some reason this community has an issue when it comes to awareness and mechanics. Even when a message onscreen tells people what to do and a voice over message tells ya again people still dont pay attention and fail. Its extremely sad imo to see a large % of the playerbase be so bad at such an easy game. The event is so easy it can be done 7 dps 1 heal or even 8 dps. If people know how to play. One thing about it i cannot stand is all the CCing going on. Its wayyyyy too much. And imo they couldnt think of another mechanic so just CC the crap out of people. Thats really poor imo.
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    We tried a few times too. I find it silly a feat like this was added into an event like this that level 5 players can enter. Especially since we havent see a speed feat dps check since the dox days. But sure add 1 into this. We came up with a better strat after giving up and talking about it for awhile. If ya wanna compare nstuff send me a pm on here and ill let ya know what we are gonna try 2mor.
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  10. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    It's hard. Remember, this is set up like a seasonal event, so there's end game players and beginners. The AM himself is just a big sack of hit points, and if you don't take him down fast enough he becomes bigger and stronger. This should just be a new end-game raid, because it feels as tiresome and grindy as Happiness Home is/was and not at all fun in the sense of a seasonal (well, except Swamp Thing, lol). It feels very catered to end-game players and is clearly a frustration for the many players whose dead bodies littered the field every few seconds. If players want a challenge, make an elite raid for them. Don't put the rest of us through a meat grinder and call it a fun celebration.
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  11. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Eh its hard but not hard at the same time. Currently the speed feat is impossible, and until proven otherwise i.e a vid or sumthn I will stand by that accusation. Each time I've done it I've random qued n got through it in about 15 minutes. I did this on all my alts. That being said, there was a couple times where the dps simply SUCKED, like I mean I would be at 25milln the other dps barely touched 6. That being said it is still possible and I'd rather just que then spend 5 minutes formin a group just to shave off 5 minutes in the actual instance, I mean its the same time lol. Some ppl form groups so they dont have a rough time tho so its up to you. Either spend 5 min formin n then 10 min in instance or just que and have it take 15 min, its the same time regardless. The times where I went in with a formed group however, it was MUCH smoother, but unless you're going for feats it doesn't matter.
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  12. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    I'm interested to see if you or anyone end up getting this and what your method was. My lm's and I tried a few times for this as well as the shadow feat (don't allow any to come into contact w/ AM), but no dice. Seems harder than most raid feats these last couple of episodes.
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  13. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    i mean i can understand if you want to go for the feat or something, but other than that? not really. yes i do realize some ppl are just that bad, when lots of end content players are already that bad, adding clueless < lvl 30 players will make it worse. but still, i'd rather just que rather than joining a premade group that takes lots of time to form because they need ridiculous requirement for this silly instance. yesterday i start that instance when someone is shouting in lfg, and i finish when that same guy was still shouting in lfg and at 6/8. and there is this one person who keep promoting himself and hasn't got in even after i finish it 3 times with my other toons. kinda the main reason why i made this thread.

    again this is all from what i'm experiencing so far. i get if ppl still want to premade it. im just saying if ur doing it with your friend/leagues and already have like 5 ppl, just que.. random ppl answering for ur lfg could be just as bad as the ones you will find inside random ques.

    and i stand by my opinion that this is not harder than any of the other seasonal instances. it just takes longer to finish
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  14. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    It is not hard at all.

    The feats require coordination, but the event itself is not hard to complete.

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  15. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    It's tedious. Not hard, just tedious. Especially once AM starts throwing people around.
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